Monday, December 9, 2013

Moving Day


Jeff and I have cohabited a spare bedroom which we turned into an office years ago.  The fact that we have worked in this room for a number of years without killing each other is a true testament to our patience!  Jeff and I don't keep our work spaces even remotely similar. I'm anal about my space and Jeff is not.  To keep from killing each other, we put a six foot table between the two work areas.  Jeff keeps his paperwork on his side of the room or if it's something to be filed puts on the table for me to process (i.e.,file).  

Downstairs we have a spare computer that I use exclusively, so I have decided to make that room my new "office". In my new office I can be as rigid as I want to be about the placement of paper,  pens, paper clips, etc.  Pretty much everything has to be organized, thanks to that nasty little condition - OCD!  By moving myself to a completely separate room, it allows both Jeff and I to be happy.

He can keep his side of the room "organized" his way and since I'm not going to spend much time up there won't feel the need to fuss about his working style!  He can listen to country music, which I can only take in small doses, and have peace and quiet when he joins conference calls.

As for me, I can sit in front of my SAD light in the morning while I blog.  I have a low window where I can watch the squirrels run up and down the oak tree and eat the bits of food (bread crusts) we throw out for them.  I have everything I need at my fingertips and as an added bonus, I'm close to the coffee machine.  In my office I listen to Pandora (oldies mostly) and crank up the volume depending on whether I think the song is great or turn it down if it's just so-so!

Much of yesterday was spent bringing down things from my upstairs desk to situate in my new work area.  Once I had things pretty much organized, I then brought down nearly a year's worth of medical bills to get them organized.  It took hours but I'm almost at the finish line.  I have made good progress in my pursuit of organizing paper!

Once I'm finished with my house chores, or at least the ones I intend to do, I can get back to paper shuffling.  This is a huge task and I'm hoping to finish organizing everything today.

I hope the sun is shining where you are.  Here it's a very gray day and we had a bit of icing and/or sleet last night.  Luckily, Jeff and I don't have to leave for an appointment until a bit later this morning.


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