Tuesday, December 3, 2013



You may be asking who is Wilma?  Wilma is a figment of my imagination and I planned for her to be the main character of a "book" (or at least a large number of typed pages) about her and the discovery of Lincoln's diary, which nobody knew existed.  I will tell you this - it's easier to think up a story than to actually come up with the words and plot.  I envision Wilma as an elderly widow who has somewhat of a sharp tongue and is always ready with an opinion - hers!

In theory, or at least in my mind, after Wilma's husband has passed away, she reads a letter from him explaining that inside the safety deposit box, that she knew nothing about, there is a key, a map and Lincoln's diary.  It's a long story about how his family came to possess such valuable items and probably not worth telling, according to him.  Supposedly the map is to a tunnel beneath the White House where, during Lincoln's presidency, slaves were safely helped to reach the North.  After the Civil War the tunnel was bricked over and the key opens the tunnel door,or it would, if the tunnel is unearthed.

So somehow or other, Wilma must get to Washington so that at the very least she can show the diary to somebody in charge at the Library of Congress.  Of course no mystery would be complete without some kind of danger.  But when I think of Wilma and danger I'm leaning toward some kind of thug who doesn' intend to harm her.  Anyway, I'm still working on all that and obviously have a lot of work to do.

I have promised Jeff that if I had a winning lottery ticket (course you have to buy one first), or if I ever earned even a few shekels, the first thing I would do is buy a plane - a bigger, newer and faster one.  I'm hanging on to this dream because having a goal is a good thing to have.

Time to get busy doing something else beside writing!



  1. glad to hear that Wilma is still alive and well, interesting twist with the Lincoln addition!
    maybe the thug is an old guy and they have a romance or he is a long lost nephew...

  2. Thanks for the suggestions. What I do know about Wilma is that she is a retired librarian, gray hair, baggy hose and with a dry sense of humor. Actually come to think of it - she sounds a bit like me!


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