Saturday, April 30, 2016

Scott's Birthday


Today is Scott's birthday.  He is our middle child and is now 38.  Where the time has gone, I have no clue.

As I was the middle child growing up, and sometimes felt that I didn't matter.  My brother was older and my parent's only son and my sister, who is eight years younger than me, was the baby of the family.  There is something about middle children, and there's even a name for it: Middle Child Syndrome!  Who knew?

Let me tell you about our middle child.  Scott was a good baby and caused us little or no trouble growing up.  He was/is an old soul.  Scott has learning disabilities, but through years of hard work, has managed his disability to read, and has become a successful man.

Scott reminds me of my father, in a very good way.  My father was a slow to anger man and Scott is the same.  My father was always neat, clean and trimmed and so is Scott.  While he may profess disinterest in small children and even smaller dogs, Scott is/was very good with Benjamin.  And as for small dogs, though he prefers his Mastiffs, Scott always has time to wrestle a bit with Sam.

Jeff learned everything he knows about plumbing, electricity, and any other useful skill from his grandfather.  Scott watched and learned from Jeff, and is able to handle most anything around his house.  

Scott loves trains and the love affair started when he was just a child.  When he puts up his Christmas tree, he also gets out his train to run around the tree.  He also loves Christmas lights and goes to great lengths to make sure his house is well adorned.  As a young boy, he hung "garlic" (garland) in his bedroom.  

When we moved to Maryland, Scott was 8 years old.  At Christmas time when he saw houses on our streets without lights, he would go to their houses and offer to put lights up for them.  And, unlike some people, Scott doesn't just hang up lights willy-nilly, nope they are aligned in a straight line!

Jeff and I are very proud of Scott and Andrew and the men that they have become.  They are both good men, successful in their careers and provide well for their families.  Who could ask for more?

Years ago, my father and mother-in-law created a jeweled and lighted Christmas tree on a velvet background.  We gave that picture to Scott, who has it hanging above his fireplace all year.  While the picture below doesn't begin to do justice to the picture that my in-laws put together, it will give you an idea.  

Happy birthday Scott.  

Love Mom and Dad

Friday, April 29, 2016



From a very early age, I have loved to read.  Jeff would tell you that I don't as much read, but skip through books by not reading a line or two now and again.  

Some of you may remember the Little Golden Books.  My Dad would read to me each night from those books.  I give thanks to him for instilling in me a love for books.  I ready the Bobbsey Twin books, and the Nancy Drew mystery stories.

As a teenager, with chores expected to be done timely, I was often in trouble for promising to peel the potatoes just as soon as I got to the end of a page.  Mom knew that there was no end of a page in sight, because I just kept reading, until she raised her voice a little to "jog" my memory!  

I read books from Danielle Steel and Jacqueline Sussan.  I know I read books from other authors, but no names come to mind at the moment.  I read Danielle Steel's books for a very long time, until I became bored with the reoccurring theme: rich man, beautiful woman, romance - the end!

Doing some research, the first mass-market, pocket-sized, paperback book printed in the US was an edition of Pearl Buck's The Good Earth, produced by Pocket Books as a proof-of-concept in late 1938.  At first, paperbacks consisted entirely of reprints, but in 1950, Fawcett Publications' Gold Medal Books began publishing original works in paperback.

Dad was retired from the Air Force, but we made frequent trips to the local Air Force Base to buy groceries and to browse the PX book selection.  I have no idea how many paperback books I bought during my teen years, but I'm pretty sure it was a large number.

As a mother who also worked full-time, there were a number of years where I didn't have much time to read.  But then the boys began to grow up, and I had more free time.  I began anew a love affair with the local library.  And make no mistake, I can bore through a good book in no time at all. (See skipping through a book above!).

When I started working for some attorneys when we moved to Maryland, they introduced me to murder-type books.  For a long time, those books became my genre of choice.  I don't remember why I stopped reading those types of books, but I began to steer away from blood and gore.

I wanted to read a "gentle" mystery.  A genre that I am reading still.  A gentle mystery is one where the body is found, but there is no blood or gore.  Some local busybody, who sees herself as a detective, manages to find the criminal.

My spare room, at one time, bulged with books that I had bought.  Sadly, due to poor eyesight and a cataract, reading a paperback with small print is very difficult for me.  

I now read almost entirely on my Kindle.  The new Kindles coming out have very small screens and are lightweight.  Last year, I bought a second Kindle DX, which hasn't been manufactured since 2014. The DX has a 9.7 inch screen and you can make the type super duper large.  The newer DX had a few features that my older DX didn't have.  So swimming against the tide of smaller, lighter Kindles, I am sticking to the "bigger is better" notion!

Amazon offers unlimited books that you can read for free and you can have ten of these free books out at a time.  I always have ten books, as well as others that I just have to have so I pay for them.  I keep a three ring notebook by my desk that has pages and pages of books I want to read.  I rip out the sections of magazines that review books, and add those pages to my notebook.  I know you're thinking that I put a lot of effort into my "what to read next" list, yes I do but the work (if you can really call it that) always pays off.


Image result for pictures of books

Thursday, April 28, 2016

A House or a Home


All of us live in a house, of some kind or another.  A house is just a building, walls, floors, ceilings.  

There is a difference between a house and a home.  I live in a house, but it's actually a home.  A home where people can visit and put their feet up on the furniture.  Where everybody is welcome in the kitchen, even if the dishes aren't done!

Raising all boys, Jeff and I learned to adapt quickly to a barrage of chaos as well as to non-stop messes.  And we survived.  When the boys were young, I had a drawer in the kitchen that held pudding and jello mix boxes.  The boys would take out those boxes and make "tracks" on the kitchen floor while I was cooking.  On more than one occasion when I wasn't watching where I was going, a box of mix would get smashed.  The boys thought this was great fun, but then they didn't have to sweep it all up! The cost of pudding and jello mixes was low at the time, and easily replaced.  I was happy knowing that I knew where the boys were and what they were up to.  Scott and Andy are only 18 months apart and between the two of them, they were able to manage to get into all sorts of nonsense.

Jeff and I had a laid back parenting style.  We didn't sweat the small things. If the boys were muddy from playing, no problem, I just turned the hose on them until they were clean enough to come into the house.  

In our house in California, Scott decided he wanted "garlic" (garland) in his room.  He found some 10 penny nails, which are huge, and hammered them into the walls to hold the garland.  Would we have preferred that he not do that?  Of course, but since the holes are already in the wall, some spackle and paint would cover up the holes when it was time to sell the house.

Once when Jeff was on a business trip, the boys wanted to know if mashed potatoes would stick to the walls.  This was important to know.  We loaded up our spoons and flung the potatoes at the wall.  Sure enough they do stick, for just a bit, and the dogs were happy to clean up after us!  It was one of those one-off kind of things.  Once you've got your answer, you don't have to revisit the experiment.

When I was growing up, my Mother would make a dessert and after it was done, and no company was expected, would put a spoon in the dish.  That spoon was her permission to help ourselves to the dessert.  While some would frown on using a "community/family" spoon, none of us ever were sick and obviously didn't die from eating from the same spoon.

As I raised my own children, I always made sure to leave a bit more cake batter than necessary in the bowl for eager little tongues.  When serving dessert, I always and still do, leave a bit of a ragged edge.  The message to the boys is clear: it is necessary to tidy up the edge.  Of course, sometimes they would get carried away with their cleanup and they always left an edge, which was their "duty" to clean up later.  

When Benjamin came along, I had nicer furniture than I did when Scott and Andy were young.  But somehow I didn't mind when he started banging on the coffee table.  Why?  Because in the big scheme of things, it's really only a table.  The table survived Benamin's toddler years and now has a few scars on top.  Now that Benjamin is 8, he still uses the table as the base for building towers.  Note to parents: buy foam blocks.  I have a very large plastic box that holds all of the foam blocks that are used for roads, towers and anything and everything.  As Benjamin got older, he always asked if he could play on the table.  The answer has always been absolutely.

Our house is definitely a home.  When Scott comes to the house, he heads straight for the pantry for food.  Our pantry is stocked, actually probably overstocked with food, and Scott is always able to find something to eat.  Do I mind?  Nope.  I'm blessed with the fact that he feels comfortable enough to help himself to whatever he can find.  

Our home has dog hair, dust bunnies and hand prints on light switches. For 30 years, it has been our home.  The boys have grown up here and they think of the house as home.  For sure after this many years, their are some dings in the walls.  A lot of those dings came from me hauling around the vacuum and not paying attention where I was going!

Our house is a home.  A soft place to land for the boys, as well as for Jeff and I.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Things I Miss When I'm Away


After getting home from our trip on Sunday night, I began to think of the things that I miss when I'm away from home.  In no particular order:
  • the dogs, Sam and Maggie
  • our coffee maker with it's little pods of coffee (Jeff and I have each had two cups of coffee this morning.  At $4.00 a cup at the resort, we've just spent $16.00)!
  • the water (no icky taste)
  • the bed
  • the shower
  • our recliners
  • my computer
  • television
  • reading the mail (obviously, the non-bills part only)
  • leftovers from dinner
  • the smell of freshly mowed grass (which is happening as I type this)
  • listening to a voicemail on the answering machine from Benjamin (grandson)
  • toasted bagel w/butter (lots)
  • my clothes closets (yes there are more than one) 
  • the music station that we play 24/7 in our bedroom
I'm sure there are more things than this that I like about being at home.  I get so excited when planning a trip.  What to pack. How many shoes can I realistically get away with bringing!  Men see shoes more as a "one shoe fits all".  Women, on the other hand, want tennies, sandals, perhaps heels, etc.  Men do not understand this.

I realize that once I'm home, I'm no longer Cinderella.  Not hardly.  There are suitcases to be unpacked, laundry to be done, and dinners to be cooked.  I have a wonderful psychiatrist who saves magazines for me.  As I saw her just yesterday, I now have plenty of "reading" to do so that I can keep informed about the goings on of the rich and famous.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Trip Part Two


There were two things that I noticed while we were in Florida as well as at the resort: stucco on buildings and palm trees.  Coming from California, where almost every home has stucco on the outside, it felt a little bit like going home.  And palm trees, oh how I've missed them.  

I noticed during our flight to Marsh Harbor that about 16 miles from our destination, the water changed from dark blue to turquoise.  Looking at the water, it looked like someone had gotten out  the blue and green crayons and mixed them together.  For me, the change in the water color was a clear indication that we'd be landing soon.  Truthfully, I would like to own a necklace with all of those different blue hues.  And even though the flight was short compared to our flight on Wednesday, I was more than ready to get out of the plane.

We took a taxi to the resort and of course coming from the states, they drive on the wrong side of the road!  Our room at the resort wasn't ready, so we went to the restaurant and ordered lunch.  I had tuna salad on a croissant, which cost $14.00.  Clearly, we're not in Maryland or Kansas anymore.  In my mind, and I know I'm wrong, $14.00 should buy you the whole tuna.

Because we were in the Bahamas, we sat outside facing the sun and quickly turned red.  The color of my skin might look painful, but it wasn't.  Since we were on island time, after lunch, we went to our room and I managed to haul myself onto the bed for a nap.  It is amazing to me how tired a person can get just by being out in the sun.  

After our nap, we walked to the beach.  The sand was white and looked like it had been raked.  This is a far cry from the beaches on the East coast.  And, yes the water was blue and clear, but the first two feet or so was covered in rocks.  I dipped my toes in and the water temperature was delightful.  Not too hot, not too cold, just right.

While Jeff went in search of beach towels, I ventured into the water alone, steering well clear of the rocks.  I'm not very steady on my feet on solid ground and my feet got stuck in the sand, and while trying to move, fell down.  The only thing hurt was my pride!  There is a reason to be glad for some extra padding on the backside.

Jeff came back and pulled me to my feet.  We then walked over the rocks into the clear, and rock free water.  My body is currently my worst enemy, and even though Jeff was standing next to me, once my feet became "glued" into the sand, I began to sway back and forth like a drunk!  Okay, so wading around in the ocean obviously wasn't going to be something I could do easily.  Fact is, I never went into the ocean again.

Since we both had our bathing suits on, we walked to the swimming pool and the water temperature was perfect.  I don't swim, but I do like to walk around in the shallow end of a pool.  I know it might sound as if I didn't have much fun, but just being away from the house, but while on vacation I wasn't fixing any meals and I didn't have laundry to do.  Oh and another bonus the phone doesn't ring while I'm deeply involved in reading a book, with someone trying to sell me something or asking me to donate money!

We took a taxi into town and clearly riding through town the economy is very poor.  At the strip mall, if you can call it that, there wasn't much to look at in the stores so Jeff's money was safe.  We ate our lunch at KFC, because it looked like the only place to eat.  Talking to some of the locals, KFC is the only fast food on the island.  All of them would like to see a Burger King or Wendy's built there.  

On our ride back to the resort, we stopped at an ice cream place, because I have a love/hate relationship with ice cream.  I absolutely love ice cream - but, it doesn't do my body any good.  We also stopped at a roadside place so that Jeff could buy a conch salad.

While we sat on the beach in the morning, I was loving the way my arms had turned brown.  I kept my legs mostly in the shade.  While tanned legs look better than my winter-white and pasty legs, I don't wear shorts, so wasn't really worked up about tanning my legs.

Dinner was on the beach, and it was windy.  I wore my new maxi dress with a long sleeve t-shirt underneath.  Since the night was a bit cool, I was glad that I had thought to put on the shirt.  And, while it didn't and wouldn't make a fashion statement, I wore my tennies.  I did admire the women who wore such beautiful sandals, but from a practical point of view, I knew I'd be steadier on my feet in tennis shoes.

At dinner, we were each given two drink tickets.  I had sprite, but what I really wanted was just plain old ice water.  The water in the hotel is really terrible tasting, and unless you want to spring for bottled water, you try and drink as little water in your room as possible.  

Dinner was a buffet and we had muffins, rolls, red beans and rice, sauteed veggies, conch fritters, salad and chicken.  Dessert, my favorite part was bread pudding.  Yum!  Everybody received a beautiful sugar cookie in the shape of a plane with blue icing and the words "Bahamas 2016" in white icing.

We sat with very nice people, and I gave them our "calling" card so they could follow my blog if they choose.  We found several years ago, that if you have a business card printed with all of your pertinent information: tail number, name, phone number, email address and blog website, it is much easier than entering that information into a phone.

After dinner, Jeff left the table to mingle.  I know that Jeff has a better time when he's not having to watch out for me.  Since I realize this, I try to leave dinners, etc., early so that he can enjoy himself.  Besides, I was reading a really good book on my Kindle, and once back in the room, ate my cookie and started flipping electronic pages!

More later.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Did You Miss Me?


The obvious, and correct answer is yes, of course we did.  Well, I missed you too.  While being away, I also missed my computer.  Some folks would say they would miss their cellphone.  But, for me, I'm not actually sure where my phone is!  

When we left Mister Sam on Wednesday at the kennel, he looked at us like "what did I do wrong"?  After finishing my coffee and blog, I'll be off to "release" him!  Scott brought Maggie home yesterday and she keeps looking for her old friend.  Once Sam is home, I'm prepared to do penance for leaving him.  

Our flight to Ft. Lauderdale was long but uneventful.  The long part I could do without, but uneventful is always good.  We were the last folks to arrive so the buffet meal was pretty much wiped out.  But, I, had a contingency plan.  When I worked at Marriott, we would get a dinner pass for two occasionally.  I poked around in a drawer and found one!  Have no idea how many years it's been sitting in there, but Wednesday night was the perfect time to use it.  The pass gave us: 2 appetizers, 2 entrees, 2 drinks and 2 deserts - heaven.

Thursday morning early we left for the Bahamas.  When people talk about the Bahamas, I'm never really sure if the word "the" is supposed to be capitalized.  For now, we'll leave "the" alone.  Once we arrived at the resort, our room wasn't ready, so we went to the restaurant and had lunch.  We sat outside in the sunshine.  By the way, I think there's some unwritten rule about while being in a resort by the ocean, it's mandatory to sit outside!  The prices for the food and iced tea, reminded us that we weren't in Kansas anymore!

Our room was lovely.  It had a little balcony overlooking the ocean.  The bed was quite comfy, once you were actually on it.  I have short legs and if I were physically able, it would have been easier to run toward the bed and land (hopefully) on the bed!  But, alas, I'm not really much of a runner (ya think?), so I had to sort of work my body bit by bit onto the bed.  Not a pretty sight I assure you.  The other option was for Jeff to haul me over the side, much like a beached whale!

The next morning after breakfast, where coffee was $4.00, which makes me really appreciate the cup of coffee I'm drinking now, I headed back to the room to get my "mature woman" bathing suit on.  You know the kind: they call it a swim dress, because the length is longer and covers up some of the jiggly bits!  

As advertised, the sand was white and the water clear and blue. Once I made my way down to the beach, I was in heaven.  I'm not very stable on my feet, so once my tootsies got sucked down in the sand, I lost my balance and landed on my fanny.  Note: my swim dress fanned around me beautifully!  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to stand up on my own, so I waited in the shallow water until Jeff (my prince) came to save me from the one inch of water I was stranded in!  Once I was again upright, Jeff helped me get further into the ocean, i.e., two inches of water, I began to wobble around like an uncooked egg.  

After a short bit, I left to sit in a chair under a palm tree hut.  All that was missing was my drink (ice water) with an umbrella in it!  I lounged and used sunscreen, particularly on my chest, because there is nothing worse than having a sunburn in that area and then having to put a bra on.  I know this from practical experience many years ago!  You've got to keep the "girls" covered up somehow.

The rest of that first day was lunch - outside of course - and a nap.  There is so much work involved in doing nothing, that it can only be cured by sleeping in the middle of the day!  Here's what I know for sure: for me walking, not so much.  For me: sleeping, I'd get a gold medal.  This girl can really nap!

Even though Jeff and I had napped in the afternoon, after dinner and some chat time, I was ready to take aim at the bed once again.  

To be continued ......


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Day Before


Today feels like Christmas Eve to me.  It's the day before we set off for Florida and the Bahamas, and I'm excited.  

Jeff took Maggie (the lab) and dropped her off at Scott's house.  Mister Sam, on the other hand, will go to the kennels tomorrow.  I can tell that Sam misses his friend because he has wandered all over the house this morning.

Since we will leave early tomorrow morning, it'll be early to bed tonight.  I've laid out what I'm going to wear tomorrow so I don't have to think about that.  I never can seem to go on a trip without a certain amount of anxiety.  Did I remember "x"?  What about "y"?  Did I, or should I, pack clothes for a change in the weather?

I worked for a boss years ago, who said that all you really needed to take on a trip was a credit card.  Anything you left behind or needed, could be bought.  And, he was right, but I prefer to bring my own stuff.  

The inside of the plane can get pretty warm during the summer.  Luckily, since it's still spring, we shouldn't have that problem.  In fact, I'm bringing along a sweater - part of my contingency plan.  On our way to Florida, we're stopping somewhere (can't remember but know that Jeff told me) to have a new pant (wheel cover) put on the plane.  I'm bringing along both my Kindle and a "Fast and Easy" (i.e., for the lesser intellect) crossword puzzle book.  

I've packed my carry-on bag with hard candy, kleenex, my aviation baseball hat (the bill is longer and the underside is khaki green) to help with bright sunlight.  Into that bag, I'll also put my puzzle book since the repair to the plane will take 45 minutes or so.

The weather report for Abaco, where we're headed, looks good for the rest of the week.  Should be perfect beach/water weather.

Have a good rest of the week.  I'll see you back here on Tuesday.


 Image result for picture of bahama beach

Monday, April 18, 2016

Packing and Repacking


Today, is the day for thinking about what clothes I want to take with me on Wednesday.  I'll start by putting the clothes I'm considering on the bed and go from there.  The only absolute thing I know I need to bring is my bathing suit and sandals.  I think I've narrowed my choices down to a few tops that will go with different colored capris.

I have my sunhat ready and will round up sunscreen and aloe vera lotion today.  I want to be a "bronzed goddess", but I don't want to become a "lobster goddess".  I have always believed that tanned skin looks better than pale, pasty white legs that we get during the winter.

I had my toes painted yesterday, an absolute necessity for a vacation at the beach.  At least that's how we women view it.  Men, obviously, feel differently!

I have to remember to pack my Kindle charger as well as my pain stimulator.  Yesterday, I went to the store and bought a variety of hard, non-melting candy.  Much as I like chocolate, it's not a good choice for a long and sometimes rather warm plane ride.  

So once I'm through blogging, I'm heading upstairs and going to start loading and/or reloading my suitcase.  I'm really trying not to bring too many clothes (I really am Jeff), but I always like a backup plan, in case I spill something on a top or pants.  I may be a little princess-like in this regard, but I always try to look my best when I'm out and about!

Jeff is taking Maggie (the lab) to Scott's house tomorrow morning.  Mister Sam will be dropped off at the kennel on Wednesday morning as we make a mad dash to get out of dodge.  I am so looking forward to a few days on the beach.  Plus, another bonus is that after fixing something for Jeff's  lunch tomorrow, I'll have five days off from lunch preparation.

It's a beautiful day here and the windows are open.  I have already killed two wasps, so there must be a nest on the front porch.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Skipped a Day


I didn't post yesterday, so apologies for that.  It's T-minus and counting until we leave for the Bahamas on Wednesday.  Tuesday will be my last blog for the remainder of this week.  I know I could blog remotely, but sand and sunblock play havoc with a laptop!!

The Parade magazine in the paper this week was how much to people earn.  There is a lot of disparity between the people who "have" and those who "don't have".  Some of the high earners' income had to be estimated - how sad is that?

On the other hand, how people can live on $7,895 (dog sitter) or the surf instructor who earns $17,000.  Perhaps people who earn so little, are retired or simply enjoy doing what they do, and the pay isn't such a big deal to them.  I can readily imagine that for the surf instructor, just being able to play in the ocean and get paid is probably heaven.

Okay, so there are probably more of us who are "in the middle" income-wise.  We make enough money to own a house, a car or two, take a vacation occasionally and even save some money for a rainy day or retirement, whichever comes first.  And, hopefully those two events don't happen on the same day!

Jeff and I have, over the years, bought the odd lottery ticket.  We never actually expect to win, but would be nice to at least get the price of the ticket back.  Our theory is that if we ever won big (millions), we would both drop dead on the spot from a heart attack!  I'm thinking that we don't really have to worry about winning big.

Since I am now on Social Security, my monthly pay only goes up if and when the big shots in Washington decide that we recipients deserve more.  Due to the longevity of my career, and thankfully an increase in salary from year to year, I receive more money from Social Security, than a lot of other people do.  I would definitely like to get more money, but I'm not holding my breath. I see people on say Judge Judy who say they get $800, and sometimes less, from Social Security.

Mission today?  Think about what clothes to put in my suitcase.  I'm trying to not take too many things, but like most women, I like options.  But, I've promised Jeff that I would try and rein in the amount of clothes and/or shoes I bring.  Wish me luck.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Mister Sam


I think most, if not all of you, already know about our little Westie - Sam.  Sam is 15 and we've had him for seven years when we adopted him from Westie Rescue.  Sam is a very vocal little dog and when he wants something, isn't too proud to tell you all about it!

Last night while we were watching television, Sam was asleep in my lap.  Suddenly, he began to make all sorts of odd noises, his body went limp and he involuntarily peed on me.  Jeff came over and at first glance, was sure that Sam had passed away.

Jeff picked him up and cuddled him and then put him on the floor.  And, he didn't move.  Jeff picked him up again and started talking to Sam.  They went outside and for whatever reason, Sam came back to life.  Did he have a stroke?  Apparently, dogs can.

Here's what I know for sure.  Sam's limp body was a real eye opener for me.  I know he's an old dog.  I know he's an annoying dog (i.e., thinks my basement floor is his bathroom - sigh).  I know he's a faithful dog and as the years have gone by, has become a lovely dog.  After all, we're supposed to love somebody or some dog even with all their warts (see basement above).

Seeing Sam almost lifeless tore me up inside.  I know that "that" day is coming, and I thought I'd be able to handle it.  But, after yesterday, know that as irritating as Sam can be, Jeff and I have come to love this little scrappy pile of white fur.  

This morning, happily Sam is up and bouncing around, eager to eat and play with his toys.  While I was reading, he climbed up into my lap and both he and I were at peace.

And one of my chores this morning is to go to the basement for - yup you guessed it - little deposits on the plastic runners!  Even with all that, I still love this guy.


Image result for picture of a westie

Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Beautiful Thursday


Taxes are in the mail - yeah.  It is such a good feeling when you know that you don't have to contend with the IRS tax man until this time next year. 

It's a gorgeous day outside, but still a bit chilly.  Of course, if I went outside and "played in the dirt" for awhile, I have no doubt that I'd warm up in record time.  My biggest problem with gardening (i.e., weeding), is that once I'm on the ground, I can't get back up.  I have to grab onto something like a bench or chair to hoist myself upright.  Trust me when I tell you that it's not a pretty sight.  A beached whale comes to mind!!

Today, I will start piecing together, at least in my mind, what clothes I want to take next week.  I know that space and weight are limited in the plane.   So, I need to find tops that would go nicely with shorty pants.  Bathing suit is required, so that's a no brainer for packing, as is some sandals to wear on the beach.  

I know the key to taking your clothes on vacation is to be able to wear one or two items more than once.  And, I also know that is also a challenge for me.  And, yes I also know that Jeff is reading this, and I'm really going to rein myself in - promise.

Women pack for a trip differently then men.  Women like options: shoes, clothes, jewelry, you name it.  Men, on the other hand, put in some underwear, bathing suit, an extra pair of shorts maybe, two shirts and maybe an extra pair of socks.  Men don't worry about being coordinated.  What you see is what you get!  

Women should be so lucky.  We are our own worse enemy.  We do want our clothes to be coordinated, wear the right shoes, etc.  But in reality, perhaps we women care too much about what other people think of us.  While that's a hard concept for me to grasp, I'm going to give it a try on this trip.  My hope is that my days begin and end in a bathing suit!


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

One Week To Go!


This time next week, Jeff and I will already be in the air flying to Ft. Lauderdale.  We will be spending the night there for dinner and a pre-flight briefing.  The next morning, we head to the airport and start the journey towards blue water and white sand.  Unfortunately, our trip to Florida will take most of the day, but that's a small price to pay for the reward we'll get when we take to the beach!

Because I was a good Girl Scout, I am getting things ready for the trip.  Obviously, we need clothes, a swimsuit, sunblock and Aloe Vera for when the sunblock doesn't work so well.  I have to round up our CPAP bags, because neither of us can afford to be without our machines.  Not sexy or exciting but necessary.

Try on or jiggle into the bathing suit - grimace.  Have to make sure I pack a hat because while I love a tanned body, I don't want too much sun on my face.  I didn't get to be this old and looking this good (insert laugh here) by exposing my face for hours to the sun.

Wear tennis shoes for the flights.  The last thing I need is to be wearing sandals with slippery bottoms and slip getting up or down into the plane.  Nope definitely tennies.  And, then you have to have shoes to wear in the sand and/or water - got that covered.  And, perhaps a different pair of sandals to wear to dinner.  Undecided on that.

Old shirt to wear over said bathing suit when I know I've had enough sun for one day.  Make sure my Kindle is fully charged and remember to bring along the charger.  Reading is a big deal for me and I can already see me on the beach, with my Kindle in one hand and a drink with an umbrella in the other!  Hey, the drink could be just water, but the umbrella is a necessity!

I know there's an option to tour around the island, but I think I'll opt out.  I will be just fine sitting near the water and also wading in the water.  I don't swim, so wading is all I do, but I enjoy doing that a great deal.

Check out that beautiful beach!!  I can hardly wait.

Guana Cay Beaches

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Necessary Women's Tests


There are two tests for women that should be done annually.  Sadly, a lot of women put off these tests for many reasons: pain and perhaps embarrassment.  Nobody really wants somebody poking around in your nether regions, but it is a necessary evil until you have nothing in those regions!

Ah, and then there's the much loved mammogram.  Some women say that the test where the "girls" are squished between two plates (more or less) is quite painful.  I believe that may be the case of women whose girls are rather on the small side.

As for me, I hoist the girls, which is much like hoisting a five pound bag of flour, up for testing.  At my age, this is the only time that the girls stand at attention.  Just a necessary fact of gravity.  You know you're in trouble when the technician says that she must use the "wide screen".  And that my friends is where the girls and I are. 

The five or so minutes of testing that reveals there's nothing wrong is a good thing.  Better to be safe than sorry.  My aunt had breast cancer, but she is the only one on my maternal side that did.  So, my annual testing is merely routine, but I'd feel like a fool if I put off this annual test, and then discovered a lump.

Image result for mammogram pictures 


Monday, April 11, 2016

The Tax Man Cometh!


While not nearly as much fun as counting the days to Christmas, this week the countdown is for the 15th, when you have to file your taxes.

In the "old" days, Jeff and I always had somebody prepare our tax forms.  TurboTax wasn't yet invented, and it was easier to let a pro take care of this annoying but required paperwork.  There was also a time when if you could provide receipts showing sales tax, you could use the actual dollar amount, rather than the standard deduction.  I, wasn't proud, so it never bothered me to pick up receipts off the floor at stores.  Hey, a nickel here and a nickel there makes a dime.

For many years now, Jeff has done our taxes with the help of TurboTax.  You plug in the numbers, income, mortgage interest, and stuff like that.  Over the years, the interest on the mortgage of the house is almost all there is to deduct from your income.

So once the numbers are put into the program, you are given the number of your refund, hopefully.  Or, the amount you owe to either the Feds or the State.  Jeff keys in everything, we cross our fingers, and hope for the best.  Obviously, we'd rather have refunds, even if they're small, but sometimes end up owing.  

The taxes are now done for another year.  And, unlike in years past, tax returns are provided to the Feds and State electronically.  I suppose there is still a rush in the post office on the 15th to get your tax returns in the mail.


Image result for picture of 1040 form

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...