Saturday, April 30, 2016

Scott's Birthday


Today is Scott's birthday.  He is our middle child and is now 38.  Where the time has gone, I have no clue.

As I was the middle child growing up, and sometimes felt that I didn't matter.  My brother was older and my parent's only son and my sister, who is eight years younger than me, was the baby of the family.  There is something about middle children, and there's even a name for it: Middle Child Syndrome!  Who knew?

Let me tell you about our middle child.  Scott was a good baby and caused us little or no trouble growing up.  He was/is an old soul.  Scott has learning disabilities, but through years of hard work, has managed his disability to read, and has become a successful man.

Scott reminds me of my father, in a very good way.  My father was a slow to anger man and Scott is the same.  My father was always neat, clean and trimmed and so is Scott.  While he may profess disinterest in small children and even smaller dogs, Scott is/was very good with Benjamin.  And as for small dogs, though he prefers his Mastiffs, Scott always has time to wrestle a bit with Sam.

Jeff learned everything he knows about plumbing, electricity, and any other useful skill from his grandfather.  Scott watched and learned from Jeff, and is able to handle most anything around his house.  

Scott loves trains and the love affair started when he was just a child.  When he puts up his Christmas tree, he also gets out his train to run around the tree.  He also loves Christmas lights and goes to great lengths to make sure his house is well adorned.  As a young boy, he hung "garlic" (garland) in his bedroom.  

When we moved to Maryland, Scott was 8 years old.  At Christmas time when he saw houses on our streets without lights, he would go to their houses and offer to put lights up for them.  And, unlike some people, Scott doesn't just hang up lights willy-nilly, nope they are aligned in a straight line!

Jeff and I are very proud of Scott and Andrew and the men that they have become.  They are both good men, successful in their careers and provide well for their families.  Who could ask for more?

Years ago, my father and mother-in-law created a jeweled and lighted Christmas tree on a velvet background.  We gave that picture to Scott, who has it hanging above his fireplace all year.  While the picture below doesn't begin to do justice to the picture that my in-laws put together, it will give you an idea.  

Happy birthday Scott.  

Love Mom and Dad

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