Sunday, April 3, 2016

Kites, Tigers and Elephants Oh My!


Yesterday, Auntie Kim took Benjamin out to the mall to watch the kite flying contest.  Later, they went to the circus and had front row seats!  How jealous am I?  Lots.

When Benjamin came home, his face was painted like a tiger!  He loved the clowns driving around in their little cars, the acrobats, the lady being shot out of a cannon, as well as all the animals.  Once home, he was reluctant to wash his face, but for the sake of the pillow, I insisted.  He did, however, draw a very good looking tiger on the kitchen whiteboard.

We watched some movies (Spongebob comes to mind) and when I told Benjamin it was time for bed, he went up by himself and was all tucked in when I went upstairs later.

Today, Benjamin is going to church with Auntie Kim and they'll do some other activity this afternoon before she brings him home.  It's windy and cold today, so it's a good day to be inside.

I've laundry to finish and a kitchen to put to rights.  After that, I'll program my Tivo for the week and then might read a book off of my Kindle.

Have a good day.

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