Sunday, April 17, 2016

Skipped a Day


I didn't post yesterday, so apologies for that.  It's T-minus and counting until we leave for the Bahamas on Wednesday.  Tuesday will be my last blog for the remainder of this week.  I know I could blog remotely, but sand and sunblock play havoc with a laptop!!

The Parade magazine in the paper this week was how much to people earn.  There is a lot of disparity between the people who "have" and those who "don't have".  Some of the high earners' income had to be estimated - how sad is that?

On the other hand, how people can live on $7,895 (dog sitter) or the surf instructor who earns $17,000.  Perhaps people who earn so little, are retired or simply enjoy doing what they do, and the pay isn't such a big deal to them.  I can readily imagine that for the surf instructor, just being able to play in the ocean and get paid is probably heaven.

Okay, so there are probably more of us who are "in the middle" income-wise.  We make enough money to own a house, a car or two, take a vacation occasionally and even save some money for a rainy day or retirement, whichever comes first.  And, hopefully those two events don't happen on the same day!

Jeff and I have, over the years, bought the odd lottery ticket.  We never actually expect to win, but would be nice to at least get the price of the ticket back.  Our theory is that if we ever won big (millions), we would both drop dead on the spot from a heart attack!  I'm thinking that we don't really have to worry about winning big.

Since I am now on Social Security, my monthly pay only goes up if and when the big shots in Washington decide that we recipients deserve more.  Due to the longevity of my career, and thankfully an increase in salary from year to year, I receive more money from Social Security, than a lot of other people do.  I would definitely like to get more money, but I'm not holding my breath. I see people on say Judge Judy who say they get $800, and sometimes less, from Social Security.

Mission today?  Think about what clothes to put in my suitcase.  I'm trying to not take too many things, but like most women, I like options.  But, I've promised Jeff that I would try and rein in the amount of clothes and/or shoes I bring.  Wish me luck.

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