Monday, April 4, 2016

Off to the Doc


Today, instead of getting my head examined, I'm going to have my body checked over.  First, there is the weighing in ceremony, which I detest.  If and it's a big if mind you, I was lean and mean, there wouldn't be any dread to stepping on the scales.  But, alas, I am short and wide and the scale is not my friend.  Sugar isn't either, but oh how I love it!  

Other than the scale issue, my vitals should all be normal.  At least they have been so in the past.  Then there's talking to the doctor and being honest about what aches and pains I have.  Jeff wants me to be honest, and not shy away from telling my doctor the truth - ALL the truth!  I have a tendency to play down my aches and pains, because I'm always quite sure that they are age related. I am, after all, old(er)!

Stacey has kindly offered to take me to Hopkins.  I don't think I, or the rest of humanity, are ready for me to drive in a big city.  Auntie Kim is keeping Benjamin.  There is nothing worse or more boring than sitting in a doctor's office.  Oh wait, there is one other thing that is boring to small boys - shopping!  Actual that particular phenomenon also applies to grown men!

Benjamin had one of his front teeth knocked out yesterday while playing.  The "tooth fairy" had to remove the tooth from under the pillow and replace it with a dollar.  Inflation has gone up so the tooth fairy has to step up his/her game accordingly.

Stacey and I were going to take the new car, but it's not quite warm enough to go buzzing around the interstate with the top down.  Some day I am planning on riding in the car with the top and windows down.  Can't wait.


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