Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Beautiful Thursday


Taxes are in the mail - yeah.  It is such a good feeling when you know that you don't have to contend with the IRS tax man until this time next year. 

It's a gorgeous day outside, but still a bit chilly.  Of course, if I went outside and "played in the dirt" for awhile, I have no doubt that I'd warm up in record time.  My biggest problem with gardening (i.e., weeding), is that once I'm on the ground, I can't get back up.  I have to grab onto something like a bench or chair to hoist myself upright.  Trust me when I tell you that it's not a pretty sight.  A beached whale comes to mind!!

Today, I will start piecing together, at least in my mind, what clothes I want to take next week.  I know that space and weight are limited in the plane.   So, I need to find tops that would go nicely with shorty pants.  Bathing suit is required, so that's a no brainer for packing, as is some sandals to wear on the beach.  

I know the key to taking your clothes on vacation is to be able to wear one or two items more than once.  And, I also know that is also a challenge for me.  And, yes I also know that Jeff is reading this, and I'm really going to rein myself in - promise.

Women pack for a trip differently then men.  Women like options: shoes, clothes, jewelry, you name it.  Men, on the other hand, put in some underwear, bathing suit, an extra pair of shorts maybe, two shirts and maybe an extra pair of socks.  Men don't worry about being coordinated.  What you see is what you get!  

Women should be so lucky.  We are our own worse enemy.  We do want our clothes to be coordinated, wear the right shoes, etc.  But in reality, perhaps we women care too much about what other people think of us.  While that's a hard concept for me to grasp, I'm going to give it a try on this trip.  My hope is that my days begin and end in a bathing suit!


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