Saturday, April 2, 2016

Play Date with Benjamin


Yesterday, as promised, I took Benjamin to Chuck E Cheese for pizza and games.  The meal was $20.00 but came with 25 tokens and then I paid an additional $20 for more tokens.  At first, Benjamin wasn't all that excited about the arcade games and wandered around looking miserable.  He told me he wanted to go home, but I said let's at least have lunch.

Okay cheese pizza is not my thing, but it wasn't too bad.  After eating, Benjamin started taking a few tokens at a time while I sat at the table.  Eventually, and it's always easy for him, Benjamin had a friend and they played the arcade games together.

At the end of the tokens, Benjamin had 284 tickets which allowed him to get: a whistle, a rubber bracelet and some other insignificant toy.  The good news was that for several hours, Benjamin had a really good time.  I, always thinking ahead, had brought a book and while Benjamin played games, I got in some quality (although not quiet) reading time!

We then headed to the Gaithersburg library which is new and lovely.  There's even a snack bar.  We checked out three movies (two of which are unfortunately Spongebob Squarepants) and several books.  Obviously, we had to go past the snack bar on our way out and since Benjamin was starving, I bought him a chocolate muffin that he could eat when we got home.  

A quick stop at Toys R Us to get him another birthday present, which is some sort of magnetic squares that you can make into a lot of things.  I had promised him frozen yogurt, but because Benjamin is very observant told me that he thought I wasn't feeling well and we should go home.  Admittedly, I was very glad to go home.  We can always go and have frozen yogurt.

I sat through Back to the Future as well as most of one Spongebob DVD.  This is the sort of things that grandparents do and do willingly.  Giving up one night of my television shows to spend time with Benjamin is priceless.


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