Friday, October 30, 2020

Rain and Christmas - Odd Combition


We have had several days of rain. There are "some" benefits to be had, when we get rain. Obviously, both the grass and weeds grow faster. I'm okay with the grass, but not a fan of  pulling out weeds. Okay, that does sound a little bit lazy as it pertains to me. 

On a happier subject, yours truly, has really gotten into the Christmas spirit. And, I'm making a list, and to be sure I will check it twice. 

Both girls, and the grandchildren, have provided me with lists to start with. I've checked out the lists, and it definitely is helpful. But, everybody knows that I go rouge (sp) when selecting gifts for the family.

I'm not sure if the family understands how much time and effort, I put into buying the right gifts, for the right person. And, boy do I love the search. There are so many unique products out there, all you have to do is "pick and buy". The "wrapping", if you can call it that, is something that I never want to do. I think duct tape was invented just for people like myself.

Stacey has asked me to provide a list of what I want. That should be easy, right? Nope, it's exactly the opposite in fact. When searching for the family, I come across many things that I think, or know, I would like. But, I'm aware of  prices, so my list, is very short at the moment.

I guess I could put large print books on my list. If books are large print, then they are very easy for me to read. There was a very long stretch, when I didn't read any of Danielee (however you spell it) books. If you have read of her books, they all go this way - handsome man, beautiful woman - and some kind of obstacle (always fixed by the end of the book) that makes for a very good easy read.

Well friends, my time is almost up. I try to get my blog in before noon and I only have "x" amounts of time left.

Please do the simple, but safest things, while we all struggle with this virus.


Thursday, October 29, 2020 - dark and rain

 Happy Laugh Face Mask Cool Design Reusable Washable 100% image 1


This blog is going to be short. Why you ask? When I took my nighttime last night, I wasn't paying attention, so not only did take my "sleepy" pills, but morning pills too. Was I relaxed? Without a question.

I don't know how best to describe what I was feeling. But, I do know that I could only make it halfway up the stairs. And, then I fell (just a small fall, if there's in one), and once back down on the floor, I had a choice (1) to remain where I was; or (2) crawled (truly I did), to the den and be able to sit in my chair, after many unsuccessful attempts, finally was able to get into my chair.  And every time, I slid back to the floor, all the while repeating over and over in my head. That if you stumble, just try and try again". This saying was a continuous loop in my brain. Failure was not an option!

Of course, while I can "walk" if stumbling counts as walking, I took a look at my body, I hate doing this, but then was able to take stock of the condition of the bruises, and my arms and was able to see the damage (bruises etc.), to my knees and arms. 

Okay, pretty sure that this is "TMI" for you, but putting my thoughts down on paper if you will, is rather cathartic for me.

After watching only one round of news, I was done. I don't care what time or channel, because each hour, the reporting is pretty much the same as the earlier news.

The count each day, of how many new cases gave been counted, and difficult as it is, had to wrap my head around these numbers.

The picture below shows a new kind of mask, which has the person smiling. That kind of mask will is likely to make other people happy too!

Oh, I have to write something that I'm grateful for. Today, it would be that struggling (I mean really struggling) to get up the stairs with Jeff's help!

Happy Laugh Face Mask Cool Design Reusable Washable 100% image 1

Please stay safe every one Me? Trying to stay indoors as much as possible. 


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Dodgers Won!!!!


I guess the big news today, is that "our" team, the Los Angeles, won the world series last night. I literally was, falling asleep, so I took Jeff's advice, I went to bed. When I got up this morning, I was beyond thrilled that our California team won the World Series! When I say "our" team, it's because we lived in California, over 30 years. We actually went to the ballpark several times, and seeing it live, is a wonderful experience. I can almost taste the hot dogs and popcorn!

For years, I didn't give two hoots about baseball, and for sure football. Watching a baseball game, is easy to understand. Pitcher, catcher, as well as the players in the back. Basically, pitch, hit and try to run all the bases.

I occasionally, will watch a football game, but my experience in doing so, is very limited. The referee, will take a some kind of stick (and, yes I know that's not the right word), and measure for yardage, or something like that. For me, I merely watch the game, even though I basically have no idea with what's going on!

Since my short team memory isn't so good, I can watch old baseball games. I can do this, because those old games, are new to me. And, me with some memory loss, and, will enjoy the game again and again. There are real "advantages" (if you will) of living with a compromised brain. When I forget where I have put something, it's maddening. And, yes I written down things, but the problem with that is, I literally don't remember where I put my list. So much fun, having to take care of me!

I will finish my blog after I write about a thing or a person of who has made my life better. So here you go. 

I am gratful for having a Zoom call with Stacey and Benjamin. These kind of calls,will never ever, be a hug from someone special. Picture below reminds me on a day when I am suffering from brain block.

woman in black long sleeve shirt using macbook


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Nose Knows!

Early on in our marriage I was tasked with just two things: Take care of paperwork, which I'm still doing. But to be fair, what started out in 1974, was just a few bills. This made filing super esy.
One of my "chores" if you will, was to be the "Bassett Nose". I know you're giddy with this particular knowledge. Being the "nose" of the family, makes me a vip when it comes to smelling things.
For instance, with merely a sniff, I know when potatoes are, for the most part, dead and/or decaying. For sure, I could still use these potatoes, but I would have to remove so much of the skin, that it doesn't make sense, to try and use them. Unless, you just want french fries!
Did you know, that if you leave frozen scallops and put their bag inside a pantry, the results were very clear to me. Yup, the scallops became unfrozen, and then started to smell. I'm not talking about a lightly smell - nope far from it. When I opened the pantry, I could find the scallops in a bag, that I had forgotten about. Guess what, we've never bought scallops again! I don't have to be knocked in the head, to pretty much, never buy scallops again. In some areas, I have the delight, I guess you could say that, I'm the official "sniffer". This is a honor bestowed on few people, Since my last name is Bassett, perhaps in a different life, I was a bassett hound. That would make sense.
Long before the pod coffee makers, coffee was brewed on the stove, in a metal container. Eventually, people moved on, and began to use plugged in coffee pots.
When we visited Grandma, she and my mother would get up really early in the morning, to have a mother/daughter talk. While still in bed, I do remember the aroma of coffee. Probably used, Maxwell (good to the last drop) or Folgers. 
After writing about coffee, I did some research (duh), to see what, in the past, created the most memories. Here's a few:
Crayons. I distinctly remember opening up a new box, and immediately used them. I'm happy to report, that I still, at my age, still get very excited, with those crayons.
Burning of leaves. This is a smell that I, at least, can still smell. In the "old" days, Grandma had a metal barrel in her backyard, and once she started a fire, she rid herself of documents.
Chalk dust. Again, an aroma, that I will never forget.
Bubble Gum Cards. Back a long time ago, and perhaps they still do it today, but the bubble gum cane in a flat package, which held the game card inside. If my memory is correct, the boys' cards are in the basement.

Ah, the new car smell. We haven't bought a new car for sometime. But, when we did have a new car, you just want to sit in the car, and inhale. Unfortunately, this smell doesn't last.
Telephone Book. Research did show the history of the phone books:
When did phone books first come out? This week marks the anniversary of the first phone directory, issued in New Haven, Connecticut, on February 21, 1878. Sadly, most of us old folks, miss getting a new phone book every year to your home. In the middle of the book, there was always an advertisement of the different kinds of phones you could buy. 
I know that as a teenager, I wanted a Princess phone. And, that was a big mistake. That particular phone was very light, and when putting in a phone number, the Princess phone, would move around. Hence, I only had one Princess phone. There were plenty of different phones to choose from. I can't remember if you had to buy a new phone or buy one? That part I don't remember - shocker.
The scent of a newly mowed yard. Not only does the yard look good, but if you go outdoors right away, you can get that freshly mowed scent.

When we went to Hawaii, I bought a bottle of a hand lotion called "Island Essence" - which is the scent of Tropical Vanilla. When I use this hand cream, I am instantly back in Hawaii.             
Outdoor fires in pits, always takes me back to my girl scout days, when toasting s'mores was fun. Today, the smell of roasted 'mallows" just doesn't seem to be the same as it was when I was a little girl.  

Actually, in retrospect I am, to write down something that I am grateful for.  So, for today, as well as all the tomorrows, I am grateful for the love and support I receive from family and friends. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Go Dodger's Go!


Today's weather, is just like yesterday's. It is gloomy, has been raining, and I feel, like returning to bed! But, just sitting around all day, assumes, and rightly so, that I won't get anything done. 

I have three things to do today. One, is to be able to give my psychiatrist today, seven things that I'm grateful for. That sounds easy. Right? But, when you face the computer, and have your fingers on the keyboard, and there isn't a sound of keys clicking, I know I'm in trouble. 

Today, is Elly's birthday!! Both Jeff and myself, are very, very happy to have both her mother, as well as Elly, be a part of our lives.🎂. Today, will be all about Elly, as it should be. Wendy is a wonderful baker, among other things, so I know that she will make a fabulous cake for Elly, and perhaps ice cream too! Yum.

Jeff and I lived in California, for more than 30 years. In out kitchen, we actually had a copper oven. Nope, not copper-like, but real copper. The kind of copper that shows every fingerprint, and it was necessary to polish it frequently.

I forgot momentarily where I was going today, but now I remember. We used to go to the Dodger's and Angel's games. This was at a time, when people didn't spill beer on you. Aw, pleasant times. One of the players we enjoyed watching, was Sandy Koufax. I have no recollection whether Sandy was a good player. He was good looking, and that's all that mattered at the time.

In last night's World Series game, our beloved Dodgers won. And, even more special, was my ability to stay awake, to the end of the game. There will be another game tomorrow. Perhaps, I should take a nap in the afternoon, so I'm "refreshed", in the evening.

Besides rooting for our home team, is seeing all the different outfits the players wore. There were long pants, pants to the knee with long socks. Different colored shoes, and sometimes different socks. When we first started watching baseball, there wasn't a variety of clothes options.

One other observation. For the most part, players didn't have long hair. If you watch a football game, some players do in fact, have long hair. I guess that's just a small part of who a player is. 

When I watch Gold Rush, I personally think Parker's hair is too long, along with others of his crew. If I was going to be in a very hot climate, I would probably just get myself a really short haircut. But, that's just me I guess.

I'll close for now. I absolutely have to fold and put away the clothes. Throwing things into the washer and dryer, doesn't take much effort. For me, because I hate it so much, is the folding and the putting away of said clothes, is Boring!

But, I also remember, and perhaps you do too, when clothes and pillow cases had to be ironed. When I was in high school, I had a beautiful pleated skirt (note the pleated part). I loved the skirt, but it was a b**** to iron. I eventually, threw the skirt in the back of my closet, to avoid ironing it. How sad is that?

Laundry is calling, and today I absolutely have to put things away. Blah.

I hope all of you are safe. Jeff and I are healthy, as far as the virus goes. I leave the house as seldom as possible. I have training two days a week, and I can or can not, go to the store with Jeff. Because there is no browsing, and I know why, but, going to the store for a rush rush trip, is something I don't enjoy. So, I stay home.

I want all of you, to be healthy as well. Wearing a mask is now our new norm. I have a black cloth mask, and I'm thinking about getting out some paint, and giving the mask a more personalized look!

Till tomorrow.





Thursday, October 22, 2020

Yesterday's Blog


First, and foremost, I have to apologize for having no blog yesterday. I actually did blog, and it was a long one. Turned around in my chair, hit the wrong button, and well you all know what happened - deleted the whole thing!

To be sure, when this happens I become really frustrated. I was blogging about the World Series, but I called it Superbowl, and this is wrong. Jeff pointed this out to me, after I had published my blog. It was just easier for me, to delete the blog in it's entirety. Of course, the people who were "robbed" of my writing "wit", didn't have anything to read. And, on my part, that's unacceptable.

I do remember that the World Series, is the highest honor for the team that wins. Since we lived in California for so many years, it goes without saying, that Jeff and I are rooting for the LA Dodgers. When we lived in California, we actually went to a few games. Watching the game on television, denies you the cheers of the crowd. And, hot dogs sizzling, just waiting for you.

Obviously, if one of the local teams were to win the World Series, then we would, of course, root for them. But, as Jeff says, we really don't have any skin in the games that are being played. But, if you're having trouble falling asleep, at a certain point during the game, you might or, in my case do, drift off.

Regardless of who's playing, Jeff and I will watch the games, till the end. Just wish it was a local team, but we can want all day, but that isn't going to make it so.

On average, players earn around 563 million a year. However, do they manage to live on such a minimal amount?

Alex Rodriguez is the highest-paid baseball player of all time, with more than $450 million in earnings. In all, 42 players have already made more than $150 million. And, folks, I imagine that is chump change for them! And, as an afterthought, Alex is Jolo's partner. Do they have separate bank accounts? Hmm, I'm not sure. Pure specification on my part.

But, for this evening's entertainment, it's the last of the Presidential Debates. The first debate, which started off being rated a "g", quickly turned into a "shit show" (sorry for the language), but it's the only word that actually makes sense, at least to me.

Happy almost Friday, day. One of my masks is black. If I can find the right paint, I might do some "decorating", and this is scary, because my talents only go so far. (insert happy emjoi here).

Closing now, before I magically happen to delete this blog.


Dodgers to host 2020 All-Star Game | by Rowan Kavner | Dodger Insider



Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Losing Friends


Don't panic everyone. The "friends" that Jeff and I lost last night, was television show, Schitt's Creek. On Netflix I believe.

Three people in the cast are related to each other. There was Dad, Daniel (son) and Twila (sister).

For the final episode that we watched last night, required tissues, to wipe the tears. For many weeks, our evening always ended up watching this show. It's fun, it's quirky, and when it comes to Catherine O'Hara's outfits, they were nothing short of amazing. A wardrobe for her,that was mostly black and white.

I am now tasked with finding another show that is worthy of binge watching. With all the negative news swirling around every day, we need a funny show to watch.

I'll do some research, and you all know that I'm all about research, I'll be looking for a show that Jeff and I can binge watch together. We could even have popcorn, but won't. I'm watching my calorie count very closely. I'm allowing myself about 1100 calories in a day. And. my goal is to always have enough calories left, so that I can have dessert! I'm not fussy, as long as it's sweet.

I made 7 loops around the circle yesterday. Today, I'm hoping to do 8. Stacey has ridden 20 miles on her bike. And, my best effort is 20 feet (kidding - I can actually walk more than 20 feet. I am now able to walk at WalMart without the aid of that annoying cart. When you go in reverse, you get this beep beep noise, and I don't like it. I guess people just have to stare at you, when you're going backwards.On the plus side when riding in a cart, my body fortunately doesn't spill over the side.

Tonight is game 1 of the Super Bowl and Jeff and I will be rooting for the Dodgers. We lived in Southern California, and actually went to a few of their games. And, if you are in the stands watching the game, you can almost smell the hot dogs cooking.

I've been tasked, by my doctor to find something I'm grateful for.

Today, I'm grateful that the pee pads in our bedroom, were CLEAN this morning. This has never happened before, I can assure you. I hope last night wasn't just a one off. But, I'll take this morning as a win-win for me.

I'm also very grateful, that neither I nor Jeff, have caught the virus. Basically, we get out of the house once a week. And, while the only store where we shop, is WalMart, but it's still an outing for me.

Time to "tidy" up the kitchen. Ada comes today. Jeff doesn't understand this, but it's just the way we women are wired.

Please everyone stay safe. And, don't forget your mask.




Monday, October 19, 2020



The title says it all.  First, and perhaps foremost, is all of the election nonsense.  We posted my ballot yesterday into an official ballot box. Somehow, with all the hype, I didn't want to give the mailman my ballot, then it goes back to the post office for sorting, etc. etc. Too many steps and/or places where my ballot could become lost, etc.

I want the election to be over, but in my heart, but, not feeling assured that once the election is over, the election is not over. I know you understand. 

To be honest, for years elections didn't spark much interest on my part. You vote, somebody leaves the White House, and somebody new moves in. Simple.

I believe that on election day, which is just around the corner, Jeff and I will more than likely, stay up. If we do that, then a mid-day nap would be in order! And, nobody loves a nap more than Daisy.

And, then because I just love to worry, we're still dealing with the virus. The number of new cases as well as deaths, get higher every day. Jeff and I don't go out much, because in the case of the virus, going out less is better for me. 

I have put my personal training on hold, my fear is that too many people use the equipment. Everybody wears a mask, and the equipment is swiped clean, after each use. And, I know in my heart, that's probably enough, but even so, I'm afraid. 

Generally, my only outside contact is shopping at WalMart. There is an armed guard at the front door, and no mask, no entering. And, everybody does. Some are wearing their masks the incorrect way - cover your nose people - but it's a start. I felt very sorry for an elderly woman, who was riding in a cart, and pulling a regular shopping cart behind her. Several times I was able to reach something that was out of her reach. A feel good moment for sure.

Normally, Jeff likes to shop WalMart, as fast as he can. Yesterday, was a bit different. I simply had to go to the clothes section, to buy smaller size clothes. You know you need a smaller size, when the pants you're currently wearing, fall to the ground, when you suck your tummy in! I know we should all have this problem. It's an odd feeling for me. 

At one point last year, I didn't actually give a hoot about my getting bigger. Then, I met with the plastic surgeon, and she agreed that I needed some work done to my body, but I simply had to lose weight. Heaven knows I'm trying. I write down all of the calories that I eat every day. Most days, I have a fairly large amount of calories left over each day. And, that's definitely a good thing.

I'm making use of Amazon's Prime Wardrobe. You can put "x" amount of clothes in your cart (I think it's 7). Once the clothes arrive, you have 7 days to return or buy. For me, it's a good way to try on smaller sized clothing, and see if those clothes fit.

Since my world is now very small, and likely will be for the future I suppose, it's better, at least for me, to remain inside the house. Even though I remain in the house - and am thankful for the amount of books I have to read. As well as reading, I have several latch hook projects, that ideally I would like done before Christmas. If you're family, you can stop reading this paragraph. 

Because of my growing depression, I only watch one cycle of news. To watch more than that, is just asking for trouble, at least for me.

Holidays are going to very different this year. Scott's taking his family to Tennessee, to have Christmas with Wendy's family. While, I don't know for sure, but it seems reasonable that Andrew and family will probably go to her parent's condo, located somewhere.

I don't want to eat in a restaurant, but I don't want to cook (I mean I don't want Jeff to have to cook) for just the two of us. There are many restaurants and grocery stores that offer "to go" dinners. Most of these dinners are for four people. My thinking, which sometimes doesn't make sense, is to order 3 or 4 dinners, so we would have "tovers" for the next day! And, everybody loves a repeat of a Thanksgiving dinner. And, I'm in favor of a no fuss dinner.See how thoughtful I am!!

Well, boys and girls, I'm closing for now. Have a good day, even when wearing a mask.


Friday, October 16, 2020

Wrap Up On Thursday


We've made it to Friday. Today, we're supposed to be rain. This is a big thing for commuters, but wonderful for my car. My car hasn't moved much, since my family decided that I was unable to drive!

There is a county mini bus, and you can go on-line and order a ride. The trouble is, you can't get a precise time. At one end, or the other, you're waiting. One time I was at my doctor's office and she was getting ready to go home. I called Jeff, and he came to pick me up. It's not perfect, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.

Last night, we like probably everybody else, tuned into the two town halls. We went back and forth between watching Trump and Biden. I'm not going to say, whether or not, I was rooting for one candidate over another. But, here's what I do know, that eventually Jeff and I began to nod (correct spelling?) off. When you watch a rather boring show, and to be fair, we knew this going in. And once the den starts to become warm, you know right then, that if we're not committed to a show then we only had two options. Option One - press on until our eyeballs roll back into our heads. Option two, which is our favorite option, is to return to the television show, Schitt's Creek. I forget which premium channel it's on, maybe Netflix. If you haven't yet watched this show, which has multiple episodes, I encourage you to do so. This is absolutely a must watch show. Three of the characters are a real family.

The characters on this show, are hilarious, and they do make me laugh. Forget the title, it's the name of the town where the characters live. I know that there is nothing about this show, that couldn't be watched by both the young and the old, and for some of us, like Jeff and I, we are in a somewhat gray area. I know that, once you start watching, it's hard to stop at "x" episode! But, after a grueling day of news, most of which is negative, this show is a great way to end your evening. Believe me.

And, one of the main characters, Moira, is clothed in the weirdest outfits, I've ever seen. The costume people must really have enjoyed thinking up clothes for her.

Kick up your heels this weekend, and this might actually be hard to do. You have to wear a mask, stay as far away from others as humanly possible, and wash your hands.

Despite having to do all of that, I hope you enjoy your days off.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Back To The Past!


You and I are going back to a different time, and a different world. Sounds good doesn't it? Well, it certainly sounds good to me.

I spent the last 3 years of high school, in a small town, where much like the "Cheers" bar, everybody knew your name, as well as the rest of your expanded family. 

My freshman year, was in California, where in my class counted up to more than a thousand. I had a friend. Yes, pretty much only one. It's hard to connect with other students, when there were so many. And, I wasn't in the "in" crowd! Actually, when I think back, to that year, in particular, I did try to fit in somewhere. Thank heavens for Della. Our lunches consisted of a cookie. Not a regular size cookie. The cookies for sale were good-sized, and delicious! 

Dad retired from the Air Force, and we moved back to Illinois, where my Grandmother and Aunt lived. The town was small, and had a lot of farmers, that came to town to sell their products, mostly grains and/or corn.

In the end, visiting Grandma every day before school was a treat for both of us. I loved her very much. And, unlike some future generations, I really enjoyed spending time with both her as well as my Aunt .

My parents "built" (with help) a house  on the same street as both my Grandmother and Aunt lived. I don't actually remember how the house was built. Since Dad wasn't particularly handy, when it came to tools, our house was built. I don't remember, but am pretty sure a contractor was called in for the heavy duty things, like a concrete slab and putting up the walls. 

Oh, back to Fisher. My graduating class consisted of about 42! Yes, you read that correctly - 42. My high school years, were fun and memorable. And, I'm glad that I had the opportunity to live in such a small town.

When I would go to the post office, and it had those little boxes, that locked. I would pick up our mail, as well as for my Aunt and Grand- mother.  The little town had one doctor, a pharmacy, and a little (really little) store, much like a five and dime. The town had a lot of churches and two schools. Oh, and we had, not only a dinner, but a root beer stand as well.

In my class, the 42 of us moved as one. Building the homecoming float - we all turned up. Some of us, hmm myself for sure, were not so handy, but did my best.

A party, again all of us showed up. For Prom night, we all participated in decorating the gym, and we did a fine job.

I had a role in the senior play. My role was "Magda", the servant for a lady, who lived a fancy type of life. Murder was the theme, and we had a jury. Dad, was one of the jury members.

We practiced our roles, in the evening. We put gym mats down, and sat there until it was our turn to be on stage. This was more ridiculous fun. And, if I remember correctly, we all ate, White Castle sliders. The company started making sliders in 1921!

In the days before the internet, all research was done at the library, a few miles out of town. Dad, would take me, and would sit inside, patiently I might add, until I had written down (no copy machines) some more research for an assignment. Interestingly, I didn't drive then, and I don't drive now!

There was an Air Force Base close to town, and in those days, we participated in the USO (United Service Organization) dances and, at that time, there were more men than girls. The men were eager to dance, but to also find that girl, with whom he danced with all evening. The airmen, never stayed at the local base, for very long, before being transferred some place else.

When I think back to those times, just before the Viet Nam war broke out, and young men were drafted - even Elvis was drafted!  Compared to all the nonsense that is going on now, if I could go back in time, it would have tp be my high school years. 

Jeff and I attended one class reunion. Notice I said one. Most of the graduates were still in the area, farming like their parents. The fact that we came to D.C., (no sense talking about the town in which we really lived), my class-mates were nearly struck dumb. The questions were: what's it like living in D.C? Have you been to the White House? There were many questions and conversations about where Jeff and I lived.

Jeff and I felt like the odd man out. It was the one and only reunion I attended. When I search for the local news, I am instantly brought back to my memories. Most of the time, the memories brought up happy times. And, then I remember falling off a trampoline, and Grandma had to come to the school to pick me up.

Starting in Junior High, until my graduation in '67, I took any and all classes relating to business: typing, shorthand, bookkeeping, etc. When it was time for the teachers to recognize the individual who had been outstanding in their classes. Knowing, that I was probably going to be recognized, I stayed home!

Some of you may remember Betty Crocker. While I was in high school, all of us had to take the test. Since I knew almost nothing about the questions on the test, I literally went down and marked each question randomly. And, by some miracle, I won. This, obviously didn't make those girls who were taking cooking, sewing, etc., classes,

And, one particular stands out. I was never asked for a date. I don't know why. Prior to the last reunion, one of the classmates, were calling to check up on each of us. The person who called me, was at one time, married to my Aunt. Don't ask. Daring to take a chance, I asked Jim why nobody wanted to date me. His answer? Because the boys were afraid to do so. Afraid of what exactly? I, was by no means, unattractive, and thanks to my Mother, had clothes that were current. His answer was, that the boys felt that I was unapproachable. Really? He said that I wasn't like the other girls, whatever that meant. 

Closing now, but perhaps I'll blog about clothes tomorrow.

Keep safe everybody. Don't forget to get your flu shot.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

It's Wednesday


Well, boys and girls, since retiring, every day is much like the next one. What sets Wednesday's apart, is today is recycling day. I know, hold back your enthusiasm.

I'm afraid that Amazon is wild with enthusiasm, and selecting Prime Deals again today. Yesterday, because I have so much down time, I did go and check what deals I could find. At the moment, and including this morning, I think Jeff's credit card is not in danger. Of course, all of that could change today. Well, you never know, what I will find today.

You know what I miss about shopping in a brick and mortar store? Touching the clothes. Once upon a time, it was so much fun. Pushing clothes aside, until you find that one piece (or two) of clothing that is literally calling your name. 

Perhaps, because I'm a women, and some of my women who read my blog, will likely feel this way too. I get a high, of some sort, while poking around the store. Do I need this or that? Likely the answer is no. But, the devil on my shoulder, is rather insistent that, what the heck, it's okay to buy something. Actually, I think there is some kind of "women code" that means your must buy something, anything.

It's sunny out today, and the high temperature is around 73! Still, my internal thermostat, pretty much any time of the day, can and does go wonkers (sp).

In the late spring, I believe that the a/c should be put on. For many reasons, but one of those reasons, I don't like to stick to leather! Okay, by now, the a/c units are turned off.

There will be, because it happens every year, that Jeff and I, discuss about when to turn the heat on. O think it's time. Jeff does not.Jeff is still running around in shorts. Me? Sweatshirts and sweaters is now my go to wardrobe.

I've thought about getting one of those vacuum bags, notice didn't not say bag, I meant several. I would like to "shrink" down the beach towels, that we haven't used in several years. Some seasonal clothes. A gal, has to keep some seasonal clothing, in case we have a heat wave that blows through the east! 

For several months, I have thought that it was probably okay to take the snow shovels to the basement. But, as the year marches on, and much like a good scout, we should always be prepared. This far out, I read that we're going to have another light winter, as far as snow goes. 

If that becomes a reality, then Scott will be disappointed. Every since he was a teenager, he always wanted "foots of snow! Now, having to commute to work, which is up on a mountain (I think), his love of snow might diminish!

I still remember one winter, that the boys wanted to see how bad the streets were. Problem was, that right at the bottom of our street, they bottomed out. Sitting where they were, meant that none of our neighbors could up or down the street, and a snow plow definitely couldn't come up the street. This earned the boys

Jeff and a neighbor, armed with shovels, managed to get the boys out of trouble. At that point, they decided, and wisely so, that they should get the truck turned around and get back to the house. No harm done. Just being teenagers, are sure that they won't get into real trouble. And, as far as Scott and Andrew were concerned, while, I won't let you imagine that Scott and Andrew, were white as snow. They had their moments. Coke and mentos, gives you a great deal of fun, at the time. But  after the "explosion", the bedroom carpet was a mess! Good news, they never did that experiment again - at least not in the house!

I may have mentioned yesterday, that I had run out of certain yarn colors. This, item I'm working on, will be part of somebody's Christmas present.

I, believe I did all the right things. I notified the company, and told them that I didn't have enough yarn to complete my project. After going back and forth, they told me that the only way I could get replacement yarn, was to buy the same kit again! I didn't appreciate their answer, but ended up buying a new kit! I did, talk to Amazon, about my conversation with the seller, and they gave me a credit for my account. I guess that's better than a poke in my eye.

I have several more kits to work on, from this same company. It's easy to buy replacement yarn, in colors that almost match the original ones. I have been able to find a site where they sell individual colors. On that site, I have found similar colors that I can use. Besides, the person in question, will understand that if Mom Mom made it, it won't be perfect! That's the beauty of giving a gift, which I believe will be enjoyed, even though it's not perfectly finished! But, in my defense, and I know I need one, the gift was made with love. You can't beat that.

Please be safe everyone. I do wear a mask when we go shopping, but for the most part, remain in the house, where it's safe.






Tuesday, October 13, 2020



Today and tomorrow, are Amazon's Prime Day Deals. When you look through what's for sale, and at a reduced price, you have to make a decision whether you need (doubtful) or just plain want this or that product.

Amazon has become the go to place to shop and/or buy this or that. Amazon, wait for it, takes in per week $4.5 billion dollars each week! That amount is staggering in the big picture.

Amazon makes it super duper easy to shop, and more often than not, buy. You can shop 24/7, fully clothed or in pajamas. I hate to think about what else shoppers might be wearing! 

I, along with many others, and perhaps even you, bless our stars for this site, which ultimately makes it too easy to shop and buy.

You have gone on Amazon, and you are searching for an "x" product. The search turns up several companies who are selling the "x" item.

And, if you have the one click option to purchase things, you can get yourself in a lot of trouble, as well as adding to the growing number on your credit card!

Jeff and I have found a solution to things that I want to buy. I keep a list on things I would like to buy on Amazon. Jeff checks my list and buys thing that are on my list of wants.

Okay, sometimes, Jeff and I disagree on the things that are on my list. Then, we discuss.

I am also using Amazon's Prime Wardrobe. You select up to 7 things to buy (clothes mostly), and you return only what you're not going to buy. For me, this way I can try out a new size (smaller, to be exact) of clothing, and then decide, if everything fits, what items to return. You are not charged for this service, until you buy something. You get 7 days to try on each item. If, one or more pieces of clothes happened to not fit, Amazon gives you a return label. I have done this several times, and unluckily for Jeff, found almost every item that fit. 

I do a bit of soul searching, when I ask for the items of clothing to try. I look in the mirror, to check me out (and people I really don't like doing this), and if, let's say, everything fits, then I have to look at the price of each item. I prefer shopping this way, because it's much easier to have these clothes delivered to you. The other alternative, which I don't like, is to buy clothing at a store. You get home (because fitting rooms are closed), and try on this new piece of clothing. At least, for me, generally nothing that I buy in a real store, fits. It's too big, too small, looks stupid when I get home. 

Since I've been making a real effort, since last November, it's hard for me to buy the right size of clothing. And, you know it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer! Here's what I do know. That it's super fun and exciting to fit into a smaller size. 

Over the last couple of days, the pants I was wearing, fell to the ground. Message? They are too big. What a problem to have. The clothes that no longer fit, I put in a spare room for donating later. 

If you have the notion to go to Amazon today and/or tomorrow, there are deals to be had.

Happy shopping. Here's a peek of what one part of an Amazon warehouse looks like. Personally, I would love to tour a warehouse facility. In my mind, I can't imagine how, most of the time, packages are sent to the right person.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Mice and Cats


I know what you're thinking? Oh gosh, the "writer" in the family, doesn't have a subject. Argh. I try to keep, in my head, and that's not so easy for me. Sometimes, I'll get an idea for possible topics, or opinions (almost never) I have.

I'll have to tell you that my brain, which only works some of the time, is empty. It's not really empty, but whatever topic I had rolling around in my head, is currently away. And, likely will remain away.

Jeff was very effective in getting 3 mice out of the pantry. And, I removed everything that was on the floor, washed the floor, and vacuumed up the mess, left behind.

I checked yesterday, and the mice(s) are back. I put mice and ants in the same category. What category is that? The I don't want you in my house category. I wish a mouse in the house, could get back to Mama, and tell her that they better move on. 

So, in that regard, I'm looking for a cat. I don't want a kitten, even though they're cute. Nope, I want to adopt an actual cat. A cat, who can hit the ground running.

When I look at the cats available at The Humane Society, or an animal shelter, I notice that most postings are for kittens. When I look at all the cats, I notice that there are some cats, that are seniors. These cats will likely never be adopted. 

After all, who wants a cat that is "x" years old. I do, for sure. A little mileage on a cat, doesn't bother me in the least. I believe I would feel better in my heart, if I took a chance on an older cat. 

Yes, you can get all manner of cats, on Craigslist, but it doesn't matter if there is a pedigreed cat. So forking over a ridiculous amount of money, just doesn't make good sense. I know there are probably hundreds or thousands of unwanted cats, and to be fair dogs too. 

I'm not looking for a cat who has lineage. I couldn't give a hoot about a cat's backstory. Jeff and I have, over the years, fallen in love with yellow Labradors. Also, over the years, we've had to make the difficult choice, when we realize there is an underlying issue. One dog, when we took her to the vet, for the last time, she had a very large growth on her side. We asked, out of desperation, if the growth could be removed. The vet assured us that the answer was no. The tumor, had grown around several different places in her body. And, through tears, we made that very difficult decision, that neither of us wanted her to be in pain and struggle through the remaining years. 

When you go to a vet's office, and you exit holding a collar and a leash, that is like shorthand, to other people, who know what has just happened. There are no glances at the remaining people in the room. When you're quietly crying, and if I bothered to look up, which I don't, I would see sympathy on the other patients' faces. All, Jeff and I wanted, at this particular time, is to get in the car, and have a moment. And, then because you're heart is broken, run out and adopt a dog, or two. And, this is what we did, four years ago. It was not smooth sailing with two puppies in the house at the same time. Nope. We now have furniture that will have to be sold as either an antique (and that will never happen) Early on, Bella was a mess, and so was the house. Anything and everything was fair game, even the skirts on furniture. As a puppy, she would take shoes, socks, garbage (some of which was personal and should never have been taken). When Bella was a puppy, we would literally every now and then, take a rake to the backyard to clean things up.

The only thing now that is a trigger for Bella, is a paper cup, plate napkins, etc. To avoid this at night, we do an "inventory" of the den. We do this to make sure we've picked up all of these paper products. Oh, and we make sure that any food in the kitchen, is pushed way back on the counters, just to be on the safe side! What we do know, is that Bella will not eat a green pepper, or an onion, again!

I recognize, and Jeff does too, know that bringing a cat home, will create some kind of drama initially. Andrew has very large dogs, and Smokey their cat, is never bothered. But, when we visit, all bets are off, and they literally chase Smokey out of the room.

I'm not naive, and already know, that there will a lot of confusion in the house, with the addition of a cat, until all of the pets, get along.

There was a time, when bringing a new puppy home, that there was some back and forth sniffing each other. After a body search, if you will, we have put dogs in the laundry room, to work things out. And, they always do.

Today, the glass man is coming to the house, to replace our shower gasket, and I think something else, but I don't remember what that might be! 

In my little world, where I feel safe, there are no family or friends, that mind saying things over and over again. Perhaps, they do mind, but they keep their impatience in control. I know that I spend a lot of time, apologizing to people, for having no memory of what occurred ten minutes ago! I'm happy watching the same show, more than once. Because, in my world, it's all brand new.

Well, I started my blog about Mice and Cats, and "drifted" a bit off course.



Friday, October 9, 2020

Mental Health Day


People, I must apologize for what I thought I posted yesterday. Jeff pointed out that my mental health post was empty. I can easily get  distracted (did anyone say squirrel?).

After Jeff's comment on my post was that there was only the title "Mental Health Day" and nothing else.

So, my mental health blog is out there somewhere, because I can easily see, that some of my followers, have read my "real" post. I'm glad you guys know where it is, but I can't find it. With my short term memory, as it is now, I'm not overly surprised that I can't remember, much less be able to find that blog.

Tomorrow, is a new day. and a new blog, about one thing or the other;

Thanks guys, for sticking around. 


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Getting Off To A Slow Start


Apologies for being late this morning. Excuse? Making lists. A list for upcoming television shows, adding to my list of foods I eat now, and foods to avoid in the future. 

When I see in black & white the number of calories in certain foods, I have two choices: eat less of that particular food, or don't eat the food item again. 

Doing some checking again today, and the lowly hot dog has 151 calories! Each morning, after I weigh, and hoping for a new number to appear, I am now allowing myself 1200 calories each day. Based on the numbers, women, such as myself, who don't get much or any exercise, can eat 1600 calories per day. I tried the 1600 calories, but the scale just wasn't moving.

I'm so into trying to lose more weight, I weigh twice a day, on two scales. Overkill? You bet. But seeing the numbers start to go down, gives me incentive to keep going. One day, I had calorie overload. Fast food (yum), with ice cream and chocolate sauce - gave me a very bad day of counting calories. But, all things in moderation, and a cheat day once in awhile. I personally believe that in the big picture, one calorie laden day is not the end of the world. After a day of pure indulgence, I'm not expecting the scale to show me numbers that I like. So, back to the trenches I go.

Jeff and I watched the debate last night, and it wasn't nearly as interesting as the first debate between Biden and Trump. Senator Harris remained very cool, and seemed to know her facts. Mind you, I wouldn't know a political fact if it bit me on my ass! Just saying.

Needless to say, we stayed up to the bitter end. I know that the girls kept looking at us, as if to say, "hey, are we ever going to bed tonight"? We are keeping two bedrooms open a bit. Since the windows are open, and the dogs, particularly Bella, will bark at pretty much anything, it's not always easy to go and stay asleep. For Jeff and I, when we're sleeping, the sound of Bella's barking gets you wide awake in a second.  

Project this morning. Go through all my tv guides in the last few days, looking for shows to watch and/or record. Because there is a part of me, that can't leave my business life behind me, I make a list. And, I know you're thinking, of course you do.

I also have a spread sheet in which I add the date of a doctor visit, or a test of any kind. Having this kind of data, is useful when you see a new doctor, and they want your medical history. A simple print-out, hand it to the nurse, and then we're done. Just try to remember, who you saw, why you were there, and what procedures you have had.

If, there was a way to somehow pull up all of this history, from some kind of internal chip. Reminds me of that old television show
"Twilight". That show, at that time, was scary, but now looking back, that show pales in comparison to what people are watching today.

Nice day outside. Will probably be able to do a few laps around the circle, with my rollator. I know it's a crutch of some kind, but, at this moment in time, I need that crutch. I've asked around at the gym, of sorts, if they know of anybody that might be interested in owning a rollator.

I think you should have a goal for every day. My goal today, is to go to the hall closet upstairs. There are a number of clean towels, that I tossed to the floor, when I was looking for something. At the moment, I have no idea what I was looking for, that was worth rummaging around in the closet!

If you're retired, and now spend most of your time inside the house, it's very easy to let some things go, because there is always tomorrow, or, even the ............

You all know the drill by now. The same thing I write every day. So, today to be different, I'll just say ditto.

I hope it's nice where you are. It's so beautiful here, that I will get my shoes on this morning and do my daily exercise.

Be well.



Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Where Should I Begin?


We can start with how sunny it is outside. But, since I'm inside, blogging, I can only watch through the window. But, doing my loops around the circle, with this kind of weather, will be pleasurable!

During breakfast, I watched my one loop of news. If you, or perhaps it's just me, watch too much news, your head will simply explode! 

After I watch the news, Daisy and I sit back and relax. Since it's getting close to Halloween, there are any number of baking, sculpting, etc., shows on television. And, I love them all. As a non-artistic person, it boggles my mind (and okay it doesn't take much) what these people can do with a pumpkin. When the boys were home, the only "carving" we did with our pumpkin, was to cut out the eyes, nose and mouth. Pretty basic stuff.

Since the virus is still going strong, I doubt that there will be few, or no children, out trick 'n treating. And, of course, they did step on the porch, Bella would announce herself. Her bark alone, has moved some people off the porch. She certainly defends her people and our property.

I found this happy news this morning. This gentleman, offers free conversation with people. What a cool idea. This is a  wonderful thing he's doing, particularly since we're all living in our own world. A world, that should be filled with conversation. Let me amend that, a world where a conversation with someone outside your world would be wonderful. My only negative comment, if one was needed, is that the person shown in the picture, should be wearing a mask! 

 Good news - free conversations in Barcelona, Spain

There is a debate tonight. So, set your clocks, get your jammies (sp) on before the debate begins. I'm sure, or at least hope, that this debate doesn't become ugly like the last one. But, even if it did, I'd still watch. It's like going past a vehicle accident. I, and likely all of you too, have to look over, even casually, to visually determine what caused the accident. Doing this is a bit on the ghoulish side.

Our calendar is a little light this week. Personal training this afternoon, and then the remainder of the week, will be quiet. When I think about it, most of our days are quiet. This is a good thing, at least for me, because if there's too much going on, then my anxiety level increases. I'm sure that if we lived on a big piece of land, it would have a calming affect on my nerves (i.e., sanity). And, on that large piece of land, the girls could bark until they become hoarse, and nobody would complain. But, the older Jeff and I are, we will never do this, because somebody would be needed to work outside. And, we'll stay in this house, until ..... (well,you get the picture I'm sure).

I don't know about your neighborhood, but the potential of complaints to the HOA, is a real thing. And, coming from California, so many years ago, we are still having a bit of trouble while living so close to our neighbors. This is why when the dogs start barking, and it's usually Daisy, I am on them like a drill sergeant. When we're going to be away for a whole day, and Daisy will be alone, I always give a heads up to our next door neighbor. I think that it's my responsibility, and courtesy, to let them know that Daisy will be alone for "x" number of hours.

I'm just about finished with my first "hooking" project. It's a tiny rug for Benjamin, with what else, a Bassett Hound. Once it's finished, then I will start on another hooking project! I have lots to do before Christmas. Wish me luck.

And, as usual, please be safe, when you're going outside.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Important Work Today!


Unlike most days, I gave myself an assignment this morning. And the assignment was? Selecting television and movies to watch over the next "x" weeks. 

I only buy one TV Guide a year. And, it's the Fall Preview Guide. I have the responsibility to select the shows/movies that I think Jeff and I will like. Also, recording shows that I know Scott also enjoys, Deadliest Catch among other exciting and action packed shows. 

But, since the old Tivo needs a repair, I am now working for scratch. All the shows that I had on our "Season Pass", are now gone. But, have no fear, because I'm here to save the day! I read every page, and this is not a joke, to find shows, etc., that I am pretty sure we will all like. But, only time will tell.

Checking things out on Facebook's Market-place. I searched for books, and unfortunately for Jeff, I found many sellers offering books that I enjoy the most - romance, or a light mystery, where the death has occurred, but there is no blood or anything. These kinds of books, are what I call "gentle mysteries". There is obviously a hunt for the killer, but for the reader it's a pleasant read. And, boy do we need some pleasant things for each other right about now. Jeff has always known, for the past 46 years, my love and/or need to have books, preferably a lot of books, to choose from. The ones that I've read, I will put in a pile, that one day, I will leave on the porch, for somebody else to enjoy the books.

Mind you, I don't need (don't tell Jeff) any more books, I have plenty. One seller is selling 12 Danielle Steel paper backs for $8.00.  You can't beat that. There are also several sellers on Facebook, that are offering a variety of "lady" books also. In my world, which is fairly small, books take my imagination to some place else. Also, when I'm imagining this other world - I'm always beautiful!! What more can you ask from a book?

Jeff does, and always has, known that books, are very important to me. Confession: I don't always read every word. Sometimes, there will pages, that are interesting, and then I do read every word. 

I have a list on Amazon, where I add things that I would like to have for my birthday or Christmas. I have a few books on my list, but will add more. The author, who wrote, the Handmaid's Tale, has another book out, following along the same lines. Going to add that book to my list. Nobody, can go wrong when it comes to books. I don't care if they are used, have markings or bent spines. It's the story that counts - at least to me.

Everybody says that it's difficult to buy for me. I disagree. I like a lot of things, glass pieces is a sure win for me. I don't need more glass, but a new piece now and then never hurts. A friend has told me that my house is like going into a grandma's house. I see no problem with that. Do I have a lot of things sitting on buffets, tables (not a dining room one), etc., then the answer is yes. Do I care what you think? Nope.

I've told the boys that most, if not all, of my various glass pieces (birds, clowns, etc.) should not be just given away. They were worth something when I bought them off of Ebay so many years ago. It's very likely, that somebody in the future, will like them too.

I have a shelf in the bedroom, where my broken clowns sit. Think CDS (clowns damaged, somehow). I am only thinking about taking my damaged clowns, who are beyond repair, put them in a paper bag and break, okay crush, the clowns. Then with the help of a little cement, I could put those broken pieces into the cement and create a very unique stepping stone, if you will. Nobody will want or miss (that would be me) these damaged pieces. That's why they are on the special shelf. When Ada, who cleans the house, accidentally broke a clown, I assured her that it wasn't that big of a deal. I had plenty other clowns, and worse case, could go back to Ebay, and get a replacement clown.

While Jeff thinks this is dumb, I have to do some tidying up before Ada comes. I have assured him, that I believe that all women do this. Or, in some cases, very little tidying up is necessary. Unfortunately, our house is not that kind of house!

People, be sure to wear a mask when you're outside. When I see people walking around without a mask, I have the urge to "wake" them up, and tell them to get a mask. Of course, I would never do this, I'm gutless, but wish that somebody would.

I noticed at the debate, Melanie for instance, wore a mask into the hall, and then promptly took it off. I know that they're an annoyance to everybody, but if we all wore masks, when we're away from home, the medical people say that this one thing alone, could help many people from getting sick.

Signing off now. But I'm thinking about all of you, so please stay well.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...