Friday, August 31, 2012

Road Etiquette aka Rage


Road Etiquette aka Rage

Yesterday morning at 6:30 am I was crusing along at a respectable clip on 270 toward Bethesda.  And then - with no warning - my local lane came to a complete stop.  Not the usual inching forward or creeping - nothing.  Reason?  I hate to say this but there was a stupid car (nah stupid driver) several cars in front of me driving (I kid you not) around 20 mph.  This speed would be enough to curl your hair on a Sunday morning when most people have lots of time - but during rush hour you could be run over for impeding traffic this way.

I know that this excessively slow speed made the cars backed up behind pokey pants crazy - I know - I was one of those drivers.  Unfortunately, the lane to the left was pretty solid with cars and I was getting off in just ONE more exit but the longer I putted behind this guy the harder I wished I owned a tank.  

Normally, I'm a very calm driver.  I have a nice car, allow plenty of time to get where I'm going and have satelitte radio in the car programmed to the best music in the world (50's and 60's).  So I'm good most of the time.

I couldn't decide if the fellow in front of me who was plodding alone was stupid or oblivious or both.  When he finally put his left turn indicator on to indicate that he was going to merge into the big boy lanes - my right foot and me were ready to stomp on the gas the minute he moved over.  Just the act of moving over took him several painful seconds - I guess he was deciding how and when to merge.  The moment he moved over, my car and I were gone in a flash.  I proved that my car can go from zero to 60 in no time at all.  I left pokey pants in my rearview mirror.

I'm not an aggressive driver by nature (please believe me) and am generally pretty forgiving but when I'm idling on 270 for no reason at all, that gets my crazy up.  I felt so sorry for the car(s) that ultimately ended up behind him when he finally merged over.  Those innocent drivers had no idea how slow they were soon going to be driving.

My sons will tell you that I hold up traffic.  Not true.  I'm always very aware of my surroundings, I  go the speed limit and/or even exceed the limit.  I don't want to be the reason some other driver becomes aggravated and wants to drive over the top of me!  What is true is that I seldom pass people.  I'm just not in that big of a hurry and the other reason is that while I can and do merge perfectly well into traffic on my left, I do have trouble merging into traffic to my right - something to do with gauging the distance between cars. 

Okay climbing off the soap box now.  Feel much better and calmer.  I hope that this particular car/driver aren't going to be regulars on 270 at 6:30 am.  Because if he does I may just have to leave my comfort zone and pass him!

Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead.  ~Mac McCleary

Hey people, it's Friday and it's a three dayer.  Hope you get out of work early.  As for me I'm taking Tuesday and Wednesday off to recharge my batteries.  Enjoy.


Thursday, August 30, 2012




Buying gifts for women is difficult for most men.  We women simply don’t understand this.  I love shopping for my daughter-in-law because practically everything jumps out at me.  It would be the same if I were shopping for myself.

During the last few years when asked what I would like as a birthday, Christmas or anniversary gift – I go big.  I want a big tv, a larger computer monitor, a smart phone and of course this year – fire.

Jeff knows that jewelry is not at the top of my want list. I have some good pieces which I wear 24/7 and my costume jewelry sits in a drawer collecting dust.  Also, while I love the look and smell of roses, carnations last longer and are way cheaper.  I am a practical girl.

Our anniversary is just weeks away and as I previously mentioned, this year I want fire – in my fireplace.  The estimator dude was out yesterday and actually discouraged us for getting the more expensive model that we had originally thought we’d buy.  He quietly explained why the lesser model might be a better performer and would be definitely cheaper.  At the mention of less money he had our attention immediately.  We should receive the estimates for both the high and low end products this week and then it will be decision and check writing time. 

I also like the gift of travel and Jeff arranged two wonderful trips for us this year.  We took our trip to the Bahamas and also spent a week in Minnesota.  We’re taking the last week of September off just because and we have discussed flying to the Outer Banks one afternoon for lunch and possibly going to Ocean City, New Jersey for some beach time. With the plane the possibilities are endless, it only takes time and money.  We’d love to get Benjamin back up in the plane but the deal now is that he can’t go if he won’t wear headphones and at 4, he still resists.

Jeff always makes sure that I have everything I need to give me maximum comfort when we are flying.  I have the best headphones, a portable air conditioner, a seat cushion so I can see outside and satellite radio.  Sounds like a good way to travel doesn’t it?  While “she” can be a bit of a money guzzler, the positives far outweigh the negatives.  And we’ve met some wonderful and incredible people in our travels.

Jeff is so good about getting me great presents (with a little guidance) that I wish I could reciprocate.  Our deal, of course, is that when/if I am rich and famous, he can have a bigger, faster plane.  Pretty sure he’s not holding his breath though.

What gift are you giving your significant person today?

If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give. George MacDonald

People, in case you've lost count - today is THURSDAY with only one or perhaps a half day of work left (remember we don't ever count the day we're actually in)!!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012




Oh I love my periodicals.  Do they still call them that?  Who cares.  I keep a basket by “my” chair and at any one time it’s overflowing with pages of glossy advertising and the occasional story.  The ads promise you everything from smooth skin to spot erasers for your face, firm thighs, better hair color, longer lasting nail polish and less shine on your nose.  IF you wrote down all the hints and tips that are in a monthly ladies’ magazine, your cup would literally runneth over .  The models make everything look amazing – their faces are painted on with care and their hair flows freely like water down their backs with nary a stray hair out of place.  Not to mention nobody’s eyebrows ever need to seem plucking and there are no pesky lines to be seen. Imagine if I had a team (or perhaps a whole village) as well as some nifty editing tools how different I'd look.

Clearly the ladies' magazines are adorned and bedecked with multiple pages of advertising which bring nothing to the table unless you're wondering if the latest product would benefit or help you.

Even with all the beauty hype (which most of I don’t ascribe to), I still love them.  It’s been a long love affair with magazines but I think my longest relationship has been with People Magazine.  It’s got it all – stars, advertising, gossip, book, movie and tv reviews and even a puzzle!  Who could ask for more? 

Jeff would tell you and he’d be right (unfortunately) that I don’t really read magazines or newspapers for that matter.  I glance at the pages, and ooh and ah over the latest fashions all made for someone 30 years younger than me as well as pounds lighter.  No matter, don’t care.  I like fawning over clothes and accessories as much as the next woman. The fact that elastic waist clothing never seems to hit the Paris runways continues to mystify me!

I really hope that the day doesn’t come when magazines stop printing on high quality glossy paper and go with more of a  matte finish.  If and/or when they do I think that some of the joy of “reading” my magazines will dim for me.  I want bright and shiny paper.  Anything else would be dull and boring like a manly tech magazine (the kind that generally only has pictures of doodads).

Truth be told and let’s just keep it between you and me – Jeff actually has subscriptions to more magazines than I do!  They are all technical and many now are aviation oriented (duh),  and don’t have a lot of pictures, but they are magazines none the less.  It just looks like my magazines are bigger and bolder (due to the extra heft required to tell us about mascara and hair dyes) which they are.

Jeff is planning on being away some of this weekend.  This  gives me a good excuse to go to the grocery store and buy at least one food item (perhaps ice cream? and magazines!  Oh the choices!  Just think how much fun I'll have this weekend curled up in my chair while I "read" through a large, new stack of magazines.   I want you to know that I do try and recycle my reading.  I stockpile them up for my daughter-in-law because she likes magazines as much as I do.  And giving her a whole bag of magazines makes my son crazy – how wonderful is that?

And don't suggest that I become "green" and start reading my magazines on some electronic device.  I don't mind reading my books that way but magazines no way.  There is no tactile satisfaction in flipping pages electronically.

People, it's Wednesday and likely Friday will be an early release day - so technically and using the way I count, we only have one and a half days left to work.  I never count the actual day I'm beginning in case you were wondering.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Zucchini Bread


Zucchini Bread

The seasons are about to change.  Mother Nature is hard at work at the transformation.  We have an oak tree in our front yard and every day are pelleted by acorns.  Some of these acorns may be falling on their own accord but I have visions of big angry squirrels up high in the tree literally taking aim as I back out of the driveway.  Either way, Jeff blows the acorns in a pile every day for pick-up.  So if the squirrels are tossing the acorns the least they could do is come down and pick up after themselves!

School buses were out yesterday, another sure sign that summer is "over".  You have to time your exit from the neighborhood perfectly to avoid (in my case), teenagers who would really be driving Dad's car and idling cars at the curb filled with Moms in bathrobes waiting for their child's bus to arrive.  Yesterday, I timed it perfectly - 6:20 and cruised through the neighborhood like it was summer.  So if I can keep that up I may avoid the daily plodding along behind a bus, frequent stops and dawdling teenagers who aren't eager to actually get on the bus.

If you're looking at the title of today's blog you're probably wondering what acorns and school buses have to do with zucchini bread - hold on I'm getting there.  When the weather begins to turn cooler and as it was over the weekend rainy, I return to the kitchen to bake.  Good for us?  No.  Impossible to resist?  Yes.

Years ago a coworker gave me what I consider to be the best zucchini bread recipe ever and I'm sharing it with you today.  If you're a guy, then print it out and give it to your favorite cook (which could be yourself, I don't know) and get baking.

Beat until light and fluffy:  3 eggs
                                       2 cups sugar
                                       2 Tsp. vanilla
                                      1 cup oil

Add IN ORDER:  2 cups peeled, grated zucchini, 3 cups flour, 1 teas. baking powder, 1 teas. salt, 1 teas baking soda, 1 cup crushed and drained pineapple.  Optional:  a cup of nuts, raisins or chocolate chips.

Flour and grease two loaf pans and fill 1/2 to 2/3 full. Bake one hour at 350.

People, if you make this you will not be disappointed.  First of all it isn't green which seems to turn off a lot of people (unless it's Green Eggs and Ham) and it's moist and delicious.  If you're really feeling sinful slather butter on a piece of bread that is warm.  Heaven!

Remember, man does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up.  John C. Maxwell


Monday, August 27, 2012




A follower who also happens to be a relative, wrote and suggested that I write more about my dogs and parrot.  I can do that - today we'll talk about Sam.

Sam is a Westie who is now 12 years old.  We rescued him about 5 years ago and at the time took his brother Dean also - big mistake.  These boys were neutered late in life which makes them "markers" and Sam and Dean were in a constant battle to be the last marker.  My house suffered.  Let me give you an example on the day that we picked them up from their foster parent's house, they jumped inside my car and peed - that should have been a sign - but I can, on occasion, be a slow learner.

Even though these guys had been together for years they fought like an old married couple and were constantly jostling for position.  To be fair when we first got them home, I was actually afraid of Sam who growled all the time and even bit Jeff once or twice.  Again a slow learner.

When Benjamin came to live with us we knew that we were only going to be able to take care of one fiesty Westie and Dean was returned to Westie rescue.  I don't know what happened to him - it's best not to ask the question if you don't want to know the answer.

Meanwhile, flash forward till today and Sam has mellowed and blossomed without his brother.  Oh there is still the occasional puffing out of his chest and throaty growl when he is moved around in bed (our bed mind you); but the Sam of years ago is long gone.

Sam unfortunately does still have one really bad habit.  His aka name is Wee Willy - he still marks.  Luckily, not in the house because when he does it could be a deal breaker.  In the basement we have a rug covered with a plastic runner that Sam uses as his personal toilet more days than not.  Keep in mind the doggie door which he also uses is mere feet away!  We think he does this because he was crated a great deal as a young dog and was likely trained to go on concrete - hence the basement floor. Lucky for us he goes in the same spot and he's a small dog!

Sam has a beautiful coat of white hair that requires near constant grooming.  We bought ourselves clippers and Sam stands beautifully on a work table once a month for his haircut.  He "talks" more than any dog we've ever owned and has a personality the size of a great dane.  We figure he will continue to go 100 miles per hour until one day he will just stop.  

Though we had a rocky relationship in the beginning, he has turned out to be a wonderful dog (marking aside) that we love and enjoy very much.  

The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too."    -Samuel Butler

It's Monday people - don't forget to go to work - and hug the dog before you go.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Errands and Rudeness


Errands and Rudeness

Yesterday, Jeff and I were out running our Saturday errands.  Actually, we were in search of a solution to the drafty wood-burning fireplace that dominates the den and my favorite tv watching sofa.  I had done my homework and there aren't many places that sell either a pellet stove insert or an actual gas log so we hit two stores and we were done.  

What I discovered after talking to people at both stores is that I'm pretty lazy.  If I take the pellet stove insert option, the ashes (admittedly, Jeff's job) would have to be emptied and the pellets stored in huge bags in the garage all winter and/or all year.  Could I operate it by myself?  You bet which was one of the first requirements for a solution to cold winters.  But, the salesman continued, if I put in a gas log you simply press the remote and voila - heat.  No ashes, no storing of pellets and/or firewood, nada.  Sounds like a good deal to me.  They are coming out on Tuesday to give us an estimate for the installation but I'm already 100% on board.  

Don't get me wrong I like the fireplace - when Jeff's home.  When Jeff's not home, the draft coming down the chimney and through the glass doors is terrible.  We've had a wood burning fireplace all our married life (38 years) but I'm done.  I know that I don't have to load the cord of wood into the back of the truck or stack it near the garage, or bring it into the house during a rain or snowstorm or even start it.  So you're probably wondering what's the beef.  The beef is that it's just another one of those things that I'm not able to do by myself.  I want to be comfortable in my own home whatever the season and be able to control the a/c and/or heat by myself. 

I'll keep you posted on the status of our upcoming anniversary gift - which is going to be fire!

After exhausting ourselves listening to the salesman's chatter and hot air, we pulled into a Subway for a slightly healthier lunch option (no french fries).  We were almost through the line when an old lady got in line and when the poor fellow behind the counter began to cut her bread she started.  "You don't have to squash the bread, stop doing that."  Her voice was definitely above a whisper so you have to look - right?  Then after the squashed bread was worked out, she informed him that she wanted cucumbers - two rows and placed just so.

At the cash register Jeff and I had a coupon - buy one sandwich you get one free.  Easy?  You would think so; but there was a significant delay in ringing us up - I guess the extra bag of chips threw the cashier off.  Anyway, miss personality behind us demanded to know what the hold up was.  I nearly bit my tongue in half to keep from replying to her question and in a non ladylike fashion.  So I said nothing but was appalled by this woman's behavior.  Her behavior reminded me more of a whiny teenager than someone of her significant age.  

As I ate my lunch I wondered why we all just can't get along.  We were standing in line to get a sandwich which generally isn't time critical.  When she finally got her lunch, she didn't rush out the door in haste - nope she pulled out a paperback and ate and read leisurely.  

Whoever one is, and wherever one is, one is always in the wrong if one is rude.  ~Maurice Baring

Enjoy your Sunday.  Just think next week at this time we'll be looking forward to having Monday off!


Saturday, August 25, 2012




I want to talk about the Kindle for a moment.  Please don't confuse this with kindling which is a whole different ballgame and likely will become a story for another day.

I have been an avid reader all my life.  My father read to me every night before bed from the Little Golden Books (remember those).  I think my favorite was The Pokey Puppy.  

Flash forward 60 years or so and my nightstand and every flat surface in my house was covered in books - some read and some waiting.  As a neat freak the piles (though always tidy) were upsetting and I seldom re-read a book - when I'm done I'm done.  

One day during Oprah (remember her?) she and Amazon were offering the Kindle for 24 hours at a discounted price and I looked at Jeff and said I want that.  Actually, I think it was more like I think I want that.  

We bought the first Kindle and it comes to you naked with nary a written word to read.  It's up to you to fill up the contents, which over the years and several upgrades I have done.  I now have about 15 pages of TOC of books I've yet to read.  I find on the Kindle that once I've read something I delete it.  I can always get it back from Amazon and it's tidier! 

Once I got in the groove of the Kindle, I began to give away or sell my books.  I only have a few shelves of actual books and most of them belong to Jeff.  I do have two books that I will never sell "The Ladies Club" and "The Stand".  Those two books will be with me until the end.

I love the convenience of the Kindle - I can download a book in seconds and if I don't happen to like it, no biggie, just switch to something else.  This is amazing technology to travel with - kind of like an entire library at your fingertips and weighing no more than ounces.

I do have a small confession to make.  Every now and again I buy a "real" book.  While I love the convenience of the Kindle and my ability to magnify the type to make it easier to read, I do miss holding a book in my hands.  I never buy hardbacks because that feels too much like a commitment to me.  I have on occasion left a paper book in a public place with a note that says "please enjoy reading this and pass it on".  Do the books get picked up or does a janitor toss them out?  I don't know for sure but just my act of trying to pay it forward is enough for me.  It's the thought that counts you know.

Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.  Maya Angelou

Well it's Saturday folks.  Go finish up your chores and get outside and collect some Vitamin D and then perhaps you can curl up on the front porch and read something.


Friday, August 24, 2012




People if you're keeping count (and I doubt that you are), I'm up to 12 followers!  I appreciate each and everyone of you and wanted to tell you.

At 5:30 yesterday morning when I rolled up to my computer to impart some pearls of wisdom onto the world - or at least the internet - I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the number "12" instead of the usual "11".  I was thrilled and my entire day was made right at that very moment.

As I've explained before writing is lonely and sometimes even difficult  It is after all just me, a blank screen and some random thoughts in my head.  Some mornings I sit in front of the computer drinking my half-warmed up cup of coffee and wiling something, anything to come to the forefront of my brain. Some days I'm lucky I hit pay dirt immediately after sitting down - other days not so much.  Because of my early rise time I try and write my blog the night before so that I either (a) retrieve it; or (b) retype it.  My brain as well as my creativity tends to be a bit fresher in the middle of the day - ya think!

I won't "blog" (cute) on, just wanted to give my thanks to the people who give me a reason to continue to do what I do and at the ugly hour that I do it.  And, if you like what you read, feel free to tell someone - or me.  The more the merrier I think.

Here's a thought - you could always suggest a topic for a blog and then see what I come up with!  At that point we'd all be creative!

The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.  Mark Twain

By the way in case you've lost count and I know you haven't - it's Friday and we're only a mere 8 hours or so from coming home, kicking the shoes off and enjoying our days off.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Zippy Z


Zippy Z

Jeff and I own a two seater BMW convertible - a "zippy z" kind of car.  This is an impractical vehicle, she's useless in the winter, pricey to maintain and yet even with the negatives an absolute hoot to drive.

When you get behind the wheel of the "z", you take on a completely new persona.  You can't even help yourself.  All of a sudden you take on the mental image of a racecar driver.  Jeff is particularly heavy footed in the "z" and I'm more of a wanna be.  Admittedly, it's fun to zip around corners faster than I would in my regular car and you can absolutely park it anywhere.

For errand running, provided you're not a big shopper, this is the car to have.  Downside - no trunk space. Two bags of groceries and you're headed home or else sitting on top of the rolls of toilet paper.  A limited trunk space is a bonus for credit card usage - unless, like me, you just come home and order anything and everything on line!

You do not want to drive the "z" with the top up and windows closed.  It's a very small car and feels very confining if you do.  Nope, windows and top down is the only way to go.  There is something completely freeing about the wind blowing your hair (if you have any) every which way.  A ride through the country roads is enough to turn a blue day around.  Jeff and I have even driven it in the winter (pre-snow) with the top down and the heater on full blast - perfect.  I know that the cars we pass (because few pass us) think we're nuts but they have no idea how actually comfy we are and how much fun we are having.

Mythbusters did a show once on whether you will get wet if it rains and the top of your car is open.  Truth?  Provided it's not a deluge - and you don't stop - then you really don't get wet.  Hard to believe but you can outrun drops.  Of course traffic on 270 sometimes makes it near impossible to keep moving so after a while you admit defeat, pullover and put the top up.  Bummer.

We have on more than one occasion taken the car out in our spare time (ha) just to clear the cobwebs that build up in our heads.  By the time we get home, normally with an ice cream cone in hand, everything is better.

Once snow starts, the "z" is stored at the company warehouse for the remainder of the winter and Jeff then resumes driving the big truck aptly named "Blue Ox".  The ox isn't as much fun to drive but if you take that for a shopping trip - you never have to stop!

So put a "zippy z" car on your wish list - you'll never regret it!

Have a great Thursday.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012




Do you wish?  You know like wish you were somewhere else? Somebody else?  Well I do and I do it often.

Like today, the chore upon waking this morning (remember at 5:00 - no coffee in the system yet) was to prepare a termination letter for one of our drivers who malfunctioned this week in a big way.  So nothing like starting the day writing about negatives.  Not very zen like at all.

Each Monday I wish it were Friday afternoon and the weekend was starting.  Then on Sunday I wish it was a three day weekend so that I had Monday off.  Of course if it was a three day weekend, then when I got to work on Tuesday I would still be wishing that it was Friday!

I wish I was taller, thinner, richer (just a bit I don't want to be greedy).  I wish I didn't have to work full time anymore and yet I know if I spent more time at home I'd be wishing that I could be at work with my friends!  I know, I know - some people are just never happy.

I wish I was just days away from a vacation to anywhere.  And when I do go on a great vacation I wish that the fun didn't have to stop (and it does) and that I didn't have to return to my "normal" life (and I do).

I know this all sounds like sour grapes this morning but if we're honest with ourselves, then I know all of us do this to some degree.  Look how honest I've been this morning.

What are you wishing for?

We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.”

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Doctor's Offices

Last Friday Jeff and I spent most of the afternoon at the doctor's office.  We drove to Baltimore to go to Johns Hopkins where we have received excellent medical care for the past eight years.  The thing you need to know about an appointment at Hopkins is that you are committed to at least a half a day off from work, each time - every time.

Part of that time is the drive, you really need to allow 1.5 hours minimum to get there because traffic around this area is so iffy.  Rarely, have we ever "hit it on the head" with our arrival - we're always too early or running around to not be late.  

For Friday's appointment we were early which isn't much of a problem as they have cafes and a cafeteria where you can browse among the selection of not very healthy food options.  Luckily for us, Jeff can make a meal out of soup, which he loves and that's his first inclination.  Mine, of course, pulls me toward pizza or french fries neither of which are my friend.

The people watching at Hopkins or any big hospital for that matter is amazing.  Think of every medical show you've ever seen (real or fiction) and all the hospital players there are - interns, residents, nurses, xray technicians, surgeons and everyone in between.  Scores of people walk past you in white coats, scrubs or some other kind of uniform.  Unfortunately, my eye sight isn't good enough to be able to tell from 50 feet what is embroidered on the person's coat.  And just like in television land, everyone is in a hurry and they literally do scuttle around going wherever.

My appointment was to discuss hearing aid options and in that department you have to use a kiosk to enter yourself in.  I was better at it this time but last time I was so confused about what to press and when to scan.  This in-animated object may be the wave of the future and gosh I hope not.  Don't they need to keep the people employed who copy your insurance card and ask for your birth date and address?  

Waiting rooms are another mecca for people watching.  There are people dressed up and some barely dressed.  What I did notice was that seems like today everybody has the cell phone clutch in common.  As soon as you are through admitting, everybody grabs their cell phone and immediately begin pushing buttons.  In my case, I'm trying to catch up with my ever growing Word with Friends games.  Oh and in case you're interested I get trounced regularly - I just can't seem to find (in my mind anyway) the high scoring words!  Adding an "s" or an "ed" to a word really isn't going to get you to first place - if you care.

Once inside the inner circle, your appointment moves along quickly particularly if you tell the doctor that you're not ready RIGHT this minute to buy hearing aids.  By the way, if you folks are thinking about hearing aids the going price ranges from $2800 to $6000 for two.  My insurance company kicks in a generous $400.  I at least now have my information, saw the actual hearing aids and put on a trial pair which were so small you wouldn't know they were there.  My hearing loss is mild and the cost is so high that for the moment I'm just going to either (a) sound silly when I respond to a question I didn't really hear; or (b) spend a lot of time saying huh or what around the office!  Either way, they love me.

The only equipment lack in the modern hospital?  Somebody to meet you at the entrance with a handshake!  ~Martin H. Fischer

Oh one more piece of unwanted (likely) trivia - today is National Spumoni Day

 Happy Tuesday people.  P

Monday, August 20, 2012




If you noticed, then you saw that I wasn't "here" yesterday.  Nope.  I had a weekend of being Grandma which definitely slows down my writing ability among other things.  Benjamin et al came on Saturday to spend the weekend so that Jeff and Scott could help Andy move a generator he just bought from Craigslist.  "Jennies" (or at least whole house Jennies") are huge, heavy burdensome beasties and while it doesn't a village to move one - it does take a family!

My job on Saturday was to prepare dinner for a number of folks and time yet to be known.  A cook's challenge no doubt.  I made spaghetti (lots) and had it ready at the normal dinner time which in our house is 6:00. Saturday night we ate in shifts - those that were at the house at 6:00 ate first; followed by the second wave an hour later.  Mom's spaghetti was a huge hit and was just as well received as "tovers" (leftovers to the rest of you) on Sunday - again in shifts.

Sunday after lunch Stacey and I took Benjamin to an art studio at Rio.  There you can do ceramics, mosaics, glass fusing or acrylic painting.  We opted for acrylic painting because that doesn't have to be re fired and is instant gratification - after you finish the painting.

I picked out a sensible and small trinket box of which I have no particular need; but, give me enough time and I'll think of something.  Benjamin on the other hand chose a two piece Cinderella-type princess.  He actually started on the bottom of the dress nicely - pink then a bit of red which combined with purple and yellow ends up being a murky hard-to-describe brown color.  Stacey did the top portion of the princess and as always did a beautiful job.  Benjamin's skirt became the "skirt of many colors" and that's just about where his interest began to lag.  Luckily, the owner of the store popped popcorn and Stacey gave him the cellphone and while the ladies painted, Benjamin snacked and played games.

There is a reason I don't paint often - I'm just not very good at it.  My little box was painted bright green with yellow stumpy feet and an orange top with a purple knob.  I know it sounds dreadful but it actually turned out well (color wise).  I painted the feet yellow which I thought would be a nice contrast to the green but then I got the yellow on part of the green and when I went back to green to fix it managed to get that on the yellow.  So I did the next best thing - I sort of "swirled" the two colors until I came up with a unique yellow/green set of feet.

I had the same problem with the top.  The orange was magnificent and yet when I went to paint the top purple, managed to get purple on orange and vice versa.  At some point, you just have to leave it alone.  This was just a box - four squares - nothing intricate.  I used a big brush and it should have been child's play and would have taken no time at all to finish except for having to go back to repaint what I'd already done!  The end result after being sprayed with acrylic and sprinkled with a light amount of glitter is really pretty cute.  

As Benjamin had lost interest in the princess I took over and tried to cover the brown with red and pink.  I managed to cover it but not well in all areas.  Between Stacey and I we managed to finish the princess with the top half (hers) looking better than the bottom half (mine); but again sprayed with acrylic and sprinkled with glitter - she looks pretty good.

We took Benjamin to Target to get him a backpack for starting "big boy" preschool next month.  I was able to pick out a lovely backpack that lights up when you walk - and, it of course, turned out to be a bit pricey!  We wandered the toy aisle as grandmothers and grandchildren are wont to do - and Benjamin was in a complete panic because he couldn't find anything!  Let me clarify - he couldn't find anything under forty dollars.  I told him that Pop-Pop would probably not think a $40.00+ toy was a necessary expense even on a rainy day.  We settled on a small Lego set and a Scooby-Doo movie.  By the way, the movie was terrible even by my standards; but Benjamin seemed to like it.  I sent the movie home with him last night and told Stacey and Andy that they didn't need to return it to my house anytime soon.

Stacey and Andy went out for dinner with Scott and his wife and Jeff and I stayed home and babysat.  The three of us "watched" more or less the movie while we also piled cars, trucks and planes inside an old race track leftover toy from my boys.  The race track if it was in perfect condition and with all its pieces would sell for hundreds of dollars on Ebay - and since it doesn't it provides enough entertainment for another generation who doesn't yet notice the missing pieces.

After the good-byes which are never easy for Benjamin and myself, although we did better last night, Jeff and I returned to the really quiet house, tidied up a bit, popped popcorn and retired to the sofa to watch a bit of tv before declaring ourselves exhausted.

Even after a pretty good night's rest still pretty tired this morning so hopefully nothing major will be necessary at work today.  Who knows if it's quiet perhaps I can even leave work early and sneak in a nap!  Here's hoping.

Have a great Monday.

What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance.  They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life.  And, most importantly, cookies.  ~Rudolph Giuliani


Saturday, August 18, 2012




If you're reading this then you're reading a blog - mine as opposed to someone else's.  And thanks for that.  Curious I went out to the Internet which as turned into the know all and see all Wizard of our time. Old encyclopedias (that weighed a ton) are now selling for pennies in junk shops or are being used to fuel a fire in the winter time.

I turned to Wikipedia and he coughed up 18 (can you believe it) pages about blogs.  Who knew there was so much to say about blogging.  Simply stated, Wiki says "discussion or information site consisting of discrete entries (posts) displayed in reverse chronological order."  Concise, to the point and expertly defines a blog.

There are 156 million public blogs in existence which creates tremendous odds against your own (or mine) personal blog going viral.  I know that for the followers of my blog it was my initial reach out to some friends and then word of mouth and I thank you for that.  Wiki does suggest that there should be a Blogger's Code of Conduct with the number one suggestion to take responsibility for what you write.  That makes good sense to me but perhaps other folks need reminding.

The only person(s) who I throw under the bus on a regular basis if Jeff or myself.  Jeff is used to this for he's bee my "fall guy" for 37 years and knows that my writing is all in fun.  I don't want my blog to be mean or hurtful and I'm proud that I've accomplished that.

I know that most blogs are about a specific subject, i.e., knitting for instance.  Whereas, my blog is all over the place - it's just a place where I put down random bits of writing every day.  Writing that hopefully people enjoy reading at least most of the time.  I know that I'm not an expert on any one thing and consider myself more of a jack-of-all-trades person.

I keep by my computer an ever evolving list of possible future blogs.  While it may look easy it sometimes is actually quite difficult to come up with something fresh every day.  So when some niggle hits my brain, I jot it down before I forget.  The other important piece of this is to cross it off the list when you've written about it!  Otherwise, you might be doing a "rerun" blog and you know how we all feel about reruns.  They used to be the ban of our television watching during the summer of our youth. 

Quote of the day: Your blog is your unedited version of yourself by Lorelle.

Happy Saturday.  P

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...