Sunday, August 26, 2012

Errands and Rudeness


Errands and Rudeness

Yesterday, Jeff and I were out running our Saturday errands.  Actually, we were in search of a solution to the drafty wood-burning fireplace that dominates the den and my favorite tv watching sofa.  I had done my homework and there aren't many places that sell either a pellet stove insert or an actual gas log so we hit two stores and we were done.  

What I discovered after talking to people at both stores is that I'm pretty lazy.  If I take the pellet stove insert option, the ashes (admittedly, Jeff's job) would have to be emptied and the pellets stored in huge bags in the garage all winter and/or all year.  Could I operate it by myself?  You bet which was one of the first requirements for a solution to cold winters.  But, the salesman continued, if I put in a gas log you simply press the remote and voila - heat.  No ashes, no storing of pellets and/or firewood, nada.  Sounds like a good deal to me.  They are coming out on Tuesday to give us an estimate for the installation but I'm already 100% on board.  

Don't get me wrong I like the fireplace - when Jeff's home.  When Jeff's not home, the draft coming down the chimney and through the glass doors is terrible.  We've had a wood burning fireplace all our married life (38 years) but I'm done.  I know that I don't have to load the cord of wood into the back of the truck or stack it near the garage, or bring it into the house during a rain or snowstorm or even start it.  So you're probably wondering what's the beef.  The beef is that it's just another one of those things that I'm not able to do by myself.  I want to be comfortable in my own home whatever the season and be able to control the a/c and/or heat by myself. 

I'll keep you posted on the status of our upcoming anniversary gift - which is going to be fire!

After exhausting ourselves listening to the salesman's chatter and hot air, we pulled into a Subway for a slightly healthier lunch option (no french fries).  We were almost through the line when an old lady got in line and when the poor fellow behind the counter began to cut her bread she started.  "You don't have to squash the bread, stop doing that."  Her voice was definitely above a whisper so you have to look - right?  Then after the squashed bread was worked out, she informed him that she wanted cucumbers - two rows and placed just so.

At the cash register Jeff and I had a coupon - buy one sandwich you get one free.  Easy?  You would think so; but there was a significant delay in ringing us up - I guess the extra bag of chips threw the cashier off.  Anyway, miss personality behind us demanded to know what the hold up was.  I nearly bit my tongue in half to keep from replying to her question and in a non ladylike fashion.  So I said nothing but was appalled by this woman's behavior.  Her behavior reminded me more of a whiny teenager than someone of her significant age.  

As I ate my lunch I wondered why we all just can't get along.  We were standing in line to get a sandwich which generally isn't time critical.  When she finally got her lunch, she didn't rush out the door in haste - nope she pulled out a paperback and ate and read leisurely.  

Whoever one is, and wherever one is, one is always in the wrong if one is rude.  ~Maurice Baring

Enjoy your Sunday.  Just think next week at this time we'll be looking forward to having Monday off!


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