Tuesday, August 14, 2012




Want to feel humble some time?  Once a month on my way to the beauty salon, I drive on Deer Park.  Not only is there a 25 mph speed limit on that street, which means you are literally crawling along; but, there are a zillion bus stops on that street (or at least seems like it).  On an early Saturday morning every bus stop has multiples of people waiting for a bus.  Where are they going at 8:30 in the morning?  To work? Shopping? Seems doubtful that they’re catching the bus just so that they can go out for breakfast – but maybe.

I pass all these people grateful for my dark sunglasses, so that I can see but not be seen.  Jeff and I have worked hard all of our life to achieve what we now have.  But as I pass these people in my nice car, I feel bad and maybe a bit ashamed.  How did Jeff and I manage to get where we are today and the people I pass appear to have so little.

Jeff and I whine about the little annoyances in our life – the a/c doesn’t work for a WHOLE day or the garage door needs a new screw drive (at least we have a garage and there’s a car inside).  But compared to people who ride the bus because they have to, not because they want to, we have absolutely nothing to fuss about.

The next time you pass people standing at the bus stop, imagine for a moment that that is your life.  Where are you going today?


“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” Oprah

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