Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Doctor's Offices

Last Friday Jeff and I spent most of the afternoon at the doctor's office.  We drove to Baltimore to go to Johns Hopkins where we have received excellent medical care for the past eight years.  The thing you need to know about an appointment at Hopkins is that you are committed to at least a half a day off from work, each time - every time.

Part of that time is the drive, you really need to allow 1.5 hours minimum to get there because traffic around this area is so iffy.  Rarely, have we ever "hit it on the head" with our arrival - we're always too early or running around to not be late.  

For Friday's appointment we were early which isn't much of a problem as they have cafes and a cafeteria where you can browse among the selection of not very healthy food options.  Luckily for us, Jeff can make a meal out of soup, which he loves and that's his first inclination.  Mine, of course, pulls me toward pizza or french fries neither of which are my friend.

The people watching at Hopkins or any big hospital for that matter is amazing.  Think of every medical show you've ever seen (real or fiction) and all the hospital players there are - interns, residents, nurses, xray technicians, surgeons and everyone in between.  Scores of people walk past you in white coats, scrubs or some other kind of uniform.  Unfortunately, my eye sight isn't good enough to be able to tell from 50 feet what is embroidered on the person's coat.  And just like in television land, everyone is in a hurry and they literally do scuttle around going wherever.

My appointment was to discuss hearing aid options and in that department you have to use a kiosk to enter yourself in.  I was better at it this time but last time I was so confused about what to press and when to scan.  This in-animated object may be the wave of the future and gosh I hope not.  Don't they need to keep the people employed who copy your insurance card and ask for your birth date and address?  

Waiting rooms are another mecca for people watching.  There are people dressed up and some barely dressed.  What I did notice was that seems like today everybody has the cell phone clutch in common.  As soon as you are through admitting, everybody grabs their cell phone and immediately begin pushing buttons.  In my case, I'm trying to catch up with my ever growing Word with Friends games.  Oh and in case you're interested I get trounced regularly - I just can't seem to find (in my mind anyway) the high scoring words!  Adding an "s" or an "ed" to a word really isn't going to get you to first place - if you care.

Once inside the inner circle, your appointment moves along quickly particularly if you tell the doctor that you're not ready RIGHT this minute to buy hearing aids.  By the way, if you folks are thinking about hearing aids the going price ranges from $2800 to $6000 for two.  My insurance company kicks in a generous $400.  I at least now have my information, saw the actual hearing aids and put on a trial pair which were so small you wouldn't know they were there.  My hearing loss is mild and the cost is so high that for the moment I'm just going to either (a) sound silly when I respond to a question I didn't really hear; or (b) spend a lot of time saying huh or what around the office!  Either way, they love me.

The only equipment lack in the modern hospital?  Somebody to meet you at the entrance with a handshake!  ~Martin H. Fischer

Oh one more piece of unwanted (likely) trivia - today is National Spumoni Day

 Happy Tuesday people.  P

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