Sunday, August 5, 2012

Chore Drudgery


Chore Drudgery

Yesterday, in addition to being salon day is also chore day or to be more precise - laundry day.  And I don't know why I hate it so much, but I do.  It's not the separating between colors or whites or checking Jeff's pockets for all things ink related.  Nope it's actually the folding and worse yet the actual hauling of the clean clothes back upstairs to be put away.  Hate this and have for years.  I will leave clean and folded clothes on top of the dryer for a week rather than take them upstairs.  It's not like there's no room for the clothes once I get them to the bedroom, I guess it's just the chore of actually getting them there. 

Another chore I don't do well is empty the dishwasher.  I don't mind the loading at all or the mindless hum of the machine - it's taking the clean dishes out.  This job is much like taking the laundry up and not one I'm particularly good at.  Oh to be sure I will take MOST of the dishes out; but I don't think I've ever actually emptied the entire dishwasher.  My rationale is that I don't want the dishwasher to get lonely until a new batch of dirty dishes arrive.  This is a crock - you know and I know it.  But, if you are so lazy that you can't put away the very last piece of tupperware, then I think it's better to have a silly excuse than none at all.  Putting away silverware may be the boringst part - little forks, big forks, knives, little spoons and big spoons.  Day after day, month after month and year after year.  After a while folks this mind-numbing chore slowly drives you insane (at least for the moment when you are contemplating leaving a FEW pieces of silverware in the dishwasher until NEXT time).  By the way the next time - at least for me - never comes.  I think I have at least one measuring cup that just gets boiled in hot water day after day and luckily it is a size that I apparently don't need very often - or at all.  But at least if I did/do need it - I know where it is - and it's CLEAN.

So when I finish writing this and Jeff does wake up - I have two choices.  Pick out today's wardrobe from the top of the dryer and leave the rest of the clothes behind OR gather up everything and once upstairs start tossing t-shirts and underwear into drawers.  Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Where are your clean clothes today?


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