Thursday, August 2, 2012




Lucky for us no two people are the same.  Nor do two people maintain their personal space the same - or their paperwork.  This can be both good and bad.

Jeff and I maintain an office - a real nothing else happens in there - office.  We once run tried to sit our two desks side-by-side but that was a disaster.  To say that I keep a tidy workspace would be an understatement.  To say that he doesn't is also an understatement!  I am borderline anal about my space and believe that there is a place for everything and it's not on my desk. So process, process, process that paperwork.  When we sat side-by-side, Jeff's papers would begin to "flow" over into my space. This was not acceptable to me - although it did seem to work for him.  That arrangement didn't last too long before I insisted on a different floor plan.

We now sit in the same room but apart and it's better that way.  There is a work table that divides us and it is onto this table that Jeff's processed work is tossed to await me.  Notice I didn't say stacked or filed - nope definitely tossed.  Before filing can actually begin I first gather everything up, then sort into piles for each of the companies as well as our own personal papers.  I admit that while I'm super anal about my space I often feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of paperwork to be filed and so my filing "slot(s)" are generally overflowing.

I tend to do my best work in the office when I'm playing some old rock 'n roll music - something lively to get me going - and keep me going - while I do my filing.  There are days, however, that the urge to just stuff all the paper in a box and seal it shut is very strong!

I can tell, just like in The Three Bears, when somebody has been sitting at my desk.  It's the little things that I notice.  The staple remover has moved or somebody has absconded with my favorite pen.  Surely in the big scheme of things this shouldn't matter - but in truth - it does.

When you're both OCD and a tad (or a lot) anal then your individual space becomes very important.  The neatness of my desk, both at home and at work, gives me peace.  And in the crazy world of today, what's wrong with that?

Look around your work area - tidy - or not so much?



  1. everything is IN IT'S PLACE - works for me

  2. Yes I know it does and it's nice that Switzerland is between us!


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