Friday, August 24, 2012




People if you're keeping count (and I doubt that you are), I'm up to 12 followers!  I appreciate each and everyone of you and wanted to tell you.

At 5:30 yesterday morning when I rolled up to my computer to impart some pearls of wisdom onto the world - or at least the internet - I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the number "12" instead of the usual "11".  I was thrilled and my entire day was made right at that very moment.

As I've explained before writing is lonely and sometimes even difficult  It is after all just me, a blank screen and some random thoughts in my head.  Some mornings I sit in front of the computer drinking my half-warmed up cup of coffee and wiling something, anything to come to the forefront of my brain. Some days I'm lucky I hit pay dirt immediately after sitting down - other days not so much.  Because of my early rise time I try and write my blog the night before so that I either (a) retrieve it; or (b) retype it.  My brain as well as my creativity tends to be a bit fresher in the middle of the day - ya think!

I won't "blog" (cute) on, just wanted to give my thanks to the people who give me a reason to continue to do what I do and at the ugly hour that I do it.  And, if you like what you read, feel free to tell someone - or me.  The more the merrier I think.

Here's a thought - you could always suggest a topic for a blog and then see what I come up with!  At that point we'd all be creative!

The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.  Mark Twain

By the way in case you've lost count and I know you haven't - it's Friday and we're only a mere 8 hours or so from coming home, kicking the shoes off and enjoying our days off.



  1. I really enjoy reading your daily blogs after my coffee, cereal and newspaper. It is so easy to relate to so much of what you have written. It's a validation of our daily lives. A suggestion for one of your blogs: tell us more about your dogs and parrot. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hey, Ruthie thanks for the nice comment. I'm glad I'm part of your daily routine. I'll start thinking about the pets and thanks for the suggestion. P


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Closing Up Shop

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