Thursday, August 30, 2012




Buying gifts for women is difficult for most men.  We women simply don’t understand this.  I love shopping for my daughter-in-law because practically everything jumps out at me.  It would be the same if I were shopping for myself.

During the last few years when asked what I would like as a birthday, Christmas or anniversary gift – I go big.  I want a big tv, a larger computer monitor, a smart phone and of course this year – fire.

Jeff knows that jewelry is not at the top of my want list. I have some good pieces which I wear 24/7 and my costume jewelry sits in a drawer collecting dust.  Also, while I love the look and smell of roses, carnations last longer and are way cheaper.  I am a practical girl.

Our anniversary is just weeks away and as I previously mentioned, this year I want fire – in my fireplace.  The estimator dude was out yesterday and actually discouraged us for getting the more expensive model that we had originally thought we’d buy.  He quietly explained why the lesser model might be a better performer and would be definitely cheaper.  At the mention of less money he had our attention immediately.  We should receive the estimates for both the high and low end products this week and then it will be decision and check writing time. 

I also like the gift of travel and Jeff arranged two wonderful trips for us this year.  We took our trip to the Bahamas and also spent a week in Minnesota.  We’re taking the last week of September off just because and we have discussed flying to the Outer Banks one afternoon for lunch and possibly going to Ocean City, New Jersey for some beach time. With the plane the possibilities are endless, it only takes time and money.  We’d love to get Benjamin back up in the plane but the deal now is that he can’t go if he won’t wear headphones and at 4, he still resists.

Jeff always makes sure that I have everything I need to give me maximum comfort when we are flying.  I have the best headphones, a portable air conditioner, a seat cushion so I can see outside and satellite radio.  Sounds like a good way to travel doesn’t it?  While “she” can be a bit of a money guzzler, the positives far outweigh the negatives.  And we’ve met some wonderful and incredible people in our travels.

Jeff is so good about getting me great presents (with a little guidance) that I wish I could reciprocate.  Our deal, of course, is that when/if I am rich and famous, he can have a bigger, faster plane.  Pretty sure he’s not holding his breath though.

What gift are you giving your significant person today?

If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give. George MacDonald

People, in case you've lost count - today is THURSDAY with only one or perhaps a half day of work left (remember we don't ever count the day we're actually in)!!



Talk to me people. Please leave me your comments!

Closing Up Shop

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