Monday, August 27, 2012




A follower who also happens to be a relative, wrote and suggested that I write more about my dogs and parrot.  I can do that - today we'll talk about Sam.

Sam is a Westie who is now 12 years old.  We rescued him about 5 years ago and at the time took his brother Dean also - big mistake.  These boys were neutered late in life which makes them "markers" and Sam and Dean were in a constant battle to be the last marker.  My house suffered.  Let me give you an example on the day that we picked them up from their foster parent's house, they jumped inside my car and peed - that should have been a sign - but I can, on occasion, be a slow learner.

Even though these guys had been together for years they fought like an old married couple and were constantly jostling for position.  To be fair when we first got them home, I was actually afraid of Sam who growled all the time and even bit Jeff once or twice.  Again a slow learner.

When Benjamin came to live with us we knew that we were only going to be able to take care of one fiesty Westie and Dean was returned to Westie rescue.  I don't know what happened to him - it's best not to ask the question if you don't want to know the answer.

Meanwhile, flash forward till today and Sam has mellowed and blossomed without his brother.  Oh there is still the occasional puffing out of his chest and throaty growl when he is moved around in bed (our bed mind you); but the Sam of years ago is long gone.

Sam unfortunately does still have one really bad habit.  His aka name is Wee Willy - he still marks.  Luckily, not in the house because when he does it could be a deal breaker.  In the basement we have a rug covered with a plastic runner that Sam uses as his personal toilet more days than not.  Keep in mind the doggie door which he also uses is mere feet away!  We think he does this because he was crated a great deal as a young dog and was likely trained to go on concrete - hence the basement floor. Lucky for us he goes in the same spot and he's a small dog!

Sam has a beautiful coat of white hair that requires near constant grooming.  We bought ourselves clippers and Sam stands beautifully on a work table once a month for his haircut.  He "talks" more than any dog we've ever owned and has a personality the size of a great dane.  We figure he will continue to go 100 miles per hour until one day he will just stop.  

Though we had a rocky relationship in the beginning, he has turned out to be a wonderful dog (marking aside) that we love and enjoy very much.  

The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too."    -Samuel Butler

It's Monday people - don't forget to go to work - and hug the dog before you go.

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