Saturday, August 11, 2012

Benjamin and Saturday


Benjamin and Saturday

There are two greats things happening today.  One is that it's Saturday.  My day to linger over a cup of coffee and read (okay glance) at the paper leisurely.  During the week I read the paper when I get home from work in the evening.  I'm more of a pictures person when it comes to the paper; and, anyway Jeff keeps me posted on the big news.

I have had my cup of coffee, gone through all the ads, found coupons for new products that look interesting.  Pens made out of water bottles - gotta try that.  Apples and pears with caramel, that sounds yummy and might be really good in a lunchbox.

I digress.  Anyway, the other great thing about this Saturday in particular is that Benjamin is coming to visit.  Jeff and I haven't seen him in several weeks and we miss him.  He called last night and while he's not quite ready to converse on the phone for more than 30 seconds before he dashes off; he's getting better.   I don't always understand everything he says on the phone but at 4 he doesn't always expect an answer.  So it's working really well for both of us.  He screams I love you and because I know he's running away I scream in return. 

Today, when Benjamin and his parents come we are loading up the car(s) and heading to the fair.  Yup Montgomery County.  I have suggested that the only way to take Benjamin to the fair is to buy him and his parents those "all you can ride" bracelets.  Children, particularly 4 year olds, do not understand that you are either (a) out of money; or (b) don't have any tickets left.  Both of these scenarios I have seen in years past and they are met with unpleasant results (i.e., temper tantrums).  

It seems doubtful that Benjamin will have any interest in the farm animals but might rev up enthusiasm for the rabbits.  I hear they make nice pets and they're always several up for sale!  So if we miss the sheep, pig and cow barns I'm okay with that.  As for the midway, if it was up to me I'd skip that part; but, we're going for a small boy and the sights and sounds of the midway are intoxicating.  I will pack some spare money in my pocket so that Benjamin can go "fish" or play some other cash-only game.  His chances of winning are unlikely but try explaining that to a toddler.  There is one game at the fair where you are guaranteed to win something even if it's just a pencil.  To a small boy it isn't the size of the prize, it's the prize itself.  I understand this.

There is also fair food to be sampled.  Cotton candy for me as a child was a marvelous treat that I only got at local fairs.  I tried it a few years ago as an adult and it nearly gagged me.  Too sweet, too sticky, too everything.  Nope no more cotton candy in my life.  But, I know that the sticky treat may "call" to Benjamin and I believe every child should get a chance to have unlimited amounts of fun, eat gooey, sugary treats and run till they collapse.  All of this we will do today.  

There are very few rides that hold much appeal for me anymore.  My all time favorite remains the Tilt-A-Whirl.  Loved it as a child and love it now.  That is the one ride that is hard for me to resist.  I also like tea cups where you can either spin yourself into a frenzy or just sit and enjoy the ride.  If my son is involved, he will turn the wheel until the world becomes a dizzying blur before our eyes.  I don't want to spin upside down, have the floor drop away below me, ride a roller coaster or have bumper cars crash into me.  I know I sound like a wet blanket - but it's just the way it is.

Once our money is gone and the child is worn down to a nub, we will head home.  Benjamin and his parents are staying over tonight and then will leave tomorrow probably after breakfast.  After our bedroom door is shut tonight and before I turn out the lights, there will be time for book reading, tickling and my personal favorite cuddling.  I don't know how much longer Benjamin will tolerate the cuddle routine; but, I'm willing to participate as long as he is.

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child.  There are seven million.  ~Walt Streightiff 

Go out - catch a ride - eat something sticky - and enjoy yourself.


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