Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day Off


Day Off

Yup.  Right in the middle (or nearly) of the week, I'm taking a day off.  I'm playing hookey.    I find that the longer I work (we're talking years here people) the more "battery charging" days I need.  So today looked like a good day to play and play I shall. 

First of all I slept in - all the way until 6:00!  Gadzooks, half the day is gone.  Second, I've arranged a play date for myself with my neighbor.  We're going to see the new movie Hope Springs with Meryl Strepp and Tommy Lee Jones this afternoon.  It looks like kind of an "old person" story and I bet it'll be funny besides.

I have a few errands to run this morning and since my car is being serviced today, I'll zip around town in Jeff's little convertible which is a hoot to run errands in.  You can park her anywhere - just have to (a) watch your speed; and (b) watch for bumps (she runs very low to the ground).

I have just signed up for another writing class with University of Madison so I may bat around some ideas on paper for my latest writing assignment.  The assignments are brutual but the feedback is absolutely worth it.  This will be the third online class I've taken with Madison and each one has been worth every cent.  

Oh I know I'll also try and think of my tomorrow and the next day blog.  You don't suppose that I just sit down here every morning at 5:00 and immediately the words begin to flow.  Generally, not so much.  If there is a lot swirling around up there and generally there is, my creative side can get pushed back and be hard to find.  We can't have that.

I don't suppose your Thursday is going to look like mine; but, whatever you do today enjoy it.
“There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.”
W. Somerset Maugham



  1. You are a special lady, PB. Great blog.


  2. Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it and it keeps me writing.


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Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...