Friday, August 31, 2012

Road Etiquette aka Rage


Road Etiquette aka Rage

Yesterday morning at 6:30 am I was crusing along at a respectable clip on 270 toward Bethesda.  And then - with no warning - my local lane came to a complete stop.  Not the usual inching forward or creeping - nothing.  Reason?  I hate to say this but there was a stupid car (nah stupid driver) several cars in front of me driving (I kid you not) around 20 mph.  This speed would be enough to curl your hair on a Sunday morning when most people have lots of time - but during rush hour you could be run over for impeding traffic this way.

I know that this excessively slow speed made the cars backed up behind pokey pants crazy - I know - I was one of those drivers.  Unfortunately, the lane to the left was pretty solid with cars and I was getting off in just ONE more exit but the longer I putted behind this guy the harder I wished I owned a tank.  

Normally, I'm a very calm driver.  I have a nice car, allow plenty of time to get where I'm going and have satelitte radio in the car programmed to the best music in the world (50's and 60's).  So I'm good most of the time.

I couldn't decide if the fellow in front of me who was plodding alone was stupid or oblivious or both.  When he finally put his left turn indicator on to indicate that he was going to merge into the big boy lanes - my right foot and me were ready to stomp on the gas the minute he moved over.  Just the act of moving over took him several painful seconds - I guess he was deciding how and when to merge.  The moment he moved over, my car and I were gone in a flash.  I proved that my car can go from zero to 60 in no time at all.  I left pokey pants in my rearview mirror.

I'm not an aggressive driver by nature (please believe me) and am generally pretty forgiving but when I'm idling on 270 for no reason at all, that gets my crazy up.  I felt so sorry for the car(s) that ultimately ended up behind him when he finally merged over.  Those innocent drivers had no idea how slow they were soon going to be driving.

My sons will tell you that I hold up traffic.  Not true.  I'm always very aware of my surroundings, I  go the speed limit and/or even exceed the limit.  I don't want to be the reason some other driver becomes aggravated and wants to drive over the top of me!  What is true is that I seldom pass people.  I'm just not in that big of a hurry and the other reason is that while I can and do merge perfectly well into traffic on my left, I do have trouble merging into traffic to my right - something to do with gauging the distance between cars. 

Okay climbing off the soap box now.  Feel much better and calmer.  I hope that this particular car/driver aren't going to be regulars on 270 at 6:30 am.  Because if he does I may just have to leave my comfort zone and pass him!

Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead.  ~Mac McCleary

Hey people, it's Friday and it's a three dayer.  Hope you get out of work early.  As for me I'm taking Tuesday and Wednesday off to recharge my batteries.  Enjoy.


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