Friday, August 3, 2012

Day Off


Day Off

Followers and readers, I'm taking a day off today.  I have checked the back corners of my brain - you know where the cobwebs live - and find nothing much back there.  There's probably nothing back there from lack of use - but that's a story for another day.

Some days or weeks are more mundane than others and I'm having just such a week.  The routine is familiar and dull and there's nothing on the immediate horizon to look forward to.

The good news is that there's nothing particularly negative happening either.  I'm just having a vanilla day/ week.  I have been remiss in my shopping on Ebay so I don't even have packages to look forward to receiving.  Particularly, as I rev up my Christmas shopping on line, it's like Christmas every day at my house when the UPS driver shows up.  Jeff and I are probably one of only a few people who give presents to both their UPS driver and mailman at Christmas.  Why?  Well, there's the obvious reason that we're just simply nice folks; but the bigger reason is probably guilt.  These guys hump packages to our house on a nearly daily basis and chains for commercial vehicles weigh a LOT.

If I was more of a Betty Crocker or Martha Stewart type of woman then I would bake a cake (from scratch obviously) or weave a basket using just the grasses found in my yard - but I'm neither of these people.  Besides, by the time Christmas rolls around the stores are filled with beautifully wrapped and beribboned baskets just meant for giving.

If I wrapped you a gift it would like like I had.  I use an excessive amount of tape, fail to notice that the corners aren't tucked in attractively (and don't care) and haven't the foggiest idea what to do with ribbons.  Self-adhesive bows are definitely the way to go.  Having sons I learned a long time ago that for them it wasn't how the package looked - it was how many there were - and what was inside.  So I never bothered to hone my skill!

Besides somebody invented gift bags with lovely coordinating tissue paper - now that's a wrapping job I can get my arms around.  Simple - place the gift at the bottom on a cute nest of paper and then shove (decoratively of course) tissue on top.  Done in less than a minute

When my mother-in-law was alive, she collected paper and ribbons after the flurry of gift giving at Christmas.  She reused the paper and even ironed the ribbons! I know this act of thriftiness saves money; but, we don't want the ribbon makers of the world to go out of business. My advice - don't reuse the ribbons - save a job.

Okay, I see that my day "off" has turned into a diatribe of nonsense that actually did fill the page!

Happy Friday.  P

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