Sunday, November 10, 2013



Seriously?  Yep, seriously.  The calendar may still say November, but in the minds of retailers whether a "real" store or on the internet, the countdown towards the big day has begun. Just look around at the stores in your area.  I'm betting that the outside of the buildings are swathed in greenery and lights.  This has to be my favorite time of the year, because I LOVE lights.  I have a small string of multi-colored lights that I keep on my fireplace mantel all year and I turn them on every night.  Those lights are perfect for television watching, not to mention how pretty the colors are.  I never get tired of those lights, even in the dead of summer.  My sons and close friends know that I have this thing for Christmas lights, movies and music.  It's a good thing that I'm easily entertained!

Being that this is Sunday I have taken the weekly tv guide and marked shows that I want to watch in bright turquoise.  Because I probably have more free time than you, and I'm either curious, or bored, I counted the number of Christmas movies.  On Sunday (today) alone, there are 15 movies - yes, you read that correctly, 15!   Okay now I need you to hang on to something when I tell you that this week Monday to Saturday has 49 movies (yes you read that correctly) to watch.  A lot of these movies have been seen in years past, but there are still a few that are new to this season.  I'm in heaven!

As soon as I finish blogging, I'm heading to the sofa, tv guide in one hand and Tivo remote in the other to begin programming this week's shows, which will include a lot of Christmas movies.  To be fair I don't expect Jeff to watch these rather cheesy feel good movies with me.  He is a patient man and watches more than his share of reality show favorites with me, but I watch Christmas movies alone.  And for the sappiest movies tune in to either the Hallmark or Lifetime channels.  

I had some down time yesterday while Jeff was out, so I put our prelit fake 2 foot Christmas tree in the den.  Again this is more about the lights, than the size of the tree.  We stopped buying real trees several years ago, and while I do have a larger artificial tree, this little guy suits me just fine.  Since the boys have their own families, and brand new homes, they naturally want to celebrate Christmas in their homes.  It's easier for us to travel to their homes than for them to come here, particularly since Santa has to arrive at Benjamin's house.

Life is ever evolving and Jeff and I had many years with the boys as they were growing up complete with outdoor lights, tree needles on the carpet, stockings hung on the fireplace, wrapping paper strewn all over and cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning (the rolls were mandatory!).  The mess and fuss has moved to the boys' houses and we will have Christmas at their houses, just as my parents did with us when we started our family.

I hope you have a great Sunday and if you're not into Christmas movies, there is also 4 football games being played today, something for everyone!


1 comment:

  1. I am beginning to work on the lists as my goal is to be done with shopping by Thanksgiving. Looks like target is going to get the biggest share. Even toys r us didn't have anything I liked. I don't like putting up the huge fake tree and I can't do it alone. We have a new baby to play with this year which will be fun. I do like seeing the decorations though.


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