Saturday, November 30, 2013

Merry Coffee!


Yesterday Jeff came home with a new coffee maker, a Keurig brewer complete with a drawer that will hold all the little pods of different flavored coffees.  We are definitely uptown now!  During the past 39 years we have had coffee pots that brewed while on the stove, Corning Ware ones, any number of Mr. Coffee units and even one that brewed into a thermal container which kept the coffee hot without burning.  

The thing is that Jeff and I love coffee (that's with a capital "L").  Normally, Jeff doesn't drink coffee all day long, but I do.  When we were dating oh about a hundred years ago, I only drank hot tea and had never tried coffee.  Jeff assured me that when we went to somebody's house, we were never offered a cup of tea, just coffee.  Much as an athlete goes into training for a big event, I went into coffee drinking training in a big way.  The other thing that Jeff said was that if you were going to drink coffee - you must drink it black.  No sissy cup filled with cream and/or sugar.

Admittedly, initially the taste of coffee wasn't one I liked very much at all, but I continued drinking the black, unsweetened stuff and eventually developed quite a taste for it.  This many years later, I can literally drink Jeff under the table when it comes to coffee.  At any one time in the house, there may be several cups of cold coffee just waiting for my return to finish drinking.  I now drink coffee hot, warm and/or room temperature.  I almost never actually finish a cup of coffee.  I have a cup sitting in front of me as I blog this morning.  Am I likely to finish drinking?  Not likely.  I will finish the blog, head off to do some mind-numbing chore and forget about the coffee entirely.  Mind you the coffee will not go to waste, because once I return to my desk, I will resume drinking whatever is in my cup and won't even bother to warm it up.

What I do not like is super duper hot coffee.  If the coffee is really hot, I drop one or two ice cubes into the cup to get the coffee at room temperature.  I do not under any circumstances want to burn my tongue.  I also don't like drinking out of any kind of commuter cup, because I can't see how much coffee is actually inside.

So as I finish this morning's blog, my cup is empty (I had Hazelnut) and when I want another cup of coffee, I simply need to pick a flavor (Jeff bought several different flavors for us to try), put the little pod into the machine and hit the button. Mere seconds later I'll have coffee minus the bean grinding and coffee grounds - just coffee and one used pod to toss in the trash.  This just couldn't get any easier and I'm in heaven with all my choices.


1 comment:

  1. While I don't do coffee, I do alot of tea. We have a keurig at work. I even run the same pod through several times to make iced tea to fill my big container in the fridge. The cost ads up fast, but the boss is fine with that. They do sell a little container that you can put regular coffee in or loose tea, of which I am a fan of. Enjoy!!!!


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