Wednesday, November 6, 2013



It's that time of the year again.  What time is that you ask?  It's where the little mice, or plural mice (whatever they are called) have returned to the warmth and security of living inside my house.  I don't mind the sporadic sleepover guest, but I don't want somebody or something to set up housekeeping on a permanent basis.  I should not have to start and end every day checking the mouse traps.  IF, and that's a big if they would confine their presence to the bowels of the garage, then we could all get along.   But apparently this year, just like all the others, the mice in my house are not content to remain outside where the temperature isn't cozy like it is inside.  

Every time we notice the evidence of mice, I always try to imagine how they decide where and when to set up housekeeping.  I mean do they hold some sort of community meeting where they discuss the best places to spend the winter - and if they do that, is my house always at the top of the list?  Sure seems like it to me.

Admittedly, even if the mice remained outside they would find plenty of odd bits of dog kibble that has dropped when filling up the dog dishes, to keep them comfy through the winter.  Apparently though they want to infiltrate the inside of the house where every day probably looks a lot like Thanksgiving to mice.  Why they could settle in at the back of the pantry and get chubby and content by chewing through boxes of food items.  So I even get why they would like the pantry, but why are they messing around under the sink?  Does a chewed up SOS pad make for good stuffing for their little house?  Because if they're not after the SOS pad then I can't imagine why else they are under the sink.  Pretty much everything down there is non-edible and likely toxic.

So for this round of the great mice round-up, it's 2 for the humans.  Hard to know how many mice are visiting us, but catching two mice, is nearly cause for celebration.  I do have to hand it to them though, they are stealthy and for the most part stay out of the line of sight.  They do, however, have an attachment to peanut butter - and that's a good thing!

Happy Wednesday.


  1. That's so funny...sometimes I wonder too. What creeps the most, is when your watching tv and they decide to do a marathon run across the room, where I see them, the worst

  2. You are absolutely right. One year I put on a winter coat that had been hanging in the hall closet and put my hand in the pocket and pulled out a mouse! Freaked both me and the mice out big time!


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