Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Early Morning Noise


When I worked, I never noticed how much noise there is early in the morning.  Why would I?  I was already at work.  But now I'm home and with the help of my nighttime medicine, am not ready to get out of bed when the roosters crow!  Actually, it's not quite that bad, but the last few days the quiet early morning hours have been interrupted by leaf blowers, trash trucks, delivery trucks (backing up into a driveway with that incessant beeping) and the like.   So much for lounging around like a lady of leisure.  Trouble is my medicine is pretty strong and I am actually still sleeping when the rest of the world wakes up.

For all the years we have lived in this house we honored the no noise rules of - not before 10:00 am or after 10:00 pm.  The boys knew the rules and really did honor them.  Controlling noise with three sons in the house is not always easy, but I did my best.  And for the most part think I was successful.

I understand that the whole world will not stop and be quiet just because yours truly is still under the influence of bedtime medicine.  Maybe I could invest in some cheap earplugs so that I can stay asleep until my body is ready to get up!

Not working means no setting of alarm clocks, staying up later than normal and taking a nap if you so desire.  I don't nap during the day because I don't want anything to mess with my sleep at night, which for some reason I put off as long as I can.  I will have to find my groove when it comes to establishing a new routine for myself.  I have gotten up every morning (or nearly every) for the past 45 years so my poor old body doesn't know what to do with itself.  I don't have to get up early, get dressed and drive to work grumbling all the way!  My goal is to try and put some structure in my life possibly with volunteering.  To be honest I like very much the flexibility of my days.  I can schedule appointments for any day of the week and any time.  No longer do I need to coordinate my being away from the office with coworkers or try and squeeze appointments into the end of the day so my absence was less of an interruption to those coworkers and bosses.  Nope I'm a free agent and free to move around the country (or city) as I see fit. Admittedly, you don't earn as much money (if you earn any at all) when you're not working, but there are other benefits that I didn't immediately think of.  I am now free to visit with a friend, see a movie in the daytime or go to the library in the middle of the day when it's not crowded. 

Mind you I'm not, and never have been, much of a social butterfly as far as the telephone is concerned, but I actually made two phone calls last week!  Baby steps.  I have no rational reason for not wanting to talk on the phone with friends - I just don't and I don't know why.  But for the record, I'm trying to do better.

Happy Tuesday.  It's a blustery Winnie the Poo kind of day here and the remaining leaves that didn't get picked up yesterday, are blowing around in the street.


1 comment:

  1. They make a wax pair of earplugs that work very well. I have used them for years. They are called Mack pillow soft earplugs. They come in a six pack, blue box.


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