Saturday, February 28, 2015

Getting Ready for Benjamin


Benjamin is coming this afternoon to spend the night.  We haven't had a sleepover with him for some time.  Preparation for his visit has to happen.  First, I made sure that I had a supply of chocolate milk (done).  PopTarts in the pantry (done). Popcorn for tonight(done).  Confetti cake made for Benjamin to ice and decorate later (done).  Foam blocks brought downstairs (done).

It's too cold to play outside, but Benjamin will have a good time making towers, cities and perhaps a fort in the den.  By the way, for those of you who have small children or grandchildren, foam blocks are the absolute best.  I bought a huge lot of blocks with different shapes and colors.  When Benjamin is not here, the blocks have a home in a huge plastic bin.  It doesn't matter how tall Benjamin makes a tower, when or if it falls, no harm is done to furniture, pets or people!  You just can't beat that.

Because Benjamin is getting older, I'm now on a search for a bulk lot of Legos on Ebay.  If I buy a bulk lot, the cost is minimal compared to buying Lego sets.  Again, a plastic bin will come in handy for storage!

I know that several hours will be spent watching Benjamin's favorite movies.  He never seems to tire of watching them over and over.  I do, but Mom-Mom sits quietly alongside Benjamin, just glad for the chance to love him and spoil him!


Friday, February 27, 2015

A Day with Stacey and Benjamin


Yesterday, Stacey took me to my doctor's appointment with "Doogie", which lasted oh probably less than five minutes.  He says that my arthritis in the hip is mild, and a hip replacement isn't called for.  I wasn't expecting him to announce to me that he had thought of a "cure", but I was disappointed.  I told him that I would see him probably in a year, and told him that I was tired of throwing more money against the wall!

After we had lunch, we went to David's Bridal Shop to look for a frock (ball gown) for Stacey and Andrew's upcoming black tie event.  I have never been in a bridal shop.  When I got married, my mother made my dress, which was beautiful.  But being in a shop filled with all those dresses packed up in plastic bags was mind boggling and very exciting to see.  Benjamin didn't enjoy seeing the dresses as much as I did!

Stacey tried on several formal dresses and they all were stunning.  One of the dresses was raspberry colored and looked really good on her.  There was also a silver sheer dress over a lining that had silver sequins running down the dress like rain.  Beautiful.  In the end, Stacey took pictures of all the dresses, but didn't buy one.  We decided to let our fingers do the "walking" and see what other high end stores offered in ball gowns.

Because I don't get out much, Stacey took me to Target and while I had to ride around in the stupid scooter, which eventually died in the middle of an aisle, I had a wonderful time.  I like KMart, but I love Target.  When you went to the bathroom section, there were rows and rows of towels, wash clothes, etc., lined up by color - beautiful.

When we got back to the house, Benjamin began to build his city while Stacey and I sat back in the recliners, and tried to watch Judge Judy!  Jeff made eggs for Stacey and Benjamin and both claimed that he made the best eggs - a fact I have known for 40 years!

I was worn out from walking during the day, and while I was "watching" a show, realized that for some amount of minutes hadn't seen anything!  Time for bed, even though it was early.  Jeff is trying to go to bed earlier because he has to get up pretty early in the morning.  While I know it would be nicer for him to sleep in, his first paycheck arrived yesterday!


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tired of the Cold


I'm going to try and remember how cold it is when this summer it's so hot!  I hate having to go outside when a bulky coat, gloves and a scarf are required clothing.  There is somebody else in our house that isn't enjoying the cold either - Sam.  Sam, who is an elder dog has found a good place to sleep is on top of a heat vent.  Can't really blame him.  I suppose if the vent was big enough, perhaps I would park my fanny on one too!

During the spring and summer months, Sam gets frequent haircuts and while his "do" isn't an AKC Westie aproved cut, he's cool and sense there is less hair, stays cleaner.  Right now, he's a bit overdo for a trim and he's warmer with his shaggy overcoat.  

One of the good things about being retired (and there aren't many), is that dire weather predictions no longer has me hyperventilating with anxiety about going to work the next day. When I did work and snow fell during the day, I'd begin to panic and generally left work early - time card be damned!

This is good baking weather - but and it's a huge but - I love sugar with a capital "L" and so not only would I bake, I'd eat.  Not good.  Benjamin is coming for a sleepover this weekend, so I'll probably go out and buy some of those pre-made cookie squares that you just tear apart and pop in the oven.  The chocolate chip ones are really good.  It's too cold to play outside, so I suspect mega train and town building will be on Benjamin's list of things to do!  Benjamin has three requirements when he's here: chocolate milk and what he calls monkey drink (liquid yogurt but has monkeys on the bottle), and pop tarts.  Mom Mom is all set with the essentials.

I'm probably going to the library tomorrow and take out some movies for Benjamin and I to watch.  All the DVDs that we have, I've sat through many, many times!  


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Inside of a Suicide


I am attempting, with the help of my editor, to do something (publish?) my blogs.  Not all of them because as we all know, someday I just have blog block.  Luckily, the disease isn't terminal, and I am able to get my groove eventually.

One of the strongest and hardest story to write is "The Inside of a Suicide".  So many people don't know or understand what it feels like to be "mental" (my words, not my psychiatrists).  It's very hard to live with bouts of depression that come and go like a tidal wave, with no reasonable explanation of why.

I'm hoping that if I write about my life up to this point, perhaps I can shed some light on a very dark subject.  I'm pretty sure that I will battle depression for the remainder of my life.  I can hope, with the help of a good doctor and meds, that the disease doesn't bring me to my knees as it did in 2013.

Would I like to be happier, more positive than negative?  You bet.  Doable? Who knows.  At this point any glitch in my life can cause me untold amounts of anxiety.  Jeff, is a rock, my rock.  He understands that I can unravel on a moment's notice, over little or nothing. My mind is, most of the time, my enemy.  

I suffer from short term memory loss, and it's frustrating to not remember some of my yesterdays.  I can, on the other hand, recall exactly what I wore to my senior prom in 1967! Perhaps it's better people say that 2013 is a vague, fuzzy memory for me.

I am doing so much better now, but know that demons will continue to pop up.  I also know that Jeff will be here as my personal demon slayer and will prop me up as I continue on the road of my life.


Monday, February 23, 2015

My Oscar Night!


Yesterday, I made beef stew early in the day and finished up my laundry, so that I would be able to sit and enjoy watching some of the rich, the famous and most beautiful people in Hollywood.  While I may have been sitting around in jeans - I could have - if I wanted to - put pearls around my neck to add pizzazz to my sweatshirt!

Jeff and I haven't seen any of the movies up for best picture, and unless they come to Netflix, might never see them.  There didn't seem to me to be one movie playing that I just had to see.  This is unlike last year when I took Jeff (he only goes once a year) to see "Saving Mr. Banks", which I loved so much I saw it twice!

Jeff made us both popcorn (buttered, of course) and armed with my trusty Tivo, we parked ourselves on the sofa to watch the Oscars.  We tuckered out before the best awards were given: best actor, best actress and best picture, so please no spoiler alerts.  We'll finish watching tonight.  Boy do I love my Tivo!

I could have spent hours just watching the women strut their stuff on the red carpet.  I saw some very beautiful women in dresses that I hoped they didn't have to pay for. Unfortunately, the "worst" dress list for the Oscars hasn't hit the internet yet, so we'll just have to use the worst dress list for this fabulous formal event.  There are absolutely too many pictures to put all in one place, so I just picked two, though it pained me to have to add Cher's, eye-catching, over the top dress!

Tonight, I'll finish watching the show and look forward to People's Magazine review of the big night.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Shark Tank and Scrub Daddy


Jeff and I watch faithfully Shark Tank on television.  Sometimes I feel so sorry for some of the inventors, because the "Sharks" can be ruthless and down right mean.  Seems like that if you don't like the invention, at least be kind when letting the inventors down.

One of the products we saw this year was Scrub Daddy.  It's bright yellow with two eyes (for your fingers) and a smile, which you can use for silverware.  Today, while Jeff was at Home Depot, he picked up a Scrub Daddy for me.  I was apprehensive at first, sure that this little scrubby thing would probably not live up to its hype.  Count me in as a fan of Scrub Daddy.  If you use hot/warm water on Scrub Daddy, it becomes soft and pliable.  In cold water, it stays stiff and can be used on icky things like cleaning the stove, etc.

I don't remember what the cost to make the Scrub Daddy is, but I think it's mere peanuts to the retail price of $3.99.  I go through so many Dobie pads, that are great when they're new, but eventually are better used to clean your wheel wells!

Some background:  the night the show aired, there was 30,000 hits to their website.  Since its inception, the scratch-free, sponge with a smiling face has struggled for sales, earning $100,000 in 18-months, mostly from QVC.  After “Shark Tank” aired, Scrub Daddy’s sponge soaked up sales earning $18 million in the same time frame. Can you believe that a little sponge became an overnight hit?  Wish I could come up with something that would be an instant hit overnight!


Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Day of Moving Parts


Yesterday, Stacey took me to the hospital to get a hip injection, which I have had several times before.  In fact the doctor who was going to give me the shot, could tell from my records that it was, in his words, not my first rodeo.  I couldn't agree more.

The schedule for the test and the following appointment with my doctor began to fall apart early in the day.  There was a delay for the procedure, then the doctor's office called - come to see "Doogie" (because he's so young) at 1:00.  Another call, no make that 2:00.  The doctor's office called Jeff and then Stacey and the time of my doctor's appointment kept moving from 2:00 until finally 4:00!

Our lunch consisted of hot tea, coffee and yummy chocolate cupcakes.  Since we had time to kill, and I knew that I wasn't supposed to be sitting after the procedure, but walking around, we headed to one of the fancy malls near the hospital.  

We went to Bloomingdale's because Stacey needs a formal gown for an upcoming black tie event.  There were so many beautiful dresses to choose from, but we eventually narrowed it down to just a few.  One of the dresses that I thought Stacey looked beautiful in was a navy blue jersey dress, shirred at the waistline, with lace sleeves and bust.  Absolutely gorgeous.

If you have to walk for exercise, there's no better place to do it than in a store - and a high end one at that.  What fun.

We finally met with Doogie after 4:00, and Stacey and I were both very tired.  It had been a long day.  The doctor wasn't happy that the injection hadn't made walking/standing better - but as I reminded him again, that I have this injection before - same results.

Stacey is taking me back to the doctor on Thursday for an xray of the hip and hopefully after thinking about me for a week, some idea of a game plan.  

I had pizza for dinner, plunked my butt on the sofa along with Stacey and we watched Judge Judy.

Certainly glad that that day is over!


Friday, February 20, 2015

Coldest Day of the Year


Today, is the coldest day of the year I believe.  My outdoor thermometer says it's 5 degrees.  When you're down to single digits, it's cold.  Now as a non-working person, I general don't care about the outside temperature, because I'm inside the house.

But, as luck would have it, today I have a procedure scheduled followed up by a doctor's appointment.  So I will have to don my heavy coat and gloves and brave the Nordic temperatures.  I'm grateful that Stacey (DIL) is taking me.  The doctor's office is in D.C., and there isn't a chance in ---- (insert your favorite word here) that I'm driving in D.C.

Problem is that I have the injection at noon but don't get to see the doctor until 3:00.  I guess I have a couple of choices, I could hang around the hospital (boring) or come home and go back to the doctor later.  Benjamin will also be with us, so I need to factor in the impatience of a young boy.

I guess when all is said and done, I'll be glad when I get home - and now in case you're wondering - I'm not going back outside!


Thursday, February 19, 2015



This morning my butter was cold when I tried to put it on my toast.  I decided then and there that cold butter is an irritant to me.  Every time I go to a restaurant, they serve you a basket of warm bread and ice cold butter pats!  Argh.  The butter won't spread and the bread shreds.

Because I have nothing (more or less) to do, I began to think about other products that bother me.  I have a hard time dealing with the little slit in packages which is intended for you to tear open the package.  Never works for me, so I resort to scissors.  Then, once I have managed to get the package open, I can never get it to seal like it's supposed to.  Part of that maybe because I've cut the package, but even so, I want to be able to reseal.  This is where tape comes in!

Little bags of mustard and ketchup - irritating.  I'm looking forward to eating a hamburger, but before I can, I have to try and rip these little bags open.  I have teeth, but they don't seem to work well for opening packages.  This is where scissors come in handy again!  By the way, if you haven't noticed, I love scissors.

The seal around jars of food, the bottles of juice or milk that I find occasionally too hard to open. Packages that come with non-destro tape on the box - scissors again. New toilet paper rolls.  You spin the roll all around looking for the opening.  I am generally a patient person, but when I want something opened, I want it opened now.  I know that the world is no longer white picket fences and unlocked doors, and we need to keep medicine safe from the bad guys, but those bottles that say press down and turn - nope not happening - never seems to work for me.

The plastic rings that I think is no longer used on soda bottles and cans, becomes a challenge to me to get the bottle/can out.  A quick snip with my scissors and I can be guzzling down my soda in seconds. 

In case you're worried about me, I don't keep a pair of scissors dangling from my waist all day, but they are handy by in the kitchen drawer!


Wednesday, February 18, 2015



In today's paper, there is an article about how much the Israeli Prime Minister and his wife spend on hair, makeup, maid service and swimming pool water.  The article also points out that the Prime Minister spent $24,000 in takeout food in 2011.  That's a whole lot of pizza, chicken and Chinese food.

I wouldn't want to be a political or famous person because everything you do or say is fodder for the press.  How would you as an ordinary citizen, like people scrutinizing your life?  To this I say nay-nay. 

Also in the paper is a report on the high price of a cocktail in D.C.  Apparently, you can get a $22 cocktail.  Do you know much soda you could buy for $22.00?  A lot.  I'm not much of a drinker, a few sips of some pink wine when eating out, is good enough for me.  I don't know enough about wine to order a drink by name.  I only order by color!  For the price of a cocktail, I could have a steak - and I prefer red meat over a drink any day.

Let's take a walk through memory lane - back to 1967 - the year I graduated from high school.  Check out the prices of products:

Gas: 24.5 to 29.9 per gallon
Bread 25 cents a loaf for cheap stuff. Wonder was probably 50 cents
Wage: $1.65 was minimum wage. A Doctor or lawyer made $50k and malpractice insurance was $2,000 a year. Malpractice for some doctors today is $40,000
Homes, in Chicago $12,-25k. In Los Angeles $30 - 50k
New Toyota Corolla was $1800, Mercedes SL was $25k Today the price is over $90,000.  A new VW was $1200
Shasta Cola was 8 to 10 cents each.
A scoup of Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins was 35 cents Today you will pay over $3.00
Hamburger was 29 cents a pound
T Bone steak was $1.15 a pound.
McDonald's Hamburger was 39 cents
White Castle Haumburger was 15 cents
Coffee was 10 cents a cup or $2 for THREE POUNDS
The Sunday Times was 25 cents
A pay phone call was 10 cents
Bus ride was a quarter including free transfer
A movie was $1.50
Popcorn was 50 cents
A snickers bar was 5 cents
Gum balls were a penny 

It cost $8.50 to see Linda Ronstadt at the Palamino in North Hollywood  
It cost $12.50 to fly from Los Angeles to San Francisco on Continental You can buy a "cheap" ticket for $254.

The cost of some things really made my head nearly screw off. Of course back in 1967 people didn't earn as much money as we do today - but still.  Can you remember or even imagine buying a new car for $1800?  As we say those were the good old days.

P.S. If you're wondering who was the top dog at Westminster last night, it was a beagle.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Westminster Dog Show


The Westminster Dog Show is the "Superbowl" of dog shows.  The dogs you see strutting back and forth, wagging their tails are the best of the best.  They have won in countless dog shows and the owners are hoping for the coveted "Best of" award.  Each type of dog is measured against his or her peers in attempting to win.  The only part of the dog show that interests me is when the terriers come out.  Unlike my boy Sam, a Westie, who isn't professionally groomed, but looks good all the same, the Westie that trots around the circle is beautiful and you can tell that each hair has been plucked or cut looking for perfection.

Along time ago, in my first life, my then husband and I had a German Shepherd named, unfortunately, Fang.  After receiving certification from a veterinarian, to establish that Fang was indeed a real German Shepherd, which we needed, since we didn't have any AKC papers for him, we were allowed to show him only in obedience trials.  The obedience trials dictate that your dog must sit, down, come and stand.  If memory serves me correctly, Fang did quite well in obedience trials except he absolutely refused to stand, so he was never a first place winner.

According to one kennel owner, the price tag for a year of showing or "campaigning" a dog leading up to Westminster can be more than $250,000.  That's the cost of a home!

Best of show for dogs confirms that people love their dogs - a lot.


Good Neighbors


It snowed last night, as was expected.  We received several inches but because most of the snow came after dark, Jeff wasn't able to shovel the driveway.  It was a work day for him, so after I got dressed, I was putting on my boots to go shovel.  Admittedly, between my hip and back, I would only be able to do so much, but at least I'd try.

When I got downstairs, I could hear the distinct scrape of a shovel and looked out to see my neighbor, Eshaw, shoveling our driveway.  I went outside to protest that I couldn't let her do shoveling for us.  She insisted - swore she was already heated up from shoveling her own driveway.  She also said that since Jeff and I were such good neighbors, shoveling was the least she could do for me/us.  She had noticed that our truck was missing from the driveway, so she assumed (correctly) that Jeff wasn't home.

Her generosity to help gives me faith in my fellow man/woman.


Monday, February 16, 2015

The Sky is Falling!!


Remember Chicken Little?  He was always declaring that the sky was falling.  Well, that's what's happening here in Maryland.  We've had several days of very cold weather, or what we like to call a two dog night!  The dogs don't mind getting up close - they just need to know they can't take the pillows!

This afternoon/evening we're supposed to get 5-8 inches.  Not the "foots" that Jeff likes, but it's a start.  When the snowing starts, he's really good about getting out to shovel every hour or so.  The goal, which can't be met during a snowstorm, is black pavement on the driveway.  

We're mostly prepared.  If you could see my pantry and chest freezer in the basement, you would likely say that we don't need anything - but we're low on milk and I consider milk a must have essential.  If you don't have milk, how are you going to make pudding?

While Scott was here yesterday, we reminisced about a large snowstorm when he and Andrew were teenagers and they took the truck we had at the time to "see how bad the roads were".  Trouble was that we live on a hill and they got the truck stuck at the bottom of the street.  It's funny this many years later, but they had to come up and get Jeff to help them dig the snow out from underneath the truck.  If the snow plows had come to plow the street and couldn't get through, then all of the neighbors would have been very unhappy.

Now, we own the Blu Ox, which is a massive manly truck with a high clearance and also has four wheel drive.  I can't imagine the circumstances that would get the Ox stuck, and if such a circumstance exists, I don't want to be a participant!

We have chicken soup in the crock pot - Jeff makes wonderful soups and stews.  I can make these dishes too, but I absolutely hate cutting up veggies.  I just finished boiling macaroni so that I can make Jeff macaroni salad, which he takes as part of his lunch every day.

The fireplace is on and the dogs have found warm comfy places to sleep away the day.  Sam, in particular, because of his age, spends most of his days and nights asleep now.  He has a burst of energy in the morning and runs and finds his babies when Jeff throws them.  After that, he's curled up somewhere snoring the day away.

Have a good day.



Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Happy boy

I sent a Valentine card to Benjamin - and here is what I received back

I also received a hand written Valentine from Ben as well.

Baby It's Cold Outside!


We had our first snow yesterday.  Unlike those poor folks in Boston and all points north, we probably only had an inch or so.  But, the winds were blowing yesterday, which made being outside very nasty.

This morning the temperature is 7 degrees and the cold water pipe to our shower is frozen at the moment.  The pipes to the shower are in the garage and it's cold enough out there to be part of the North Pole!

While Jeff and I were hoping (not nice I know) that we would lose power last night, but it didn't happen.  Since installing "Jenny" years ago, we've never had a power outage of more than a minute or two since.  Maybe Jenny is a good luck charm for the neighborhood.

Since Jeff put in a gas fireplace, we (he) doesn't have to go out and get wood and start and keep a fire going.  While there isn't as much ambiance with a gas fireplace, you absolutely can't beat the convenience.  When the boys were home, gathering wood and taking care of fires was a shared event.  Once they left, it was a solo job for Jeff.

Jeff has started making chicken soup for dinner.  He does an excellent job making soups and stews.  My job?  Official test taster and "cleaner upper"!   

Me?  I'm going to do some reading and I suppose I could do laundry, but probably won't.  Laundry is a Monday morning job and when I lived at home, that meant that Tuesday was ironing day - and I hated every Tuesday.  I have an iron somewhere, but can't remember the last time I used it.  :)

If you're here in the East, stay warm, drink cocoa and watch some sappy television!


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day


While Jeff is off with Scott to do more work on the townhouse, I'm at home enjoying the Valentine gift I gave to myself.  I bought two CDs of Cher of her best and/or biggest hits.  So while I'm alone, the stereo is blasting out great music.  There is just some music that I don't play when Jeff and/or Scott are around.  I make no secret that I love to play Elvis' music, but there are just some performers that deserve to be played loud and not mocked.

While Cher is singing, I've cleaned up the kitchen and started laundry.  Even somebody with a bit of "Arthur (itis)" in her hip, wishes that I could dance around in the house.  So, I just "dance" in my head, which is go enough.

When I was doing physical therapy, the therapist played some modern music - which I thought sounded dreadful.  We came to an agreement that when I was having therapy, it would be a 60's day.  I noticed that even younger people having therapy were enjoying what I believe (and it's only my opinion) is the best music.

It still pains me to hear my favorite old songs being played on elevators or in offices in order to soothe people.  Who wants to listen to a Beatles song done by an orchestra with no words.  

I'm pretty sure that whatever becomes new on the music scene, will ever capture my heart the way the oldies do.  Perhaps some of that love is because of the memories - high school dances, the prom, building floats for homecoming and first dates.

I hope you're doing what you and your sweetheart want to do today.  Because I certainly am!


Friday, February 13, 2015

Candy Hearts


Yesterday, Benjamin sent Jeff and I a valentine with several candy hearts inside the envelope. I remember when the boys were young (oh about 100 years ago), we always had the candy hearts for Valentine's Day.  

Here's what I've discovered.  I may have liked, or possibly loved, candy hearts, but now - not so much.  No worries about the hearts going stale - I'm a trooper that believes candy, any candy, needs to be eaten.  I think that's why I'm so sweet!!!

So my hearts' messages are: Are you willing (sounds a bit like it should be a teenager's heart), No Way, The One I love, True Love, Sweet Thing and Mistake.  This morning while I'm having my coffee, I'm eating hearts.

Speaking of hearts, I was trying to copy a picture of my favorite Valentine - Benjamin, but the copy process didn't work.  You'll just have to take my word for it, that he's cute and a very special little boy to Jeff and I.

I wish you all lots of good luck today and I hope that you spend Valentine's Day with your sweetheart.


Image result for candy hearts

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Television Shows


There are some new television shows that have just made their appearance, or will be premiering very soon.  As you know, I love watching television, but no longer wish to be horrified or scared.  I know that shows like "Green Acres" and "Laugh In" have left the building, and that's a shame.

Some of the new shows that I'm probably not even going to watch once, partly because of their title are: Slap, Secrets and Lies, Weird Loners, World's Funniest Fails and Dig.  I used to watch Blacklist but I ended up having almost nightmares from the horrible things done to people on that show.

I know that Mom and Apple pie are no longer "in vogue" for shows or movies, but it seems like every new show has some element of evil and/or danger.  Folks when I sit down to watch television, I want to be entertained.  I want to laugh or cry if it's a sappy Hallmark movie.  I don't want zombies or vampires in my list of shows to watch.

I suppose some would say that television today merely mirrors what is going on in the world, and to some extent I would have to agree.  But, it's a sad statement to make.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mastiffs Need Rescusing


Our son, Scott and his wife are the happy parents of three Mastiffs that they have rescued.  The Mastiff looks like a small pony, is loyal and protective.  Regardless of the breed, rescued dogs generally come with their own baggage.

When we rescued Sam our Westie, he was seven years old and could go from cuddly to biting in a New York minute.  Yet, we kept him, he's now fourteen and most of the "bite" has now been reduced to just noise, which we all ignore.  Because of his age, he spends most of his days sleeping on a blanket, pillow or feet - he's not choosy.

Our daughter-in-law posted a picture of this Mastiff that is in need of a home. 

Mastiffs to Mutts is an all breed dog rescue that focuses on the rescue of mastiffs & mastiff mixes in shelters. This organization operates in the mid-Atlantic region of the US; Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia & New Jersey.  If you check out their site, there are a number of dogs hoping for their forever home.


Monday, February 9, 2015



When I was a child, Spam was something my mother sliced, fried and served for dinner, and it was awful.  

But in today's day and age, Spam means something all together different.  I have received over 100 emails from strangers regarding a mailing list coming from something called LBPH.  I never open attachments from people or companies that I don't know.  Jeff is going to clean up my Spam folder, but if the hundreds of people who are outraged at this intrusion, would stop sending emails asking to be removed from the list - and then, of course, copying that message to the entire rest of the world, which just adds to the problem.

As Mr. Wonderful says on Shark Tank - Stop The Madness!

I don't know who started this lovely email and I personally don't know how to stop it, but these emails are almost as annoying as the unwanted soliciting calls for products that you don't want.

Sometimes I wish we were back in the "old" days, before hackers knew how to screw with our devices.


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Valentine's Day


Okay gentlemen, it's time for you to start your watches on a countdown for the 14th.  I know that for most of you men, this is possibly overrated occasion.  But, I assure you that your loved one feels differently.

You can send flowers (roses, obviously), buy candy, jewelry and/or take her out to dinner. Please don't forget to buy one of those mushy cards - we women love them!

When the boys were young, I received lovely sentiment cards from them, with the help from Dad.  

So what's on my agenda for the 14th?  Dinner out - absolutely not - restaurants will be packed.  I don't want flowers because they are expensive and die.  I don't need jewelry, but a gal can never have enough, particularly if we're talking about diamonds.

I'm likely to just ask Jeff to take me to McDonald's for an ice cream cone.  Talk about a cheap date!  I happen to love their ice cream and the price is certainly fair.

When I was a young girl, Mom bought my sister and I chocolates, but we were almost more excited over the box!  This picture isn't a complete replica of what Mom bought for us, but it's a pretty good representation.  Sometimes the packaging is more important than what's inside!

It probably doesn't matter what you do on Valentine's Day, just do something.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Waiting for an Operator


I know you've been there, because everybody has been on the receiving end of elevator music.  After a period of time, which depends on how antsy you are, you begin to think about hanging up.  But, what if you're the next caller?  Goodness such decisions.  If you hang up, you'll lose your place in line, so to speak.  

So you sit at your desk, strumming your fingers or maybe you have enough time to work a crossword puzzle (if you're good at puzzles).  I decided to do some research, because obviously I have oodles of spare time.  

For one company a 40 minute wait is the norm.  Yet another company's wait is 18 minutes, which is better than the 40 minute wait, but it's still a long time.  According to the Huntington Post on 12/21/2012, the longest phone call with customer service was 10 hours and 29 minutes at Zappos!  The employee was allowed to even take breaks!  Apparently, the employee and the customer were engaged in conversations, like they were friends.  But, at the end of the call the customer did buy a pair of Uggs, so I guess the time wasn't really wasted.

When did we as consumers began to become complaisant about waiting for a customer service representative.  If you work in an office, and you're trying to conduct personal business on the company's time, and you are responsible for answering incoming phone calls, then it's unlikely that you'll be able to remain on hold for long periods of time.

Remember when every call to every company reached a live person!  In some ways, we have given up so much in the name of progress?!


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Secretary is a Secretary ALWAYS!


I have been a secretary, legal secretary, administrative assistant, executive assistant, typist and any other titles you can think of relating to office work.

I had my first job in 1968 working for a CPA firm.  In those days, office ladies wore dresses always, stockings and heels.  Oh and not only did we have to type like the wind on the typewriter, but take shorthand as well.  My shorthand, even fresh from a college class, relied on memory (mine), because the dictator would be talking faster than I could recommend the strokes for each word.  Needless to say, I hated shorthand.

My next job was with a Title company where I typed legal descriptions on punched tape all day long.  If you have had to type up legal descriptions of land, you will know that the description can be quite lengthy.  The tape looked like this and fixing a typo was a nightmare.  Luckily, I've lived long enough that I can't remember what the nightmare looked like!

 A boon to secretaries everywhere was the invention of the Selectric Typewriter.  It weighed enough to be also used as a boat anchor, but it made work much easier.  In the beginning, if you made a typo, you had to insert special paper (think similar to white out), and type the word(s) that you had put in incorrectly.

Eventually, IBM put a correction ribbon (I guess that's what you could call it), and fixing mistakes was so simple.   Of course the goal was to not make mistakes in the first place!  As with all thing technical, IBM finally redid the Selectric and made it very light.  Though it could no longer anchor a boat, it was still a magnificent machine

In my early days as a secretary, there was always a typing test.  I was annoyed with these tests because I would always reach the end of the page and have to take the paper out and turn it around, costing me time.  I was, and still am, a good typist - even though that's not what clerical women are called anymore.  It wasn't uncommon for a boss to dictate a letter, etc. to me while I typed - a very efficient use of time.

Here's one of the things I learned from 40 plus years in an office, is how to pronounce and spell my name when making a call to a company, or a doctor's office.  Doing this one simple thing is beneficial to the person answering the phone!  I volunteered briefly for a non-profit company and the people who would call in might as well have been speaking Greek, they were that hard to understand.

Since I still remember what it was like to take a call and be unable to understand the person's name.  Lawyers, and I suspect doctors, like to know who is calling them.  So, this old dog may not remember what I had for breakfast, but I do remember how to make other people's jobs easier.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Day One Without Jeff


Don't panic.  I meant day one with Jeff working all day.  Since I returned from Chicago in 2013, Jeff has been home, 99% of the time during the week.  On weekends, he heads off to help either Scott or Andrew with work at their houses.  

Today feels different.  Jeff's working is a good thing obviously for the salary, if nothing else.  It will also put purpose back into his life.  When IBM was through with him, Jeff wasn't ready to retire and did attempt to find a job many times since 2013.  They all boiled down to some anxious recruiter who just loved Jeff's skills, but nothing ever happened after the initial call.

Until now that is.  Jeff talked with a recruiter, then to someone at the company, had an interview and a job offer a day later.  This company needs Jeff's skills and is ready to pay for them.  Bummer part is that it's not a remote position and the job is about 30 miles away.

When we lived in California, Jeff commuted every day into a LA suburb as well as some business travel.  Of course there were a few things that were different back then.  One difference is the commute itself.  In California, you deal with traffic, and lots of it, but little or no weather.  Most days in Southern California are mild and you certainly don't have to deal with ice or snow.

Another big difference in his California commute to the one he is doing today is the drivers.  You may be shaking your head, but in California drivers really do know when and how to merge.  A lot of the on ramps on California highways, are downhill and yYou can gather up a lot of speed by the time you reach the end of the ramp.

I'm proud of Jeff and all of his successes in his career.  I'm thankful for this current opportunity because let's face it making money is more advantageous than just spending money!  While Jeff won't be as available to the boys during the week as he has been, they will survive.

And in case you're wondering, I'll survive as well.  The house this morning is quiet.  I've read the paper, both dogs are already taking their first of many naps today and all I really need to do today is clean up the kitchen and fix dinner.

I have made myself a promise that I must do one thing every day.  Clean out the junk drawer, file paperwork, continue working on my blog book project.  Stuff like that.  It's dreary out today and I'm glad I have no place to go.  I'll spend sometime this morning with my "SAD" light which really adds sunshine to even the grayest of days.



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...