Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentines' Day

Happy Valentine's Day


Image result for happy valentines day picture 

Today is the most romantic day of the year.  Everything you see to buy is pretty much either red or pink.  Dinner reservations abound and flowers and for some lucky women jewelry is involved.  

There are all types of Valentine cards. There are super mushy ones as well as funny ones.  Here's a shot at a funny card:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Your body is sagging
But I still love you! 

Jeff and I don't really celebrate this holiday, which happens to be a real earner for both Hallmark and florists.  Here's my ode to Jeff:

  • He's been my best friend for 41 years and counting
  • He has been a good husband and never let me down
  • While I try his patience, particularly with my memory issues, he really tries to understand
  • He has taken me to some wonderful places: Hawaii, the Bahamas, vacations at the Outer Banks, road trips, and one camping experience.  He sent my Dad and I to England for a three week vacation, which was the trip of a lifetime for me
  •  He knows that I fret over everything and he smooths out life's wrinkles for me
  • He is my protector, my warrior, my rock and my world
  • He has always, and continues to be, my shoulder to lean on, my safe place to land
  • He makes me want to be a better me, a less dependent me, a stronger me
  • He knows what kind of ice cream I like
  • He knows what my favorite perfume is
  • He knows that I'd rather have more television channels over a bigger diamond ring
  • I let him down in 2013 and yet he stays
There are not enough words that can really convey how much Jeff means to me. How much he does for me.  How thankful I am to have him by my side, even when I'm crabby!

Happy Valentines' Day Jeff


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