Saturday, February 13, 2016

Snow on the Ground


Today is a mixed bag as far as the outside is concerned.  The sky is brilliantly blue, which is nice, but it could lull you into thinking that it's lovely outside.  And you'd be wrong.  The wind is blowing and there is some snow on the ground.  Not enough snow that it requires shoveling, but enough snow that means I literally have to push Mister Sam out the door to do his business.  And, as an old dog, his potty breaks are frequent!  It's days like this that I wish I had cats.

Today would be, and possibly will be, a soup day.  Jeff makes incredible soups, though he still insists on adding mushrooms (ick) into the pot.  Luckily, I can generally pick around them, but personally don't believe that mushrooms belong in chicken soup, for example.

The crows are back today in large numbers.  Guess they are hungry, but I wish they would do their hunting and pecking someplace else.  Sometimes, we put dried corn cobs out for the squirrels, but won't be doing that today, because it would mean that the crows would hang around longer.  Frankly, they give me the creeps.

It might be an afternoon nap kind of day.  The dogs have never complained about going to bed in the middle of the day!  

We have no plans for Valentine's Day.  I know we're definitely not going out to dinner.  If we had a thought about getting a steak dinner, today would be our best option.  Because nobody celebrates Valentine's Day on the day before - it's just not romantic.  Though this many years in (41), we're no longer googly eyed youngsters.  I take a more practical approach to Valentine's Day - flowers die (and they are expensive); and chocolates are lovely (but fattening).  In years past, when we would walk down the card aisle, we would pick out the cards for each other that we would buy, if we were going to buy one.  Folks looked at us strangely, but we didn't and don't care.  The day of inexpensive cards is almost a thing of the past.  I only buy and send one Valentine card and that's to Benjamin.

Later today, I'll turn on the fireplace.  Have I mentioned before how much I love the gas fireplace?  Probably have, but on days such as this, it's much easier to use than hauling in logs.  Mind you, I never did much hauling, particularly when the boys were at home.

If, you still have to or want to buy a Valentine related anything, today those things will be super discounted.


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