Monday, February 1, 2016

Happy February!


We survived January with it's huge snow storm which has left "mountains" of snow everywhere that the plows couldn't get to.  There is a large pile of snow in front of the garage, which pretty much prevents getting a car inside.

Yesterday, we went out to Andrew's house for pizza and dessert.  I had a slice of pizza that had bacon on top.  I'd never had that before and it was quite yummy.  Stacey made a red velvet cake and we had brought apple pie and ice cream.  A very balanced meal!  Salt, fat and sugar - what else could a person ask for?

The hot tub was an option, but we decided not to go in.  Jeff gets up quite early in the, so it was better to leave early and let him get as much sleep as possible.  He'd be so happy if he could work remote, but that's not happening.  I know that computer guys can do their work practically anywhere, but sometimes policies are in place that prevent them from doing so.

My day will start off in the dentist chair - yipee!!!!  Two fillings today, which will leave me with I can only describe as Betty Davis' face in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane".  I know that my face only feels like that, but in reality doesn't actually look like that.  I can have my teeth cleaned on Monday and by Tuesday have already sprouted a new cavity.  The medicines I take are causing havoc on my teeth.  As I tell my dentist, I can either be fine mentally, or fine dentally - but apparently not both.  I have opted for the wise decision, which is being mentally well - or at least mentally better.

After the dentist, I will run a quick errand for Jeff.  Women who are retired, or don't work, are sometimes pretty useful.  We can wait for a delivery or repair man.  Drop off packages, buy stamps, go to the grocery store as well as a host of other mundane chores.

The only thing I miss about working, besides the salary, is seeing my friends everyday.  What I don't miss is the having to get permission to leave early, arrive late or call in sick.  When you don't work, you don't have to coordinate your schedule with your co-workers.  I no longer need to have the first or last appointment of the day with a dentist or doctor.  Since there isn't a lot of money in retirement, at least you can enjoy the perks of being where you want to be, and when you want to be there.

Much as I've enjoyed "chatting" with you, it's time to get my rear in gear and get something done.  What I'm actually going to do has yet to be determined, and it might involve the latest book I'm reading on my Kindle!

Enjoy your day.


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