Sunday, January 31, 2016

Happy Birthday


Today, is Andrew's birthday.  He's the youngest and is 36 today.  The older he gets, the older I get, which is the way of life, but doesn't mean you have to like it!

With only eighteen months separating Andrew from Scott, meant that they were literally the "dynamic duo" growing up.  What one didn't think of doing, the other did.  As a mother of sons, you lower your expectations about what really constitutes danger.  

Playing in the mud, adding water to a trash can (clean) and rolling down the driveway, were fun and harmless activities.  When you have sons, their wardrobe, unlike one for girls, consists of jeans (blue) and t-shirts.  Matching?  Not so much.  Clean?  They didn't care.

As the boys grew up, they looked out for each other.  I can remember an Easter egg hunt, where Scott was having a lot of trouble finding any eggs.  Andrew helped his brother out, and the day was a success.  Learning came easy with Andrew, and he was a good student.  Each school year, it took the first quarter for him to get the "lay of the land" (i.e., how to work the teacher) and his grades were always high.  

When it came time for college, Jeff and I thought Andrew would want to go to a large university, where he would be challenged with his classes.  In the end, Andrew went to a small college in Maryland, where he excelled.  He didn't want to be a small fish in a big pond.  He wanted to be the big fish in a small pond, and he was.  He graduated in 4 years with two degrees and Jeff and I were very proud of him.

During high school, the two boys would do some computer work for the school and the occasional neighbor or friend.  Once Andrew was in college, he decided that they should form a company, and they did.  The company is 4A Computing and they have been in business for 18 years!  They took an idea on paper and made it a reality.
Andrew and Scott have different qualities, so as a team they are able to do anything.  Andrew was and is the thinker and Scott is/was the builder.  Andrew is very successful in his career, and neither Jeff or I are surprised.  He's a guy that's going places and we're along to watch him reach new heights in his career.

Andrew is also the father of Benjamin, who is the shiny sprinkles in our life.  Benjamin is no longer the baby or toddler that used to sit on our laps all the time.  He's a big boy now and while he might like to sit on our laps, he's too "bigger"!

We're going out to Andrew's house this afternoon.  We're bringing apple pie and ice cream as our contribution to his birthday lunch.

Happy birthday Andrew.  Dad and I love you lots.


Image result for picture of birthday

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