Monday, January 4, 2016

A New/Used Car?


Still struggling with the 6, but I'm sure by December, I'll have it down!

Jeff and I bought Wendy's BMW convertible "zippy z" (as we call it) from her estate 7 years ago.  The car was older, but what a hoot to literally zip around in.  Flash forward to the present day, and the "z" is beginning to show her age.  Her top leaks a bit and paint is peeling.  Still, on a lovely warm day, it's still fun to drive with the top down and let the wind blow through your hair.  

Our truck, which is used not only by us, but the boys as well as neighbors, is in the shop for major repairs.  When will the truck be done?  Who knows.  But when she does return I'm betting that the first digit will be at least a "2"!  She's too good of a truck to just throw away, and with winter coming, an invaluable vehicle for snow.

Which leaves us to our present dilemma.  Jeff commutes to work, and I don't.  The "z" sits in the garage and Jeff takes my/our car to work.  This means I don't really have a car to drive, because I don't like taking the "z" out for errands anymore.

On our way home from a friend's house on Saturday, Jeff drove us to the nearby Mercedes dealer.  He had seen a day before a used white convertible for sale and wanted to show it to me.  The car had been sold.  Of course it had.  Jeff said the car was beautiful with red interior.  Okay, now the door has been opened, and now I want a car.  Not a new car, but a used Mercedes convertible would be lovely.

When the possibility of getting something new is presented to me, I'm like a dog with a bone.  I won't leave it alone.  Okay, that convertible was sold, but I knew there would be others for sale.  Yesterday, I hunted on the internet and found another white Mercedes convertible for sale in Bethesda at Euro Motors.  The mileage is low and the price is more or less reasonable.  I want that car.  

It would be more practical to not buy another convertible, but Jeff really wants one and I have to admit so do I.  It makes sense to buy another car, so that both Jeff and I can have a car every day.  When the truck is fixed and there's snow on the ground, then the "Blue Ox" (license plate) would be put to good use.

So my rationale (and you know we women are not too good at this) is that if I had a car at my disposal every day, I might actually go somewhere.  As it is now, I'm stuck at home every day, which is mentally not too good for me.

My present car's license plate is CUZILU (cuz I love you).  I think it's the coolest plate out there.  Now I'm trying to think of a personalized plate for the car that we're destined to buy.  How does "ILU2" sound?  Isn't she pretty?  I'll keep you informed of our progress to get a new/used car.

2013 Mercedes-Benz E-Class E350 Cabriolet

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