Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Feels Like Ground Hog Day!


It appears that today is pretty much going to be a repeat of yesterday, and the day before.  Deep snow on the ground, and not able to get out.  Jeff tried gallantly yesterday to get the Ox out of the driveway and into the street.  He made it several feet into the street and then the truck high centered and he had to dig out underneath the truck.  This took a lot of time and caused his already aching muscles to rebel against more exercise.

One possibility is if he puts chains on the truck (no easy task), then he should be able to make it down the hill.  If Jeff can get up and down the street, then the neighbors who only have cars, would be able to get out of the neighborhood.  We have the only big truck on the street, but there is a neighbor at the end of the street, who has a regular sized pick-up.  If the Ox can't get down the street, then nobody can.  I just looked outside and Jeff is putting chains on the front of the truck.  Keeping my fingers crossed that he is successful today, because I know that he doesn't want to take another "vacation" day tomorrow.

His supervisor told him that if he didn't come in to work today, he would have to take it as vacation.  Seriously?  Nobody has tried harder to get dug out, but apparently trying isn't good enough for his supervisor.  I guess charity begins at home, but not at work.

What Jeff doesn't want to happen is for him to get the truck out into the street and then get stuck.  As I write this, Jeff is outside and is trying once again to move the truck.  The snow he needs to get through is probably 18-24 inches deep.  If he can get the truck moving forward, then he should be able to get to the bottom of the street.  But before he can go forward, he has to be able to back out into the street, without getting stuck, which he couldn't do yesterday.

I worry for Jeff.  The strain of shoveling for days is hard on a body, and when he comes inside, he's exhausted and his body hurts.  It's warmer today, but probably not warm enough to cause much melting to occur.  



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