Sunday, January 10, 2016

Gloomy Gus Kind of Day


It's another day in the neighborhood, but it's not a great day.  No, it's a gray, gloomy day.  I am getting a lot of mileage out of my SAD light, which projects "fake" sunlight on my face.  If the weather doesn't change soon, I may have to share my antidepressants!

Our mechanic and friend called Friday night to let us know that the Blue Ox (our truck) was now off of life support and we'd be able to pick him up on Monday.  I'm glad the truck is coming home, because when or if winter (which means snow) ever arrives, the Ox is the vehicle you need.  The Ox is basically a four wheel drive tank, that can make quick work of moving through snow.  

With the Ox coming home, the logistics of where all four vehicles are going to park, comes into play.  Luckily, we have a neighbor who spends the winters in Florida, so we can park the "zippy z" and the Ox in his driveway.  Come spring, however, we'll have to accommodate the cars in our driveway and/or garage.  While we have a two car garage, there is too much stuff on the right side of the garage, to even think about putting a car in there.  

Jeff made split pea soup with ham yesterday.  Jeff is the soup/stew maker in the house.  I don't really get a craving for soup and that may be the reason I'm not very good at making it.  Jeff makes really good soups, stews and chili.  And as Benjamin has learned over the years, nobody makes scrambled eggs like Pop-Pop!

It's days like today, that make it especially difficult for me to keep and/or maintain an upbeat, positive mood.  On my best days, my glass is always half-empty, it's just the way I see things.  This would be a good day to go back to bed and pull the covers over your head.  But in doing so, I would accomplish nothing.  Mind you, there are days, most of them in fact, when I don't get much of anything done.  Most of my days are void of activities, so I really don't have any excuse not to be productive.  Could be my lazy gene just works harder than my "get to it" genes!

Today is National Bittersweet Chocolate Day as well as Peculiar People Day.  I can and likely will celebrate the chocolate day, and some folks might view me as peculiar.  Rather than thinking I'm peculiar, I think of myself as unique!

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