Wednesday, January 20, 2016



Yesterday, Benjamin and Stacey came to the house to interview Jeff and me.  As a history project, Benjamin was to ask us questions about our families, things that were popular when we were young, our friends, etc.

Stacey filmed the interviews and Benjamin had really good questions for both of us.  I also got out all the photo albums and shared pictures of Andy and Scott, our grandparents, parents, relatives and friends.

Benjamin really likes to see pictures of his dad as a young boy.  He also likes hearing about the shenanigans that his dad and Scott pulled during their childhood.  And, just for the record, they pulled plenty!

I had made a photo album for Benjamin on his first birthday and filled it with pictures of messy cake eating (he liked that picture), going to the beach and playing in the water.  I gave Benjamin the album to take home.  I have those memories stored up in my memory bank.  I thought he would enjoy having pictures of himself as a baby/toddler.  

I don't take a lot of pictures, but thankfully Auntie Kim knows her way around a camera, and she is to be thanked for the majority of pictures taken of Benjamin.

I think Benjamin also enjoyed seeing pictures of me as a child.  When you're a child, it's hard to imagine an older person ever being as young as you.  But we all were once a child.

Gearing up for snow.  If it snows on Friday, and it's supposed to, there is a possibility that Jeff will be allowed to work remote.  Anytime you don't have to drive in snow or ice, is a good thing.


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