Sunday, January 3, 2016

TV Drought .....


Is nearly over, and not a moment too soon.  Jeff and I have been reduced to watching Jeopardy (where I know almost none of the answers) and Family Feud (where I know a lot of the answers but the contestants don't listen to me)!

My Sunday mornings are consistent.  After eating a bagel, slathered with the appropriate amount of butter, and coffee, I head for the recliner.  I am armed with the week's TV Guide and a magic marker.  If you know me, then you know that I take my tv watching very seriously.  I highlight the shows that I want to watch and make sure that I don't have any conflicts.

Sunday evenings are generally the worst day of the week, as far as getting all the shows in that you want to watch.  There is generally a football game on earlier in the day, which pushes 60 minutes and any other shows on that channel back.  I have to set the Tivo to accommodate the game.  I generally opt to have that channel go long - 2 hrs or more to make sure that I get everything recorded.  What I did before I had a Tivo, I have no idea.  

Our Tivo only records 4 shows at once and you're probably thinking that's enough.  Unfortunately, there are times when you could use a Tivo that could record more than 4 shows.  We would upgrade our Tivo, but then we would have to pay for a new subscription.  Through fancy foot (I mean finger) work, I always seem to get all the shows recorded.

Jeff doesn't own the Tivo and I do record shows (some) that I know he likes.  NCIS and NCIS New Orleans and Hawaii 5-0 are three of his favorites.  Me?  I love the reality shows (real people being stupid, who wouldn't love that?) and the cooking shows.  Tonight is the new season of "The Worst Cooks in America".  If you've never checked this out before, you should.  These cooks are so much worse than you can imagine.  Just picking out a fresh vegetable is a challenge for some.

During the day, I do sit down and watch "Who Wants to be a Millionaire".  I know a lot of the answers and it blows me away when a contestant uses a life line in the first two or three questions.  The questions don't get difficult until you're over $10,000 and I've never seen anybody win the million dollars.

Tonight we'll watch Undercover Boss and Downtown Abby.  Or more accurately, we'll watch Undercover Boss and I'll watch Downtown Abby.  Jeff has to get up very early in the morning to go to work, so he hits the sack much earlier than I do.  As a retired person, I seldom have to get up at a specified time in the morning.  I try and schedule doctor/dental appointments for later in the morning, 'cuz I need all the beauty sleep I can get.

I checked out how much the "stars" earn for their movie work.  The amount of money is staggering and it's no wonder that ticket prices are so high.  The studios have to get their money back somehow.  

A monkey earned $108,000 in 2012 for being on 8 shows.  Wouldn't you like to make that kind of money?  I know I would.

Quiz masters make between $25,000 a week (for a syndicated show) to upward of $75,000 a week (for a prime time program). Alex Trebek of Jeopardy now takes home the $10 million-a-year jackpot.  Think of the shopping I could do on Ebay with that kind of money.  Heck, I could probably even buy Ebay!

My social security wage, didn't go up this year, but at least the monthly payments are reliable - for now at least.  I find that the more free time I have (and I have lots), the less I actually get done.  There's always tomorrow or ................. never.  Does anybody really care if you dust?  

Today is the Festival of Sleep (mid-day nap anyone?) and National chocolate covered cherry day.  Those are two "holidays" that I could certainly see myself indulging in.  I don't have that particular kind of candy in the house, so I'd have to make do with the chocolate truffles stashed in the freezer!

Have a great day.


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