Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Cleaning Help


We have established that I am not the most motivated when it comes to cleaning the house. Oh, I hit the big things (mostly).  I make the bed, do the dishes (sort of) and wash clothes.  Once the clothes come out of the dryer then the laundry chain comes to a screeching halt.  Why?  Because as much as I love putting the clothes in the washing machine, I abhor folding and putting away clothes.  As I write, I have a laundry basket of cleaned, but now wrinkled, clothes waiting to be put away.  Who knows, may be today will be their lucky day, and I'll take the first step - getting the clothes upstairs.  The second step of folding and putting away, may or may not be on my busy agenda today!  Or tomorrow!

Yesterday, I had made arrangements to have parts of the house cleaned by professionals.  I didn't want to pay for a whole house clean.  Partly because of the expense but also because a little dust doesn't faze me most of the time.  And when it does, I flip a dust cloth over the offending piece of furniture.

I asked for help with cleaning all the ceiling fans.  They were dirty and I suppose I could have turned them on high and "hoped" that the dust would fall off.  Of course, if I did that then I would have to do something about said dust, which would likely require both a dust cloth and the vacuum.  

I wanted my stairs vacuumed, which is hard for me to do. Perhaps if I took the carpeting off the stairs, then I could flit around with my cloth and kill all of the dust bunnies (dog hair mostly) that collect there.

I also had them clean both bathrooms and the kitchen.  Our master bathroom looked really good as did the kitchen.  I had asked them to clean the window in front of the sink, because of the water spatters as well as the "fly kill" leftover from the summer.  I know that sounds gross, but facts are facts.  I think animals and/or pests (ants, mice, flies, etc.) know that if they enter my house, they are fair game AND I'm the hunter!

While I had to pay for the cleaning, I think it was money well spent.  We used to have someone in weekly to clean the house, but that stopped in 2012.  We're talking pretty much no cleaning since 2013, except for those household chores that I can physically do.  Cleaning the shower isn't one of those things I can do very well.  First of all, you have to get your body inside and eventually on the floor of the shower.  I'm not steady on my feet on a good day, and less so, if I have been on my knees for any length of time.  That's my excuse and I think it's a pretty good one.

Jeff noticed that the bathroom upstairs looked really clean.  I wanted to take credit for the cleanliness, but guilt made me come "CLEAN"!!!

PImage result for picture of cleaning crew

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