Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Drone in the Neighborhood


We live in a relatively quiet neighborhood.  When we moved into our house in 1986, the neighborhood was brand new, and there were children in almost all of the homes.  Fast forward 29 years or so, and the neighborhoods have changed.  On our street, there are only three or four homes that still have children at home.  And, some of those children are now high school or college aged.

What is interrupting my peace this morning.  The constant drone of what I presume is a pressure washer.  I assume this because it's way too early for lawn mowing!  Why this noise irritates me is because it just goes on and on.  

It being Saturday (see I have my days back on track), our generator AKA "Jenny" will start her weekly 15 minute run today.  So yes, we do make noise too, but 15 minutes isn't very long in the big picture.  When it's spring and summer time, I'll hear every leaf blower and mower practically every day.  Wouldn't it be wonderful, if a dead end street, such as ours, could have ONE lawn mowing company who would take care of ALL the houses ALL at once?  Ah, would/could that be true.

I am very aware of when the dogs go outside.  They're dogs, so some barking is to be expected.  If it goes on too long, then either have to (a) come back inside; or (b) bring me the body!  Sam, is 15 and has always been a bit yappy and gets lonely when we aren't home.  Luckily for us, I'm home 99% of the time and Sam seems content to spend his days sleeping on a floor vent, pillows or blankets.  And when the neighbor's dog comes out in the backyard and "wolfs" as a signal to Sam and Maggie, more and more Sam doesn't even respond.  I know his eyesight is poor and perhaps so is his hearing.

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Maryland.  Temperatures are supposed to drop in a day or two, which will make it feel more like winter.


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