Friday, January 15, 2016

Missing a Day


Yesterday, as far as I was concerned was Friday.  I even took my morning pills from the Friday box.  How did I miss Thursday so completely?  I went to look at the shows that were to record on "Friday" and was discouraged to see that, in my baffled mind, none of my Thursday evening shows didn't record.  I am very good with operating my Tivo remote, so I couldn't understand how I had managed to miss recording my shows.

Because it was Friday, in my mind, I didn't even fix dinner.  Why?  Because I knew that Jeff wouldn't need anything for lunch, since he doesn't work on weekends.  How did I miss the date on my computer, which displays date and time in the right hand corner?  

After Jeff got home last night, I complained that none of my Thursday night shows had recorded.  That's when he told me that it was Thursday, and that my shows weren't set to record until 8:00 and later.  

Even after Jeff again repeated that it was Thursday, my mind was still in a muddle.  It bothered me greatly, and probably shouldn't have, that I had actually "missed" a day.  I could I suppose give myself a pass since I'm retired and don't rely on a calendar much anymore.  But, on the other hand, after Jeff explained that it was Thursday, I felt an unreasonable fear (at least I think it's unreasonable) that my memory wasn't working on all cylinders.  We've already established that since 2013, my brain doesn't work as well as it once did, and probably never will.  

I watch Jeopardy and Who Wants to be a Millionaire as well as Family Feud.  Many times I know the answer to the question, but I can't seem to retrieve it.  This is very frustrating, and while I'm far from being stupid, I do feel sad that I can't recall things that I know I know.  

I play all sorts of brain type games.  I'm appreciative of my sister-in-law who plays Words with Friends with me.  She's such a good player and my scores are always really low compared to hers.  I want to be better mentally, at least as far as my memory goes, but I think I've come about as far in that category as I'm able.  


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