Wednesday, January 27, 2016

We're Free!


Yesterday, we received our "get out of the house free" card when the snow plow came to our street.  The trouble with a snow plow is that, among other things, it's huge and can't maneuver very well.  The plow did find coming up the street, but our house is at the top of the hill and in the middle of the circle is grass with a large tree in the middle.  The plow driver did his best, but in the end the circle won.  

The driver apologized that he wasn't going to be able to move all the snow from in front of our house, but we understood.  What we need now is a smaller piece of equipment that would be able to get around the circle, but pretty sure that's not happening.

Earlier in the day, Jeff took the Ox out and with chains on, managed to get the truck down the hill, but not without assistance.  Even as big as the truck is, Jeff became stuck and several neighbors came out to help him get started again.  He was able to get the truck back up the street and into the driveway, just before the snow plow came.

Jeff did more shoveling of snow at the bottom of the driveway.  He has worked so hard the last three days, that I worry about his health.  I don't venture out because I'm not very steady on my feet and am physically unable to lift and throw such heavy snow.  So for the sake of marital harmony and good sense on my part (which is sometimes hard to come by!), I have remained inside.  

Jeff went to work today, because if he didn't come in, he would have to take another vacation day or take the day off with no pay.  It's lovely that his supervisor is so understanding about Jeff being able to get to work.  It wasn't for lack of trying on his part, because he gave everything he had to the task of trying to get out of the street.

Once the plow came by, there was nearly a mass exodus of people who had been stuck inside their homes.  People were in their cars and on their way to some place, as soon as they were able.  Perhaps because I stay home all the time, I don't actually get cabin fever.  I may get antsy, but I really have no place I want/need to go.  Plus, I hate getting sand and salt on my car, so if she sits in the driveway, she stays clean.

Jeff says the commute to work this morning was horrific.  A tractor trailer was sideways across several lanes on the interstate. Also, a lot of folks driving and doing stupid things which resulted in accidents.

A smaller plow just came up the street.  He pushed the snow around and because he has to, deposited some snow at the end of the driveway.  The sun isn't out today, but if she would make an appearance, more melting would occur.

For now, safe and warm inside the house.


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