Saturday, September 30, 2017

Donating - Or Just Getting Rid of Stuff!


I had received some used clothes, some of which had to meet my first and foremost criteria - it had to fit.  Once that first challenge was met, then further scrutiny was needed.  Was the particular piece of clothing something I would actually wear - like ever?  Two bags of clothing later, all being donated to Purple Heart, tells you that most of these clothes didn't meet my standards, which are pretty low!

After bagging up the clothes for pick-up on Monday, I decided to get rid of a lot of my books.  Even with reading glasses, many of the books I own, I can no longer read, the print is too small.  I'm hanging onto them as if they were life preservers.  This growing old thing really sucks.  And, from time to time, a new challenge/obstacle gets in the way.  I love to read, and while I really enjoy my Kindle, it's just not the same as actually holding a book.  But finding large print books are hard to come by, even in a library.

Today, I'm going to put my emotions aside and send the books off to somebody else, who I hope, will enjoy them.  It kills me that even my word search puzzle books, which I love, are now in large print.  I have a cataract in one eye, but apparently isn't big enough to warrant surgery.  People tell me that once the cataract is removed, and an artificial lens is inserted in place of the damaged lens (or something like that).  I've also been told that people have much better vision after having this surgery.  

I should think about giving away books is a kind of purging.  Less is more, at least that's what people say.  And, when you look around my house, it's readily apparent that I haven't gotten on the less is more philosophy!

Fixing a potato dish to take to Scott's house this evening and I think I'll make pumpkin bread too.  Jeff has gone out, with the girls, to Andy's house for part of the day.  The girls will come home exhausted from part of a day running and playing.

Happy Saturday.


Friday, September 29, 2017

"Donut Hole"


I know what you're thinking.  You're thinking about those wonderful, delicious bites of sugary dough that can be eaten in two (okay maybe one) bite.  But today, I'm talking about the donut hole you possibly fall into with regard to your Part D (prescription coverage) that you select along with with other options you select during open enrollment.

Up until this year, Jeff and I had read about the donut hole, which is where you find yourself after you have spent more money on prescriptions than Medicare allows.  While in the donut hole, you get to pay 100% of your prescriptions, until you get to the catastrophic level.  

Unfortunately, I take a lot of medicine and the cost of some of the prescriptions are not cheap. You pay a small co-pay up until you reach $3,700.  Then you pay a larger portion of the cost of prescriptions until you reach $4,950, which puts you in the catastrophic level.  Both Jeff and I find ourselves in said donut hole.  My prescriptions are written for a 90 day supply.  Since we are so close to October, it's possible that we might squeak by for most of my medicine.  It takes a lot of medicine to keep me sane(er)!

I've checked with AARP, and they tell me that Medicare sets the amount each year that allows you to get your prescriptions for relatively very little money.  I'm not a fortune teller, but something tells me that next year Medicare will move the $3,700 amount to something higher.  Unfortunately, they also tell me that it doesn't matter which company we choose for our Part D coverage, because the same limits are the same across the board.  Gads, it's tough getting old.

Yesterday, I worked up enough energy to bag up some of the clothes that Stacey had brought me.  Some of the clothes were given to her by a friend, whose mother had passed away.  I stuffed three bags of clothing that I would not wear.  Some of the dresses were quite pretty, but I'd have to be six foot tall to wear them!

Today's challenge will be to take the clothes upstairs that do now or will shortly fit me, and find room for those clothes somewhere.  I guess I can't really use the excuse of "I've got nothing to wear"l at least at the moment.

Happy Friday everyone.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Ah, a Clean House!


So sorry everybody that I didn't post this morning, but after showering and getting dressed, I wasn't feel very good.  After watching a few cooking shows, along with "Dog", I'm back up to speed.

The ladies who cleaned the house yesterday, did an amazing job.  She had told me that it would only take 3-4 hours to deep clean the house.  Hmm, that didn't exactly work out.  She and her helper were here until late in the afternoon.  I even asked her if she was coming back next week, or had the house scared her off!  She said she'll come back - good.

When people clean your house they unearth stuff you didn't even know was missing!  Books, papers, binder clips, etc. are now in their appropriate place.  Now that the house has been really cleaned, they even washed some windows, weekly cleaning shouldn't take up too much time.  I love having a clean house.  It just makes you feel good.  They even cleaned my telephone!  Thank you Jeff for suggesting that it was time to have the house regularly cleaned.

I'm going to have a most excellent weekend.  I bet you never thought that I would type those words.  Tomorrow night, Jeff and I, along with a casserole are going to Scott's house for dinner.  We'll take the fun car and let the air rush through our hair (my hair only).  Riding in a convertible is freeing.

Then, on Sunday - hold on to your hats people - the book club ladies have asked me to go to a movie and later have ice cream!  Since I can't drive, one of the ladies is going to pick me up.  I'll use my cane, because the rollator is just too big to lug around in most cars.

I haven't had much fun this year (ya think?), so having two events back to back is fantastic.  I start physical therapy next week and since this is a one on one session, I feel I will be pushed to exert myself.  The therapy that I had a few years ago, was two therapists for "x" people.  They would start you on something, walk off and eventually remember where they left you.  This time, I want be able to get away with not doing the exercises the amount of time I was supposed to.  I just don't like exercising - never have and probably never will.  I need to strengthen my body and work on my balance issues, but I don't believe there is any amount of therapy that will actually cure my foot.  I'm just not feeling optimistic, since I have seen so many doctors this year and the foot is still numb.  It's always somebody else's problem, but unfortunately, nobody knows who that somebody is.

I guess it's too late to wish you a good day, since the majority of the day is over. 


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Cleaning Lady Cometh .....


Okay folks, today's the day.  Yes, the day that somebody comes to the house to clean.  I'm never sure of housecleaning etiquette.  Do I remain in one room, out of the way? Do I continue to try and pick up stuff (and I have a lot of stuff) while they're here.  In days of old, when I had the house cleaned weekly, I was at work.  You leave a check on the counter and come home to a clean house.  Perfecto.

I have hired a woman and her sister, who had a great review and her prices weren't off the chart.  I don't have boat loads of extra cash laying around to pay a cleaning lady.  I can't begin to tell you how happy I am today.  Today is a deep clean, and boy does the house need a deep clean!  Initially, we're going to have her come to the house weekly.  A weekly cleaning will help keep the house cleaner (more or less).

Having someone coming to the house every week, will force me to be better about putting things away.  It's way to eassssssssssssssssssssssssssy to just stack things on the stairs (such a bad habit) or on counter tops, etc.  The way things should work (and they don't), is if you pick up something, be it an envelope or a box, then you should find it an appropriate home.  Trouble is, plopping stuff down wherever is handy at the moment, and then when you can't find that item, all hell breaks loose.  I know I've been guilty about forgetting where I've put things.

Since Bella is such a good thief, we have learned to get things out of her way.  I now have next to my chair, two plastic boxes with locking handles.  Everything, and I mean everything that will fit in those two boxes goes in - reading glasses, nail polish, the little clock, puzzle books, pens, etc.  While you might be interested in the box, or more likely their contents, even she isn't inclined or strong enough to haul these boxes out into the backyard.  This is a good thing.  Bella can stand up and put her paws on the counter top, because she leaves evidence that she's been there - missing food for example!

Yesterday, even though it was pretty warm outside, I ventured out into the front yard, armed with my broom and dustpan to start picking up the dead leaves that had been blown into a pile.  The yard was mowed yesterday, and there is now another pile of leaves to be picked up, and perhaps I'll do that later today.  I must be an amusing sight, because I bring my rollator to the street with me.  I'll scoop and shovel "x" number of leaves, and then it's time to rest.  So, I just plunk my fanny on the rollator seat and rest.  After I rest, I'm good to go again.

I'm behind on my watching "Dog" each morning, and I need to catch up!  It's so hard to be retired.  You have to make big decisions all day long - when to eat, what to eat, well you get the idea.  I have to keep track of what day the trash man comes and what day is recycling.  This is heady stuff people, believe me.

Can't stay and chat, I need to eat my breakfast.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Help Is On The Way!


After days of finding potential cleaning ladies, meeting said ladies, getting prices, etc., I have finally picked one.  She comes tomorrow for the first "deep" clean and weekly thereafter.  I couldn't be happier.  Who doesn't want a clean house?  Since May, I haven't really cleaned the house, because I was either (a) in the hospital or rehab; and, (b) not physically able to scrub the shower, etc.  So anything this lady cleans tomorrow, will be wonderful.  I'm not super picky and a bit of dust here and there doesn't bother me.  

I've been checking out how many people are reading my blog and for the last couple of days, it's showing zero views.  This is disturbing.  A computer glitch perhaps?  I'm hoping that's all it is, because I would be sad if nobody was reading my blog anymore.

Went to physical therapy yesterday.  The pick-up windows for my rides to and from, are big, and I always have downtime waiting for the van.  The office where the physical therapist is, has a small cafe.  I trekked in there and ordered a Reuben sandwich, which is one of my favorites.  Unfortunately, after a few bites stopped eating, it just wasn't sitting right.  

When I go into office buildings, I'm amazed at how few automatic doors they're are.  For instance, the physical therapist doesn't have an automatic door on his office.  You would think he would, given that everyone who comes there, is "disabled" in some way.  People use canes, crutches, walkers and wheelchairs.  The doors are heavy and you basically have to open the door with your "hinny", in order to get in and out.  That doesn't seem right.  It's hard enough maneuvering my rollator around, and then coming up on a door that requires manual operation, is damn inconvenient.  I liked the therapist and he's a one man show.  So, it's only him working on you, which will be a new experience.  Yesterday, he told me something that I hadn't thought about.  He said when you're happy, then you don't notice the pain as much.  The night I went out to dinner with Scott et al, I had a very good time and barely noticed the pain while sitting down.  Unfortunately, when I stood up, the foot was numb-er than usual, and I required some help getting out to the car.  Bummer.

Yesterday, in my haste to be waiting for the van, I unknowingly locked Daisy in the basement, and thought that Bella was down there too.  Nope, she was upstairs with endless possibilities of destruction, and except for a few papers knocked to the ground, she didn't tear anything up.  And believe me, she could have ripped up blankets, etc.  Maturing perhaps?  Gads I hope so.

So today, like all the women out there who have someone clean their house, I will do some tidying (i.e., picking up) around the house.  If you want a table dusted for instance, it's helpful if there's less on top.  That just makes sense to women, but not men.

Nice chat, but I've got stuff to do.



Monday, September 25, 2017

Monday Monday


It's Monday again - probably the most dreaded day of the week.  Just when you get settled in to staying up late, sleeping in, naps, and sitting in the sunshine, it all comes to a screeching halt.  Jeff has to get up super early to minimize the amount of time spent coming and going to work.  Obviously, the morning commute is much easier for him.

Yesterday, we went out to visit with Andrew et al.  Benjamin and I made a stepping stone filled with pieces of glass, and colorful rocks, that looked very much like M&M's!  The stepping stone, which Benjamin did by himself, turned out beautifully.  

Andrew took me down to see the coop, chickens and rooster in his "gator" (think golf cart).  The coop is really nice and I love the deep red color with white trim.  I went inside the coop and let a few chickens peck food from my hand.  They have several different kinds of chickens, and obviously, the chickens are different colors.  There was a black one, and a beautiful red one too, as well as some chickens that wouldn't come out to be seen.

Jeff did some wiring on two of Andrew's outlets.  One outlet turned on the lights in the ceiling in their breakfast area and the other one was in their bedroom, a ceiling fan outlet I believe.  But, I could be wrong, and it wouldn't be the first time.

We took the girls in the convertible.  Daisy curls up in a corner and half the time you keep looking in the backseat just to make sure she's still there.  Bella, on the other hand, can't rest.  She paces from one end of the backseat to the other.  Once we let them loose in Andrew's backyard, Bella is in heaven.  Daisy, who is much more laid back and needs less exercise, doesn't run around near as much.

Once we got home, Bella was worn out.  Climbed into her bed which is on top of the spare sofa in the den and was asleep in minutes.  The ride home is always quiet and eventually even Bella gives up and sits down.

Before we went home, we stopped at WalMart and Jeff went in for a quick shop of weekly necessities: salad, tomatoes, apples.  Stuff like that.  Unless it needed refrigeration, the food is still sitting on the kitchen table waiting to be dealt with today.

I have a physical therapy appointment today.  The appointment is supposed to last 45 minutes.  I'm assuming some of that time will be in history taking and then we'll get down to business.  I know that there is probably no amount of physical therapy which will make my foot un-numb (don't think that's actually a word).  I would like to work on my balance, however, because sometimes I feel I'm just steps away from turning around, getting a bit dizzy and falling down.

 It's time now for me to get up and start doing "stuff", like making the bed and other exciting chores!  I know you all envy me!


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Summers Over?


With the flick of a daily calendar, you can see that fall arrived yesterday.  Really?  I don't know about where you live, but here while the oak leaves and acorns are beginning to fall, making walking on the driveway a tricky business if you're wearing socks!  But the temperature for tomorrow is supposed to be 90 - and that means running the a/c units.  I absolutely hate sticking to leather furniture or even car seats for that matter.

In the past, Jeff would get out the leaf blower and blow the leaves into a big pile.  Then, it was my time to work.  I was the "picker-upper", and while I'm not boasting (okay a little bit of boasting), I think that the "picker-upper" person has a terrible job.  We now have to use environmentally friendly lawn bags, which until you get some leaves in that bag, almost refuse to stand up on their own.  While I pick up the leaves, I'm not very good at packing them down deep into the bag, so that's Jeff's job.  I don't "pack" leaves.  Okay, I could be classified in one or two (or both for that matter) categories: just plain lazy or a diva of sorts, who doesn't really want to get her hands dirty!

Tomorrow, we're going out to Andrew's house.  I think Jeff is supposed to help do something with the coop - at least I think that's what he's going to do.  Me?  Months ago, while shopping with Stacey and Benjamin, I bought a stepping stone kit, complete with stones, etc.  I'm taking the kit with me tomorrow, and Benjamin and I can create a pretty stepping stone.

We'll be taking the girls with us, which means that Bella will run her legs off all day.  Daisy is small and doesn't seem to need or want much exercise.  Here's what I know for certain, during the ride home, both dogs are very quiet, and that's a good thing.

I had another cleaning lady come yesterday to give me an estimate.  She cleans only with her daughter, and I thought her prices were very fair.  Even if she came only twice a month, it would help me out immensely.  I assured her that I wasn't particularly fussy, and in the living room, where I have so much glass on shelves, I told her to leave all of that alone.  About once a year, I drag all the glass down and most pieces can easily go into the dishwasher for a quick rinse.  The glass shelves are more difficult to wash.  It's almost a two man job!

The epidural shot I had on Thursday has done nothing for my right leg/foot.  My next appointment is a discussion visit only.  The doctor's thought is that if two shots don't have much or any impact on my leg/foot, then there's no need for a third shot.  I have to say I agree.  And what the next step is, I have no idea.  I want very much to be able to drive again.  I have a lovely car and I would like to be able to go to appointments when I want to go.

Love chatting with you, but I've got things to do.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday At Last!


I know what you're thinking.  Why am I so happy that it's Friday, because for all intents and purposes, all of my days are like Friday.  Well, here's the deal - I don't cook on Friday nights!  It's just that simple.  Actually, for the last couple of weeks, Jeff has been fixing dinner, and he does a really great job.  But Fridays are special, because we normally have tacos.  Okay, okay, these aren't California tacos by any stretch of the imagination, but they are technically called tacos.

Yesterday, I went and had my second epidural injection.  It's painful but not enough pain to warrant screaming or yelling.  I had brought my rollator, which has a seat with a little storage bag underneath the seat, because using the ride-on service, you're generally going to be waiting for the van on one or both trips.  The doctor was running late, so I missed my ride.  So, while I was perched on my seat, I actually managed to make a call and ask for another ride.  Of course, that ride didn't come for nearly 40 minutes.  I can't imagine what I would have done if I had to stand such a long time.  As Scott says too much "stooding" just isn't a good thing, and I agree.

I have reached out to neighbors for the names of cleaning ladies they use.  Two of the ladies have already been here, and the third one comes this afternoon.  Seems like the going rate is $90.  We have a relatively large house - but, there are three rooms upstairs that have closed doors, and will never need cleaning.  Jeff's office is, of course, off limits.  The downstairs is mostly vacuuming and a minimal amount of dusting.  I own a lot of glass, and I don't want anybody to be moving said glass pieces around.  Besides, if I never move any of the glass, you can't "really" tell that the shelf is dusty!  Or at least that's what I tell myself.

When I was working, I had someone come in weekly to clean the house.  But, alas, I no longer work and haven't had anybody out to clean, except a commercial cleaning company, who came twice.  The cleaning lady just came and her prices I think are more than fair.

Time to finish my laundry - blah.  Jeff buys me grapes each week.  While I watch television, I pull all the grapes off the vines and wash them and then in to the fridge they go.  Once they're cold, they absolutely make a tasty snack.

I hope you have a good weekend.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Happy Anniversary


Today, is our 43rd anniversary, even though my calendar on the refrigerator says 42!  Lost a year somewhere I guess.

I wish I could remember details more about our wedding day.  Compared to weddings today, ours was very simple and inexpensive.  Mom made my dress, which was ivory, because it was my second wedding.  Dad had to pay for two weddings, but neither of them broke the bank.

You wait for months for this special day and before you can blink, it's over.   I have pictures of course.  In 1974, light blue tuxedos was the "in" thing and all the men had ruffled shirt fronts, also an "in" thing.  No veil for me, just artificial flowers in my hair.  I've come to realize that you're just as married, if you spend thousands on the event, or merely hundreds.

I do remember Dad telling me that Jeff was a keeper.  And he was right.  A thousand times over the past 43 years right.  If Jeff rode a white horse, he would be my knight in shining armor.  He does own several white straw hats, so that counts, at least for me.

We have lived through some of our less than stellar actions.  One comes to mind - a 1942 Weapons Carrier!  While it never ran, it gave Jeff and a friend many, many hours of happiness getting their hands dirty!

Early on, buying a large truck without having it checked by a mechanic.  Within a short amount of time, it needed a new transmission.  But, it's only money - right?

Me letting a stainless steel butcher knife fall blade first into a running garbage disposal.  Shrapnel anyone?

Me trying hopelessly to open up countless bottles, jars, packages, etc., only to have to cry "uncle" and let Jeff take over.

Jeff being understanding about my loss of short term memory, my love of all things on Amazon (unfortunately), and my unrelnting questions that he's answered many times already.  

Like all couples, we've had our ups and downs.  We like to think of ourselves as a couple in a rowboat, both rowing in the same direction.  In 2013, I may have been in the boat, but I was definitely rowing in the opposite direction.  Happy to report, I'm now rowing in the right direction!

Happy Anniversary to my best friend, my champion, a good father, husband and the best PopPop anyone has ever known!  This many years later, Dad was right.  Jeff was a keeper in 1974 and is still a keeper today.  He may hurump (I actually don't know how to spell it) from time to time, but one of my faults, and believe me there are more than one, is to nag.  Most of the time, I don't even remember that I've nagged on some particular issue, hence more nagging ensues!

I've decided to "re-up" for 43 more years.  💕


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Carpet Cleaning, Hooves, etc.


My good friends, Stanley Steemer was here this morning to once again shampoo the hall carpet (sigh) and Jeff's office.  I don't know what's up with using the hall carpet as a pee spot, but I'm getting pretty aggravated.  I know the two men so well now that I should probably send them a Christmas card!

I'm having the first of three possible cleaning ladies coming this afternoon to give me an estimate to clean the house.  I'm hoping the price is low, because upstairs 4 rooms are shut and don't need (well, probably do, but since they are used for "storage"), aren't going to pay to clean them.  I'm not even that fussy - do some vacuuming, dusting of large pieces of furniture, bathrooms, kitchen and den.  I think the biggest thing I need is the bathrooms and kitchen.  I find it very difficult, if not down right impossible to clean the floors, shower, etc.

Last night, while it was still light outside, Jeff took Bella and I for a walk.  I wanted to see if she pulled on her leash, and she doesn't.  Now a choke collar on a dog generally makes walking a dog easier, but even with the collar on, I was still afraid that she might pull me down.  Jeff was standing by, and Bella did beautifully.  When I stopped, she sat down and when I turned, she had her eyes on me, and turned as well.  Perfecto.  We live at the top of the hill, and while I could probably make it down the hill, know that coming back up would be impossible.

Jeff went out to Andy's house last night to see the newly installed chicken coop.  He took Bella with him and she really enjoyed running around in the yard.  Here's what I know for sure - when they came home, Bella simply laid down!  I have also noticed that when Bella is gone, Daisy doesn't seem to care one bit.  She's a pretty low key dog, unless something catches her attention in the back yard!  So while Jeff was gone, Daisy simply snuggled in the blankets on the sofa and went to sleep.

I'm having another epidural tomorrow.  It was the earliest I could get on the schedule, but the timing is terrible.  Our 43rd anniversary is tomorrow.  While I like to go out for a steak dinner on our special day, I will probably postpone it until later in the week.  

Like most women, I want to tidy up the house before the cleaning lady come this afternoon.  I guess the reason we do this is because we don't want to be judged for the condition of our house.  I need to wash the dishes, hang up some clothes, stuff like that.  I clean as much as I can, but to use Scott's word, too much "stooding" (standing) is very hard on me.  Will I ever get better?  Who knows.  So far, I haven't found the right doctor that can or will help me with my foot.  Sadly, gripper socks have become my new norm for footwear.  And unlike the socks you get in the hospital which are either drab gray or drab tan, I have red and green ones!  

Metro Access is going to take me to my appointment tomorrow.  But, this time instead of standing outside waiting for my ride, I'm taking my rollator so that I can at least sit down while waiting.  I'm a pretty patient person and always go prepared to doctor's appointments.  Water is a necessity as well as a puzzle book and a pen.  If I have all of those things, then I'm happy (okay, maybe happy is a bit of an exaggeration) enough.  When you schedule a ride, they give you a window.  That window likely leaves you with extra time on your hands.  But, on the plus side, I don't have to ask anyone to take me to the doctor.😊

Have a great day.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017



Yesterday afternoon, Jeff returned from his trip to Nashville.  I think he had a pretty good time.  The food served was merely okay, but it was included in the cost of the event, he was able to chew through.  Besides, who doesn't like rubber chicken in their diet every now and then!  Actually, some of the meals were buffets and he didn't rave about the high quality.  He and Paul, one of the co-owners of the plane, stayed on a friends and family Marriott rate, at the Marriott resort.  

Here's what I do know.  He had a chance to meet up with old friends, who only sees each year at the migrations.  He attended seminars and was able to talk "pilot" 24/7 if he wanted.  When I go along to a migration, I think he spends a great deal of time wondering if I'm having a good time.  I decided two years ago, that the migrations just weren't for me, and I stay home.  So, we both have a mini vacation away from each other.  It's true that absence does make your heart stronger.

Jeff got home early enough to take me to see my psychiatrist, who I haven't been able to see since April.  I had written a list of things I wanted to talk about.  The list is necessary, otherwise my memory trips me up, and I can't remember what is/was bothering me!  For a very long time, Jeff took me to see Dr. H, so he enjoyed seeing her again as well.

We took Jeff's car with the top down to the appointment.  With my window and the top down, I just close my eyes, and let my brain unload.  For me, riding in the convertible is fun as well as freeing.

On Sunday afternoon, I made one of my "one pot wonders" for Jeff.  Since he didn't come home until yesterday, he had something for both his dinner and lunch today.  I think I will make another put stuff in a pan and hope it turns out okay for dinner.

I go this week for another epidural in my back.  And, to make matters worse, that shot is scheduled for our 43rd wedding anniversary.  Sometimes you just can't control when an appointment occurs.  We can always have a steak dinner one other night this week.  And, I do like to eat steak, we just don't do it very often.

I've looked at the clock, and it's really time for me to get up and moving.  I hope you have a good day.


Monday, September 18, 2017

My "Batching" Days Are Over


I don't know what the correct term is for women who are staying home while their hubby goes off on some kind of trip.  So, I've decided batching must work for both men and women.  Please correct me if I'm wrong - or not!

I wasn't sure if Jeff was flying in last night or this morning, so I fixed a "one pot wonder" dinner just in case.  Turns out, he's coming home today, but at least I've already got something for him to take for his lunch tomorrow.  I am so efficient!

Today, I'm seeing my psychiatrist for the first time in months.  We've talked on the phone once or twice, but it will be good to see her today.  I will probably write down the things I want to talk about, so I don't forget anything.  Of course, with my short term memory, it's likely that I already have forgotten some stuff.  Gotta love that short term memory loss!

I'm having the hallway carpet upstairs cleaned this week.  Because I paid in advance for "x" (I actually can't remember how many) carpet cleaning, tomorrow's visit will only cost me $17.00.  Not too bad. 

While I think Jeff had some concerns about leaving me at home last week, I did fine.  I wasn't lonely, stayed up late, ate whatever food I wanted (frozen waffles anyone?), and watched crappy television, which I really enjoy.

I am having two cleaning ladies come later this week to give me an estimate to clean the house. The house is sort of on the large side, but two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs are closed and require no cleaning.  Breaking it down, it's our bedroom and bath, the living room, my "office", half-bath, kitchen and eating area and den.  Hope the prices for cleaning are reasonable.  There are a lot of things that I can't do now, so I've come to terms with dust on tables!

Love to stay longer to chat, but I've got things to do.


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Let's Talk Clothes


For the men who follow my blog, I can already visual their eyes turning around in their heads!  But, myself, like most women like clothes and shoes.  

First, let's tackle the business of clothes.  My body type reminds me of an upside down mushroom, bigger the farther down my body goes.  This is not a desired shape, I can assure you.  Oh, and to add more quirks (if you can call them that) to my body - I'm short.  Like, really short.  When I look in catalogs or on-line, the inseam on most "petite" pants is somewhere around 28 or 29 inches.  That's fine, if you want your pants covering up your shoes.  Me?  Not so much.  Any pants that could get in the way of my walking (such as it is these days), would be a fall just waiting to happen.  I like my pants to be just slightly above the back of my shoe.  Hence, hemming is involved.  In the days when I was working, I took my pants to the tailor for hemming.  Now, since I'm home all the time, I take needle and thread to my pants.  Okay, they don't look great and sometimes the two legs aren't exactly the same length, but close enough for me.

And, then there's clothes - tops, dresses, etc.  My body is mostly composed of two different sizes.  So, I buy one size for the top and another size for the bottom.  Buying a dress, however, is a tricky business.  Do you want the dress to be tighter on top or on the bottom.  My preference, go for the top.  Nobody wants to see clothing stretched tight across my hinny (not a word, but you get the idea)!

In today's paper, in the Business Section, above the fold, is an article about manufacturers getting with the program and making clothes in larger sizes.  Let's face it people, the majority of us are getting wider by the day.  Look at how well most folks fit in an airplane seat - not a pretty picture I can assure you.  There is something to be said for flying first class - if you can afford it.

For years, plus size clothing looked much like a tent and said tent could only be bought in basically camouflage colors - dark green, black, dark blue, etc.  And, most plus sized clothing avoided horizontal stripes.  Vertical ones were okay.  I can't speak for everyone, but with my coloring, I look great in bright winter colors: reds, dark pinks, etc.  I want to look pretty in my clothes, just like every other woman.  But the options are limited.

And, catalogs that carry larger size clothing, are always shown on a woman who is probably at most, a size 10.  She looks great in stretch leggings, but what does a woman my size, for instance, look in those same leggings.  Sausage legs come to mind.  If we are supposed to embrace our inner and outer self, then show me some clothes being worn by a larger woman.  It's hard to imagine what said clothing item will look like on me, when I have such a poor example (i.e., small) to base my clothing decisions on.  Seems like everybody else has come out of the closet, and I think it's time we curvy (I'm not counting me in that group) women did too.  We need to demand and should expect more attractive clothing.  Nothing short of that is unacceptable. 

This picture says it all.

Image result for picture of plus size model

Saturday, September 16, 2017

If Bella Was A Cat......


If Bella was a cat, she would have already gone through at least five of her nine lives!  Yesterday, she managed to get up on the table, grab a padded envelope which had 4 badge holders inside and took it outside.  When I realized that the badge holders were no longer in sight, I went out to the backyard and managed to find all of them.  Apparently, badge holders aren't chewable.  Ah, but the envelope definitely was.

I really think that Bella is bored and our yard just isn't big enough for her to wear herself out running.  I know when we take the girls out to Andy's house, Bella just runs and runs.  She needs and enjoys this amount of exercise.  Daisy, on the other hand, is very laid back and quite content to spend most of her time in my lap, which I happen to really love.

Jeff might be home tomorrow or Monday at the least.  I'm sure he's a good time and he badly needs some downtime.  

My doctor's appointment on Thursday went well.  When my appointment was over, I literally only had to wait 5 minutes before I was picked up.  But, I've decided that for future trips, I'll take my rollator so that I can sit while I wait.

Scott invited me to dinner tonight, which was a wonderful surprise.  And, we are going to our favorite Mexican restaurant - yummy!

The girls got me up super early this morning, and I would love to take a nap.  But, there are a few chores that I need to do before I can rest.

Happy Saturday.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

A New Day


Today, I'm graduating from physical therapy.  Or at least graduating from therapy arranged by my rehab facility.  The last time the therapist was here, I walked around the circle using a cane.  This became almost more than I could bear, so the therapist ran (how long has it been since I've done that?  Um I'm thinking years) to the front porch and brought a chair back which she put in the street so I could rest.  Now that was a strange sight to see - a chair in the street - and having somebody sitting in it.  At one point, she asked if I wanted to just go home, but by then I was more than half-way around the circle, so the distance to the house would have been the same.  I "walked" (I guess you could call he slow tentative walking I do as walking I suppose) the rest of the way home, and then plopped in a chair truly exhausted.

Even though Jeff wasn't home, I slept quite well and the girls weren't obnoxious until 8:00.  So a bit of a sleep-in for me.  A few days ago, we had all the windows in the house open; but, I have closed the house back up and turned on the a/c.  It's not that it's so hot (80's), but the humidity is high and I hate feeling sticky.

Last night, the smoke alarm upstairs started beeping.  I grabbed a broom, intending to know the cover off, but was unsuccessful.  I finally had to get the neighbor next door to take the alarm down and put in new batteries.  The batteries running out, could have happened anytime.  Just happened to be on my watch, but I was able to come up with a solution.  

While I'm sitting here typing, the oak tree in the front yard has a steady stream of leaves falling.  Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do about the leaves.  Not stable enough on my feet to go outside and sweep and/or pick up the leaves.  This is a beautiful time of the year, unless you own an oak tree! 😊

I'm going for a check-up at the doctor's office this afternoon.  They want to see how much relief I got from the epidural.  The foot is still numb, but I am able to put my right leg up long enough for me to get a sock on.  That's certainly progress.  I guess slow and steady wins the race - at least that's what I tell myself.

I've got to run.  Time to clean up the kitchen before the therapist comes.  And yes, if you're wondering, I could certainly have done that yesterday!  But I didn't.



Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Alone At Home


Jeff is flying out this morning for Nashville for the Cirrus annual migration.  One of the plane's partners will be the pilot, since Jeff has lost his license to fly because his heart consistently goes into Afib.  

Initially, Jeff was going to have me stay at Andy's house, but I convinced him that I would be happier here at the house.  I have my television, recliner, dogs, frosty flakes, etc., and I'll be a happy camper.  I promised that I would send him short emails during the day to let him know that I'm okay.

Tomorrow I'm having my last physical therapy appointment as well as a check-up at the Doctor's office to see how well the epidural worked.    Metro Access is going to take me to the Doctor's appointment and I know there will be some waiting for me at both ends.  You can't get exactly the time you want to be picked up, you get a window.  I will be taking my walker with crossword puzzles inside the basket. I'm generally a good waiter as long as I have something to do.

Yesterday, in physical therapy I walked with my cane around the circle in front of the house.  It wasn't pretty.  The therapist went to the front porch and brought a lawn chair so that I could sit down when I became tired.  Unfortunately, that turned out to be twice.  Once you've gone half-way around the circle, you have no choice but to continue.  You can't just stand and/or sit forever.  Eventually, after a brief rest, I got back up on my feet and successfully (but not pretty) made it around the circle.

Today, I will clean the kitchen and bedroom.  I might even get out the vacuum to pick up dropped crumbs around my recliner!  When you eat certain foods, crumbs happen.  The space is too small for the girls to "vacuum".  I guess I could move my side table and let them have at it.  I'm sure they would like that.  😊

My real job while Jeff is away, is to be safe and I intend to do just that.

Way past time for me to be dressed, so that's my next thing to do.



Monday, September 11, 2017

Checking In


I took the weekend off from writing my blog.  No real excuse, just lazy I guess.  Jeff and I have watched countless hours of television showing the progress of Irma.  I can only take so much of the "talking heads", and then I feel the need to watch something non-hurricane related.

AOPA (pilot's association) is flying to Florida with supplies.  Jeff contributed by buying bottled water, baby formula and dog food.  I feel so sorry for both the people in Houston and now Florida.  I was working at Marriott headquarters when Katrina hit, and I know how many hours my boss and I put in to getting financial help to Marriott employees.

I can't even imagine what it would feel like to be told to evacuate your home.  Looking around the house, I'd be hard pressed to know what to bring, other than essential papers and certainly the dogs.  There would be no way that Jeff and I would leave the dogs, even though they're annoying at times, behind to fend for themselves, that would just be cruel.

Jeff is flying to Nashville on Wednesday for the annual migration of pilots who have our type of plane.  I'm staying home withe the girls.  Initially, he wanted me to go out to Andrew's house, but I told him that I'd rather stay in the house.  I have everything I need/want here and a neighbor who is willing to visit and or check on me while he's gone.  So I'll be "batching" (why don't they have a word for when a married woman has the house to herself?) it for a few days.  Cheesy television, frosty flakes for dinner, stuff like that.

Temperatures are cooler now, so the a/c is getting a much needed rest and the windows are wide open.  Sometimes it just feels good to freshen the air in the house.  Of course, if it warms up, the windows are going down and the a/c is starting back up!  😊

My physical therapy ends this week.  This means that I have "graduated" from services I was getting from the rehab facility.  Now, I'll be on my own as far as my foot/leg goes.  Being able to drive eventually would be a wonderful thing.  I'm pretty much housebound at the moment. I'm going to use the Metro Access services this week for a doctor's appointment.  It might be a bit of a hassle, but at least I don't have to ask anyone to take me.

I hope that you and your friends and family are safe.


Friday, September 8, 2017

"New Clothes"


Ah, the feeling a woman gets when she reaches into her closet or drawers, and most of her clothes are too big!!!  I now have that feeling.  I have lost 28 pounds this summer and it's so nice to be in smaller sized clothing.  Unfortunately, I gave away a lot of my clothes.  I was convinced that I would never be "small" (at least my version of small) again. So, I ended up buying clothes in ever increasing sizes, and then I took a look at my body in a mirror (ugh) and decided enough was enough.  Of course, I can't take all the credit, because my weekly Trulicity shots are helping me lose weight.

Now when I raid my closet, I'm not finding many things that fit me anymore.  While that fills me with giddiness, I know that my pants with a draw string, which I always cut off, don't seem to want to stay up.  Yippee.  I know that this news doesn't make Jeff happy.  Luckily, I don't work anymore and I can go weeks (not healthy - don't remind me) without leaving the house.  So, I pretty much live in pants, capris, shorts and t-shirts.  I do have one pair of "nice" pants, on the off chance we're invited somewhere that requires a slightly fancier outfit.

My immediate goal is to go down two sizes smaller than the clothes I'm wearing now.  Jeff buys me grapes, which I wash and put in the refrigerator.  The grapes are my "go to" food during the day, because truthfully I am seldom really hungry.  And, yes I know that's not healthy either.  During the day, I know when I must eat, because I get a little shaky.  But, a handful of grapes solves that problem.

Today's mission?  Go down to the basement (ick) and do some sweeping and mopping.  Heaven knows the floor is in need of care.  And, yes, since my problems began in February when I slipped in the basement while cleaning, I'll have my cellphone in my pocket.

Jeff's trip to Nashville is next week and he'll have a very good time.  It's basically pilots talking planes and a few classes in safety and things like that.  I'm staying home with the girls and will leave messages for Jeff, a neighbor and obviously my psychiatrist.

Time to sign off and try and get something/anything done today.


Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Wheels On The Van Go Round and Round ....


Yesterday, I was taken into D.C., to be interviewed for a possible Metro Access card.  If qualified, and it turns out I was, then I can call and schedule a van to pick me up and take me - well anywhere.  The driver arrived on time and loaded me and the wheelchair into the van.  I tried some small talk for a bit, but then decided that I really didn't need to talk to the driver.  At that point, I just closed my eyes and went along for the ride.

It rained a whole bunch yesterday and I got wet getting into the van.  But, once we had arrived at the transportation building (I'm sure it has a fancy title, I just don't know what it is), once the wheelchair lift had been lowered, there was a worker standing there with an umbrella to take me inside the building.  I thought that was very nice.  Jeff would tell you that since I'm not made out of sugar, I won't melt if I get wet - but I tend to disagree.

Once inside the building, the worker took my application over to the desk and I remained sitting in the wheelchair.  Shortly, a woman came out and asked me if the wheelchair was mine (yes) and could I walk (some).  I had torn out a few crossword puzzle pages to take with me, and they entertained me while I waited.

It wasn't long before a gentleman called my name and wheeled me into his office.  He took my picture (ugh) and gave me an ID number.  I will get my photo ID in the mail in the next week or so.  He explained the workings of Metro Access and told me that I could call them as early as today if I wanted to go somewhere.  I thought that was pretty cool.  Trouble is, I really can't think of any place to go, at least today.

I was very anxious about the appointment, particularly since I was going alone.  But I did fine and I was surprised at how easy the appointment was and how nice and helpful everybody I met was.  It wasn't what I was expecting.  But, then when I think about it, I don't know exactly what I was thinking.

Anyway, got home, a bit wet from rain and worn out.  A pair of warm socks, a blanket and my recliner fixed my world up right away.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Getting Help


It's very hard for most people, including me, to recognize and ask for help.  I want to believe that I can "tough it out" until I feel better.  And now I know that I simply can't.  Today I have an appointment with Metro Access which provides door to door service for people with disabilities.  Unfortunately, I'm now that person.

Jeff believes, and I'm pretty sure he's right, that taking the little vans to and from doctor's appointments, etc., will be pretty much like having your tooth pulled out, I literally have no other choice.  I for sure can't drive with a numb foot.  That could go sideways in so many ways, and since my right foot can't grip, I would be a hazard on the road.  But, while I'm a reclusive person by choice, I do miss the ability to go out when I want to.

Today, I'll be interviewed to see if I qualify for this door to door service.  My doctor filled out the form, leaving no doubt about my disabilities (both mental and physical).  I can't rely on Jeff to leave work every time I have to go to the doctor.  Other than doctor appointments, I probably won't use this service for say shopping or getting my nails done.

I've called several cleaning companies to see what they would charge for cleaning the house.  So far, the cost is off the chart - I could put a down payment on a car with the company that came yesterday.  I am desperate to have the house cleaned.  I basically have been pretty much handicapped and unable to clean since the first of May.  That's a lot of dust bunnies - but, if you don't move anything, the dust isn't as visible to the eye.  Or at least that's what I tell myself.

I'm so confused, and it actually doesn't take much to do that.  How much is Jeff willing to pay for a clean house?  Actually, I'm not sure because it's clear that I can't keep up.  I still wobble when I walk, so vacuuming the carpet would be interesting to say the least.

Wish me luck with my appointment today.  I hope I don't get rattled and upset while I'm being "interviewed".


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Bella and Destruction


We have two dogs - everybody knows that.  But Bella and Daisy have very unique and distinctive mannerisms.  Saturday evening, I was sitting on the front porch with Auntie Kim and having a good time.  When I got back in the house, it was clear that Bella had been up to no good.  There was a partially destroyed DVD and a chewed up Sopranos box.  I couldn't believe this.  The DVDs have been in the house for the past year, and she's never touched them.  Saturday night she pulled out the DVDs and set to destroying them, and she did a good job.

I don't know how we're going to get a handle on Bella's destruction.  We're currently missing a sponge and who knows what else.  Daisy is too small to reach the tops of tables and counters.  We took a ride yesterday in Jeff's car and took the two dogs.  The top was down and it was a gorgeous day.  Daisy curled up in the back seat and never moved.  Bella was restless in the car and couldn't seem to settle.  Jeff and I both believe that Bella is bored and consequently gets into things.  Our backyard isn't very large and I'm not able to take her for a walk.  Pretty sure she would pull me off my feet and that wouldn't be good at all.

The girls are a year old, but I still have wooden gates up blocking them from the kitchen, the living room, the stairs going up to the bedroom and the den.  That's a lot of gates.  I think if we only had Daisy we wouldn't have to put up so many gates.  Daisy's biggest problem is finding inappropriate spots to go potty.  

So for now, we don't have perfect dogs.  Admittedly, they are getting better and will someday mature into great dogs (fingers crossed on this).  Dogs that won't take a bite out of a sofa or rip the skirt off of a chair, stuff like that.

I would very much like to make Bella a service dog for me.  I tend to wobble a bit when I walk, and I could lean on her.  She's a little on the small size for this, but I don't want to add a third and bigger dog into the mix.  If I did that, I'm pretty sure I'd be out of my mind!

I have a basket on my walker and it's filled with things that Bella would very much like to have a taste of - puzzle books, pens, magazines, and things like that.  I call it my portable office because I take it into the den while I watch television.  After I use it, I take it back to my real office and then close the doors.  Sure wish I didn't have to do that.

Taking the ride in Jeff's car yesterday was heavenly.  The top and front windows were down.  I simply closed my eyes and allowed the wind to blow my hair around and free up my always busy mind.  I'm so glad that we bought this car.  It may sometimes be impractical, but it's never short of happiness.


Friday, September 1, 2017



Finally, a long weekend for those of you who work.  I know that Jeff will really appreciate the extra day.  He needs the rest.  On weekends, I try to get the girls up and out of the bedroom, so that he can sleep in.  Truthfully, I can nap anytime during the day, particularly if I can get and keep the girls quiet.

I suspect that Jeff will go out to Andrew's house sometime this weekend.  I know that Jeff loves going out there and driving the tractor.  I'll likely stay home, I'm happy here.  Maybe I'm just too happy being at home.  

Jeff and I will celebrate out 42nd anniversary this month.  We've come a long way, and being 25 seems light years away.  Ah, if only you could give advice to your children, about some of the pitfalls you've endured as you got older.  But, actually that's pretty much a slippery slope, and most children don't want to hear what we parents are trying to say. I speak from experience, because in my early adult years, I didn't want to listen to their warnings about some of the things Jeff and I were doing - like going to a storage auction, bidding and winning a loser box!

But, as a parent, it is only natural that you want to protect your children.  You don't want them to fail, and you don't want their hearts to be broken.  At some point, parents have to back off, sit on the side lines and watch and wait for a child to come and ask for help. Then, and only then can you provide them with advice, which they may or may not take.  Nobody wants to watch their children crash and burn.  I can speak from experience that my parents had to watch me go into what ultimately would be a short and bad marriage at 18.  And eventually come back home until I could get my feet back underneath me.  Even though I know they wanted to, they never lectured me about getting married so young and then having to get a divorce.  I was thankful for that.  

You know with almost certainty when your child is about to or already has made a big mistake.  A life changing mistake - sometimes for the better and sometimes not, but we slog along.

I think Jeff and I are fortunate in that the boys are not afraid to call Jeff when they need help with something.  As a mom, I can offer very little input about wiring, plumbing, etc.  😊

So I hope you get to leave work early.  That traffic isn't too bad and that you have made some great plans for the weekend.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...