Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Bella and Destruction


We have two dogs - everybody knows that.  But Bella and Daisy have very unique and distinctive mannerisms.  Saturday evening, I was sitting on the front porch with Auntie Kim and having a good time.  When I got back in the house, it was clear that Bella had been up to no good.  There was a partially destroyed DVD and a chewed up Sopranos box.  I couldn't believe this.  The DVDs have been in the house for the past year, and she's never touched them.  Saturday night she pulled out the DVDs and set to destroying them, and she did a good job.

I don't know how we're going to get a handle on Bella's destruction.  We're currently missing a sponge and who knows what else.  Daisy is too small to reach the tops of tables and counters.  We took a ride yesterday in Jeff's car and took the two dogs.  The top was down and it was a gorgeous day.  Daisy curled up in the back seat and never moved.  Bella was restless in the car and couldn't seem to settle.  Jeff and I both believe that Bella is bored and consequently gets into things.  Our backyard isn't very large and I'm not able to take her for a walk.  Pretty sure she would pull me off my feet and that wouldn't be good at all.

The girls are a year old, but I still have wooden gates up blocking them from the kitchen, the living room, the stairs going up to the bedroom and the den.  That's a lot of gates.  I think if we only had Daisy we wouldn't have to put up so many gates.  Daisy's biggest problem is finding inappropriate spots to go potty.  

So for now, we don't have perfect dogs.  Admittedly, they are getting better and will someday mature into great dogs (fingers crossed on this).  Dogs that won't take a bite out of a sofa or rip the skirt off of a chair, stuff like that.

I would very much like to make Bella a service dog for me.  I tend to wobble a bit when I walk, and I could lean on her.  She's a little on the small size for this, but I don't want to add a third and bigger dog into the mix.  If I did that, I'm pretty sure I'd be out of my mind!

I have a basket on my walker and it's filled with things that Bella would very much like to have a taste of - puzzle books, pens, magazines, and things like that.  I call it my portable office because I take it into the den while I watch television.  After I use it, I take it back to my real office and then close the doors.  Sure wish I didn't have to do that.

Taking the ride in Jeff's car yesterday was heavenly.  The top and front windows were down.  I simply closed my eyes and allowed the wind to blow my hair around and free up my always busy mind.  I'm so glad that we bought this car.  It may sometimes be impractical, but it's never short of happiness.


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