Thursday, September 28, 2017

Ah, a Clean House!


So sorry everybody that I didn't post this morning, but after showering and getting dressed, I wasn't feel very good.  After watching a few cooking shows, along with "Dog", I'm back up to speed.

The ladies who cleaned the house yesterday, did an amazing job.  She had told me that it would only take 3-4 hours to deep clean the house.  Hmm, that didn't exactly work out.  She and her helper were here until late in the afternoon.  I even asked her if she was coming back next week, or had the house scared her off!  She said she'll come back - good.

When people clean your house they unearth stuff you didn't even know was missing!  Books, papers, binder clips, etc. are now in their appropriate place.  Now that the house has been really cleaned, they even washed some windows, weekly cleaning shouldn't take up too much time.  I love having a clean house.  It just makes you feel good.  They even cleaned my telephone!  Thank you Jeff for suggesting that it was time to have the house regularly cleaned.

I'm going to have a most excellent weekend.  I bet you never thought that I would type those words.  Tomorrow night, Jeff and I, along with a casserole are going to Scott's house for dinner.  We'll take the fun car and let the air rush through our hair (my hair only).  Riding in a convertible is freeing.

Then, on Sunday - hold on to your hats people - the book club ladies have asked me to go to a movie and later have ice cream!  Since I can't drive, one of the ladies is going to pick me up.  I'll use my cane, because the rollator is just too big to lug around in most cars.

I haven't had much fun this year (ya think?), so having two events back to back is fantastic.  I start physical therapy next week and since this is a one on one session, I feel I will be pushed to exert myself.  The therapy that I had a few years ago, was two therapists for "x" people.  They would start you on something, walk off and eventually remember where they left you.  This time, I want be able to get away with not doing the exercises the amount of time I was supposed to.  I just don't like exercising - never have and probably never will.  I need to strengthen my body and work on my balance issues, but I don't believe there is any amount of therapy that will actually cure my foot.  I'm just not feeling optimistic, since I have seen so many doctors this year and the foot is still numb.  It's always somebody else's problem, but unfortunately, nobody knows who that somebody is.

I guess it's too late to wish you a good day, since the majority of the day is over. 


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