Tuesday, September 19, 2017



Yesterday afternoon, Jeff returned from his trip to Nashville.  I think he had a pretty good time.  The food served was merely okay, but it was included in the cost of the event, he was able to chew through.  Besides, who doesn't like rubber chicken in their diet every now and then!  Actually, some of the meals were buffets and he didn't rave about the high quality.  He and Paul, one of the co-owners of the plane, stayed on a friends and family Marriott rate, at the Marriott resort.  

Here's what I do know.  He had a chance to meet up with old friends, who only sees each year at the migrations.  He attended seminars and was able to talk "pilot" 24/7 if he wanted.  When I go along to a migration, I think he spends a great deal of time wondering if I'm having a good time.  I decided two years ago, that the migrations just weren't for me, and I stay home.  So, we both have a mini vacation away from each other.  It's true that absence does make your heart stronger.

Jeff got home early enough to take me to see my psychiatrist, who I haven't been able to see since April.  I had written a list of things I wanted to talk about.  The list is necessary, otherwise my memory trips me up, and I can't remember what is/was bothering me!  For a very long time, Jeff took me to see Dr. H, so he enjoyed seeing her again as well.

We took Jeff's car with the top down to the appointment.  With my window and the top down, I just close my eyes, and let my brain unload.  For me, riding in the convertible is fun as well as freeing.

On Sunday afternoon, I made one of my "one pot wonders" for Jeff.  Since he didn't come home until yesterday, he had something for both his dinner and lunch today.  I think I will make another put stuff in a pan and hope it turns out okay for dinner.

I go this week for another epidural in my back.  And, to make matters worse, that shot is scheduled for our 43rd wedding anniversary.  Sometimes you just can't control when an appointment occurs.  We can always have a steak dinner one other night this week.  And, I do like to eat steak, we just don't do it very often.

I've looked at the clock, and it's really time for me to get up and moving.  I hope you have a good day.


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