Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Alone At Home


Jeff is flying out this morning for Nashville for the Cirrus annual migration.  One of the plane's partners will be the pilot, since Jeff has lost his license to fly because his heart consistently goes into Afib.  

Initially, Jeff was going to have me stay at Andy's house, but I convinced him that I would be happier here at the house.  I have my television, recliner, dogs, frosty flakes, etc., and I'll be a happy camper.  I promised that I would send him short emails during the day to let him know that I'm okay.

Tomorrow I'm having my last physical therapy appointment as well as a check-up at the Doctor's office to see how well the epidural worked.    Metro Access is going to take me to the Doctor's appointment and I know there will be some waiting for me at both ends.  You can't get exactly the time you want to be picked up, you get a window.  I will be taking my walker with crossword puzzles inside the basket. I'm generally a good waiter as long as I have something to do.

Yesterday, in physical therapy I walked with my cane around the circle in front of the house.  It wasn't pretty.  The therapist went to the front porch and brought a lawn chair so that I could sit down when I became tired.  Unfortunately, that turned out to be twice.  Once you've gone half-way around the circle, you have no choice but to continue.  You can't just stand and/or sit forever.  Eventually, after a brief rest, I got back up on my feet and successfully (but not pretty) made it around the circle.

Today, I will clean the kitchen and bedroom.  I might even get out the vacuum to pick up dropped crumbs around my recliner!  When you eat certain foods, crumbs happen.  The space is too small for the girls to "vacuum".  I guess I could move my side table and let them have at it.  I'm sure they would like that.  😊

My real job while Jeff is away, is to be safe and I intend to do just that.

Way past time for me to be dressed, so that's my next thing to do.



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