Saturday, September 23, 2017

Summers Over?


With the flick of a daily calendar, you can see that fall arrived yesterday.  Really?  I don't know about where you live, but here while the oak leaves and acorns are beginning to fall, making walking on the driveway a tricky business if you're wearing socks!  But the temperature for tomorrow is supposed to be 90 - and that means running the a/c units.  I absolutely hate sticking to leather furniture or even car seats for that matter.

In the past, Jeff would get out the leaf blower and blow the leaves into a big pile.  Then, it was my time to work.  I was the "picker-upper", and while I'm not boasting (okay a little bit of boasting), I think that the "picker-upper" person has a terrible job.  We now have to use environmentally friendly lawn bags, which until you get some leaves in that bag, almost refuse to stand up on their own.  While I pick up the leaves, I'm not very good at packing them down deep into the bag, so that's Jeff's job.  I don't "pack" leaves.  Okay, I could be classified in one or two (or both for that matter) categories: just plain lazy or a diva of sorts, who doesn't really want to get her hands dirty!

Tomorrow, we're going out to Andrew's house.  I think Jeff is supposed to help do something with the coop - at least I think that's what he's going to do.  Me?  Months ago, while shopping with Stacey and Benjamin, I bought a stepping stone kit, complete with stones, etc.  I'm taking the kit with me tomorrow, and Benjamin and I can create a pretty stepping stone.

We'll be taking the girls with us, which means that Bella will run her legs off all day.  Daisy is small and doesn't seem to need or want much exercise.  Here's what I know for certain, during the ride home, both dogs are very quiet, and that's a good thing.

I had another cleaning lady come yesterday to give me an estimate.  She cleans only with her daughter, and I thought her prices were very fair.  Even if she came only twice a month, it would help me out immensely.  I assured her that I wasn't particularly fussy, and in the living room, where I have so much glass on shelves, I told her to leave all of that alone.  About once a year, I drag all the glass down and most pieces can easily go into the dishwasher for a quick rinse.  The glass shelves are more difficult to wash.  It's almost a two man job!

The epidural shot I had on Thursday has done nothing for my right leg/foot.  My next appointment is a discussion visit only.  The doctor's thought is that if two shots don't have much or any impact on my leg/foot, then there's no need for a third shot.  I have to say I agree.  And what the next step is, I have no idea.  I want very much to be able to drive again.  I have a lovely car and I would like to be able to go to appointments when I want to go.

Love chatting with you, but I've got things to do.


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