Thursday, September 14, 2017

A New Day


Today, I'm graduating from physical therapy.  Or at least graduating from therapy arranged by my rehab facility.  The last time the therapist was here, I walked around the circle using a cane.  This became almost more than I could bear, so the therapist ran (how long has it been since I've done that?  Um I'm thinking years) to the front porch and brought a chair back which she put in the street so I could rest.  Now that was a strange sight to see - a chair in the street - and having somebody sitting in it.  At one point, she asked if I wanted to just go home, but by then I was more than half-way around the circle, so the distance to the house would have been the same.  I "walked" (I guess you could call he slow tentative walking I do as walking I suppose) the rest of the way home, and then plopped in a chair truly exhausted.

Even though Jeff wasn't home, I slept quite well and the girls weren't obnoxious until 8:00.  So a bit of a sleep-in for me.  A few days ago, we had all the windows in the house open; but, I have closed the house back up and turned on the a/c.  It's not that it's so hot (80's), but the humidity is high and I hate feeling sticky.

Last night, the smoke alarm upstairs started beeping.  I grabbed a broom, intending to know the cover off, but was unsuccessful.  I finally had to get the neighbor next door to take the alarm down and put in new batteries.  The batteries running out, could have happened anytime.  Just happened to be on my watch, but I was able to come up with a solution.  

While I'm sitting here typing, the oak tree in the front yard has a steady stream of leaves falling.  Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do about the leaves.  Not stable enough on my feet to go outside and sweep and/or pick up the leaves.  This is a beautiful time of the year, unless you own an oak tree! 😊

I'm going for a check-up at the doctor's office this afternoon.  They want to see how much relief I got from the epidural.  The foot is still numb, but I am able to put my right leg up long enough for me to get a sock on.  That's certainly progress.  I guess slow and steady wins the race - at least that's what I tell myself.

I've got to run.  Time to clean up the kitchen before the therapist comes.  And yes, if you're wondering, I could certainly have done that yesterday!  But I didn't.



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