Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sitting All Day!


Yesterday, Jeff and I went to get our eyes examined.  Yes, I know that we normally get our (my) head examined.

We had an early afternoon appointment to see the ophthalmologist.  Well, it wasn't exactly an afternoon appointment by the time we saw the doctor.  My first challenge, was to look into a bright light and stop blinking.  Now, I know that doesn't sound hard, but I absolutely couldn't keep from blinking.  Finally, the technician literally held my eyes open, and even with that help, I was steadily blinking.  It's sort of like when somebody yawns, everybody yawns!  I eventually passed that test (poorly I think).

During my appointment, Jeff was eventually called in for his appointment.  By now, Jeff and I have been sitting in "the chair" (for patients), quite a long time.  And, like always, once the drops are put into you eyes, then the eyes feel weird.   Once outside, sunglasses helped with the glare.

I swear getting old, is getting worse all the time.  I knew that I had a cataract in one eye and my vision was getting worse and worse.  I had magnifying glasses all over the house, because I literally couldn't easily see anything.  What I wasn't prepared for, was that I have a cataract in both eyes, as well as some kind of corneal issue going on.  So, I wasn't making up my inability to read, and that with a bit of surgery, will most assuredly see better.  Yipee.  

I've worn glasses all of my adult life.  And my prescription is tricky, since I have double vision, and my lenses are very expensive.  Hence, I only get new frames occasionally, but would love to get new frames every time.

Jeff's eyes are also not aging gracefully.  It's just not fair.  We have to put up with saggy bags, age spots, hearing issues, and the list just goes on and on.  

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  Once I'm dressed, I'll probably go outside and sit on the swing.

Happy Saturday!


Friday, March 30, 2018

The War Has Started, The Battle Won And Miscellanous Stuff


Every spring, those little black ants think it's okay to invade the kitchen.  I don't care if the ants build a super city in the ground, but if you come into my space, you're going to die.  It's just that simple.

Yesterday, the ants came in through a crack somewhere, and ended up on my kitchen counter.  I make the same deal with the ants, as I do with the mice, do your own thing, but don't let me catch you.  The mice seem to understand this.  Are there still mice roaming around in the pantry, probably, but I no longer spend my energy to find where they've been.

Unfortunately, the ant scouts, did not make it home yesterday to report on their findings.  Nope, some kitchen cleaner sprayed on the edge of the window, pretty much stopped in their tracks.  Good.  I don't make any apologies for my actions.  My kitchen - not yours!  Of course, if you think about it, the ants are really small, and perhaps I should give them a break.  Not happening.  There are few things that get me quite as upset as seeing ants, or any other kind of insect, in my kitchen. So, if charity begins at home, then the ants had better find another house!

I was victorious in round one of the annual war, but it's early days and I don't know whether I'll be as successful in the future.  You know those signs, "No Dogs Allowed"? Well, I should put on my counter, that says "No Ants Allowed"!

Last night, was book club, and it's very hard for us ladies to stay on track.  There is wine and nibbles, and while we eventually come around to talking about the book, a large portion of the evening, is just us women talking. The hostess gets to pick the next book to read, and when she said she had found a book where mental illness came into play, I nixed that idea quickly.  I maybe "crazy", but I really don't want to read about it.  Particularly, since the state of my "mental-ness " (sp) continues to be a battle I have temporarily won.  Emphasis on the word "temporarily".  I may be a doubting Thomas, but I feel pretty sure that at one time or another going forward, my private black hole, which is depression, will show up again. Just stating the facts.

Jeff and I are going this morning to have eye exams.  I am in desperate need for a new and stronger prescription and/or my cataract has reached a removable size.  I don't know about you, but I don't like to read pretty much everything with the help of a magnifying glass.

Although the weather looks "iffy", Jeff and I will probably head to Baltimore with the top down in his car.  The theory is that if you drive fast enough, you won't get wet!  There have been a few times, when the theory was put to the test, and Jeff had to pull off the road, to put the top up.  

Happy Friday everyone.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Eyes and Books


My vision has progressed to the point of needing magnifying glasses to read just about everything.  My last eye appointment was in 2015, and was told that I had a cataract, but it was too small to remove.  I suppose two things might happen tomorrow: (a) a new prescription for glasses; and (b) discussion about my cataract.

It is super painful (not physically) to not be able to read certain things: prescription bottles, recipes, books (that's a biggee for me) as well a whole host of things that I come across each and every day.  Reading has been a lifelong pleasure of mine.  In a book, you can be anyone and go anywhere!  Love it.  Today, reading is fairly difficult.  I hold my book up in one hand, and have a magnifying glass in the other hand.  Certainly, not the preferred way to read.  I do have a Kindle, and the text is really LARGE.  Problem there is that when I find a book I want to read, sometimes a real book costs significantly less than buying a Kindle book.  Why this is so, I have no idea.

Book club tonight, and for probably the first time, I actually read the book, (Small Great Things), and while the subject matter was controversial, the actual story, could be a headline in the news today.  And, that's sad, because part of the book involves white supremacists, who have a bias against a minority race.  I generally don't lend much to the discussion about the book, and tonight might continue to be the same.  One problem I have is, that I can remember bits and pieces of the book, and the overall theme, but that's just about all.

I tried an audio book ONCE, and after a bit of time, found myself falling asleep.  There is just something about the verbal language that lulls me, but perhaps not you, to sleep. I have given up on audio books, unless I need a sleep aid!

When I was in Target a few weeks ago, there was a paperback that had a title that intrigued  me.  It's a tue story about the women who worked for the government during World War II.  These women were tasked to sit in front of a machine and pushing knobs and/or dialing their machines, so that the needle was in the correct position.  I have no idea, up to this point, what the machines and women had to do with each other.  Perhaps, I'll never know, and that's okay, because it is a good story.

Ada cleaned the house yesterday, so with the exception of putting somethings in their rightful place, I don't have to spend time cleaning, or not, the house!

When I buy a book on Amazon, I keep hoping to find a large print version.  And, I never have.  I know I'm not alone in needing large print books, but perhaps the publisher doesn't think there is much of a market for those books.  I believe, the publisher might be surprised to know how many people want and need large print.

Once I'm dressed and have emptied the dishwasher, I pretty much have the rest of the day free to do whatever I want (insert happy face here)!!

Have a great Thursday.




Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Old Food/New Food


I have discovered while growing older by the second, that my food tastes have changed.  Why?  Anybody's guess, but perhaps I now have a more "mature" pallet ( I don't think I spelled that right), but you get the idea.

For instance, growing up I never ever put maple syrup on pancakes, etc.  I would only use Karo syrup.  I'm not even sure that I ever used maple syrup on anything.  Last time we were at the store, while browsing the syrup aisle, I bought some Karo syrup.  I toasted a waffle and poured the Karo on.  Big mistake!  My taste buds have changed I guess, because I actually couldn't stand the taste.  Who knew that would happen?

Cotton candy is another hit and a miss.  I have tried cotton candy when I go to fairs, etc., but now as an adult, it's more like a sugar bomb.  And, to my surprise, no longer crave or eat it.  Now, a good caramel apple, is still a favorite of mine.

I will eat everything pizza, and am now able to eat said pizza without taking all of the olives off.  That doesn't mean that I'm ever going to want to sit down and eat olives for the heck of it.  Clearly not that mature!

Coffee.  Once upon a time, I could drink, and did drink, multiple cups of coffee a day.  Didn't matter if the coffee was cold, I just enjoyed the taste.  In hospitals and other "fine" establishments, you get coffee at mealtimes period.  So, since 2013, have lost my desire to drink coffee all day long.  I have a cup in the morning, and that's it.  And, that's probably a good thing, since the last thing I need during the day is to be "jacked" up on caffeine!

One of the foods, that I still can't stand, is mushrooms.  Jeff, on the other hand, is a mushroom king.  He likes to put 'shrooms' in most of his dinners.  I just push the mushrooms off to the side and put them on Jeff's plate.  Problem solved.

Root beer doesn't taste as good as it used to.  Perhaps, it's the lack of that frozen glass that you would get at an A&W drive-in.  Root beer now just tastes like licorice.

I'm sure I could go on and on, but you get the general idea.  It's not enough, as we age, to have to put up with bumpy, lumpy skin, age spots and wrinkles, nope, we have to contend with a change in our taste buds!

By the way, we just watched Roseanne's new show.  The show wasn't particularly enjoyable.  It seemed like the cast was just trying too hard to be funny, and it didn't work out very well, in our opinion.

Kind of an icky day in the neighborhood.  Gray sky, and has sprinkled earlier this morning.

Happy hump day everyone.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

American Idol "Post Op!"


This morning, I watched Sunday's night show.  And, here's my take away.  Those singers, whether really good or just mediocre, tried for a spot in Hollywood.  Most of the singers, are very young, and some are still in high school.  But, everyone gave it their best in auditions.

Fast forward to group singing.  I watched each group perform, and after each group was done, then came the "blood letting" (critiques).  Okay, these young people reached for the stars, got the golden ticket, and arriving in Hollywood for their chance to be the next American Idol.

These groups, who had never met before, had to learn a song as well as some dance moves, pretty much overnight.  That can't be easy.  You, as an individual, want to shine the brightest, but still have to do your bit to hold up the group.

After each group performed, there was the dreaded "step forward", which most of the time meant a one-way ticket home.  I know that there can only be so many singers who make it through round one.  But, for those singers who didn't make the cut, my heart actually hurt for them.  They were in Hollywood, for only a day or two, and now have to return home to be a caretaker, waitress, etc.  Some of the singers are from very small towns, and there is probably never going to be a second chance for them.

When I was in high school, we lived in a small town.  After graduation, there were many of classmates that left that town, and never looked back.  Other classmates, took over their families farms, and that was their future whether they wanted it or not.

I'll continue to watch the show, and will in time, have a favorite, who I will be secretly rooting for.  As I watch each of the singers, I am reminded of the winning idols, like Carrie Underwood, who chased her dream, and won.


Monday, March 26, 2018

American Idol


I've watched the last two shows of American Idol.  Once up a time, I watched the show religiously, but lost my passion for it when Simon Cowell was a judge.  He would make snarky comments about the performers, and I didn't think (wait, I knew) those comments were unnecessary.

For all the hundreds and hundreds who are vying for a chance to go to Hollywood, only a few are chosen.  Most of the singers, have a background story, and most of those stories are sad: homeless, sick mother, etc.  But, the only thing that really counts is their voice.  Is it good enough to get a golden ticket to Hollywood?

The show focuses mainly on those singers that are going forward.  Occasionally, the producers allow singers, who don't have a chance in hell, of getting through to Hollywood.  But, you do have to applaud their efforts.  It can't be easy to stand in front of the judges, cameras rolling, and belt out a song.  Yours truly, can't sing period, it's just not in my wheel house.

The exciting part of the auditions is knowing that one of those singers, is going to come out on top and likely go on to greatness.  It's too early in the game, to know which singer that's going to be.  But, it's an exciting journey for the performers as well as for me. 

Of the three judges, I am only familiar with one - Lionel Richey ( I don't thing I spelled that right).  I have heard of Katy Perry, but am not familiar with her songs.  Then, there is another judge, who I've never even heard of.  He's definitely from the south, and has a nice drawl to his voice.

Some of the singers, sing original songs written by themselves.  That is huge.  You're not only performing in front of the judges, but the American public as well.  You only get one chance, so if the singers screw up this opportunity, then a second chance seems unlikely for them.  Those singers that don't go to Hollywood, go back home and continue working as a cashier, waitress, as well other mundane jobs that pay the minimum wage.  There's a big part of me that wants everybody to go to Hollywood, but I know that's (a) not realistic; and (b) would only delay the pain of being sent home.  Once the golden ring is within your grasp, nobody wants to let go of their dream, and I understand that.

More auditions tonight.  I'm pretty sure that American Idol is not on Jeff's top ten list of shows to watch.  But, as always (unless it's a cooking show!), he's patient with the selection of shows we watch.

Oh, Unicorn Ice Cream update.  Jeff went to Target, that is selling this ice cream, but there wasn't any in the store, nor was there even an empty shelve space where that ice cream would have been.  I love that he tried.  My world won't end, if I don't get this ice cream, but I would definitely like to have a chance to eat some!


Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood


Slow and calm morning, which is a great way to start any day.  Once the girls have been fed, and they have their morning ritual of chasing and nipping at each other, they have gone to their respective corners for a nap.

Jeff is going to make the weekly shopping trip.  I don't think I'll go today, my back is very sore, and it's possible that I may have overdone things last week.  And, now I'm paying the price for doing things that might and probably did, that I shouldn't have done!  I am, a very poor patient, and while I listen to the doctor, I generally have my own agenda in mind, and it differs from that of a doctor.  Just saying.

Circled shows to watch this week, and it looks like there is going to be plenty of "good" (i.e., shows that Jeff likes to watch) television.  Once I'm dressed, I will go to the den making sure that our shows will be recorded.  After I perused the upcoming shows, I told Jeff that we wouldn't have to talk to each other until Friday!!

Spent some time this morning, watching "The Dog Whisperer".  Jeff and I generally get some bit of knowledge that we can use on the girls.  One show had a food aggressive dog.  Jeff has worked with Bella, in particular, about being aggressive when she's eating her food.  We are not afraid of taking her bowl away from her before she's done.  What she would like to do, but is forbidden to, intimidate Daisy.  The slightest movement or noise, sends Daisy back into the den, and she won't return until things are quiet.  Why she does this, I don't understand.  

Jeff has just put some corn beef and cabbage in the crock pot.  I like corn beef, but I wouldn't walk across the street to eat cooked cabbage! Ick, in my opinion.  I appreciate very much, Jeff taking over the cooking for dinner.  The things he makes are all yummy, and since he cooks, I'm the clean-up girl.  A nice balance for both of us.

Since Jeff works during the week, we have put two dog beds up in his office.  The girls spend a good amount of time, sleeping in their beds.  Our neighbor's dog, who always announced when he was in his backyard, doesn't seem to be around anymore.  For the most part, there's not as much barking, unless someone is working in their yard.

When the landscaper shows up next week, we'll have to contain the girls in the house, but there might be nervous barking.  Me?  I'll be sitting in a chair, with my coffee, watching the improvement to the yard.  Since 6 trees are being cut down, I'm pretty sure that the neighbors will notice their absence.

Sometimes, I have trouble realizing that everything planted in the yard, is 32 years old, more or less.  When I think about things around the house or in the yard, and take notice in my mind, that a lot of things we have now are 32 years old.  I have no idea where the time has gone, but I think a lot of people think the same thing about some part of their life.

Well, forget about what I said earlier about the barking.  Just now, the girls came downstairs in a near frenzy to get to the backyard.  I have no idea what set them off, but something and/or person upset them.  I notice that once they went into the backyard, the barking has stopped - yeah!

Have a great day.


Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Litttle of This and A Little of That!


The coolest thing I found online yesterday, was that Target is selling - wait for it - Unicorn ice cream with edible glitter.  Personally, I don't care if the ice cream tastes like crap, and I know it won't, I just have to buy some.

Since I started wishing about "Unicorns and Rainbows", last year after I was physically debilitated, I would tell doctors (who I know thought I was nuts) that I wanted Unicorns and Rainbows.  Those two things, in my mind, equate to me getting better.  Sadly, last year there were no doctors, or physical therapy that could "cure" me.

And, then I met Dr. Levin, a surgeon, who actually looked at me when he was talking.  Other doctors I had been to, spent their time looking at images on the computer, and not at me.  I explained how tragically my life had become since last May, and I wanted to be fixed and that meant Unicorns and Rainbows to me.  It's been 3 weeks since my surgery, and I'm doing fine.  Pain free? No, but for the most part tolerable.  I went to get my head shrunk yesterday, and I walked into the office, minus any kind of aid (walker, etc.).  Even with the amount of improvement I have seen so far, I'm probably going to ride those little riding carts (ugh), when shopping.  Of course, if I didn't actually go into a store, I wouldn't need the riding cart!

Jeff drove my car to Scott's house.  Scott et al, are driving to Tennessee, and the only problem Scott will encounter is how to slow those "horses" down!  My car could use a long trip, since it sits most of the time now. Although, since I know that I can drive now, "Cuzilu" (license plate) might actually get to go "out" more often.

Thanks to my ability to now record shows on the Cooking Channel, I'm in heaven.  These cake decorators do amazing work and turn out cakes that look too good to be eaten.  The cake designers never mention the price, but then again in my mind, I know we're talking about big bucks.  You know what I like about cooking shows?  Nobody actually gets hurt.  Oh, on some shows a chef might get chopped, but it's done tastefully.

Truthfully, this many years later, I can't remember what our wedding cake looked like.  I know it was a small cake, and probably rather on the inexpensive side.  Back in 1974, there wasn't as many "over the top" weddings.  Fast forward to today, and everything is bigger and pricier.  Wedding dresses now cost at least $1,000, but almost no brides on the show "Say Yes To The Dress", settle for the cheaper dresses.  They do know, I suppose, that you are just as married whether they wear a designer gown, or a burlap bag!

Easter is coming and that also means that Jeff's birthday is also near.  He'll be 69 on the 7th of April.  Hard to imagine.  How did we get so old? When we were married, I was 24 and he was 25. So where have all the years gone?

Our rather large (for us) landscaping work has been postponed until April 2nd.  You can bet that I'll be out in the backyard, coffee in hand, sitting on a chair and watching the progress being made.  I think I like having people working on the house, then getting a new piece of jewelry!  Guess you could say, that I'm a "cheap date"!

I had physical therapy yesterday, and I was very sore when we were done.  I told the therapist that I needed to know how to get off the bed easily, and more importantly, how to get off the floor when I've fallen.  We did the "help I've fallen" routine several times, so that I could learn what to do, when I am on the ground. She suggested putting my little plastic stool in the hallway, so that if need be, I could crawl to the stool, so I can stand up. My world would be almost perfect, if I can continue to practice with the therapist, to get off the ground.  Baby steps.

I have the day to myself, so I'll close now, and see what kind of "trouble" I can get into.

Happy Saturday.


Friday, March 23, 2018


Well we made it to Friday.  The sun is out, so any snow remaining, will be melting later today.  At least that's my predication, but my gazing ball has been a bit hazy lately.

Shopping today.  Since Toys R Us is apparently going out of business, I took advantage of the reduced prices, and bought toys etc., for both Benjamin and Elly.  So the things I bought will be for birthdays and a start on Christmas shopping as well.  You can never start too early buying Christmas gifts!  Or, maybe that's just me.

If you have to buy toys for someone, I highly recommend you go on line and see what's still available.  There's no way I'm actually going into a store.  I may be "crazy", but for sure there is no way I'm stepping into a store, and probably fighting the crowd to get the best bargains.  Gotta love on-line shopping.  Other than a trip through Costco and WalMart, and occasional browse at Target, I'm the best, in my humble opinion, at buying things on-line!

Closing for now.  I'm getting my head "shrunk" today, and then I have two different therapists coming this afternoon.  Pretty sure that today will be my last appointment with these two therapists.

Oh, and somewhere in there, I've got a kitchen to clean up - boring.

Have a great Friday as well as a great weekend.



Thursday, March 22, 2018

Winter's Done?


Yesterday, Mother Nature blew through here dropping a few inches of snow.  The snowstorm was not at the level that Scott prefers.  He wants "foots" of snow.  A staying at home kind of storm.  But, what we did received, fell short of the highly sought after"foots"!  For me, I think mere inches produces a white wonderland in the yard.  However, enough snow fell that the cypress trees in the backyard are really bending down.  Of course, these same trees are destined to be removed sometime in the immediate future.

I spoke with one of my therapists that come to the house to work with me.  I told her to stay home, and sit by the fire.  Unfortunately, she has a wood burning fireplace, and they were running low.  After hanging up, I realized how nice the gas log fire actually is.  True, there is no smell, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. 

We took my car for a well baby check, for two reasons:  (1) it was time for service, because a message comes up on the dashboard; and (2) Scott et al, are taking my car on the road in April to visit Wendy's family.  My car will be infinitely more comfortable than driving a smaller car, and Elly will be able to watch movies in the backseat.  

I did drive my car, the short distance to go to the mechanic.  And, we timed our drive to be non-rush hours.  The car is ready today, and once again, we'll make sure that our pick-up time is in the early afternoon.

Jeff and I would have liked to let the girls out in the front yard yesterday, but know that they both would run away.  They do know their way home, but it makes me nervous when I don't know where they are.  Or, if they are just too quiet inside the house!  I fear what Bella can and does get into.  Another pair of slippers again!  I'm super glad that I don't wear Uggs slippers, because they are nice but pricey.

Just a thought from my soap box - I am both sorry and angry about the recent turn of events.  Climbing down from my soap box now.  Just felt the need to say something, but keeping it neutral.

Getting my head "shrunk" tomorrow.  I always make a list of good and bad things to share with Dr. H.  For tomorrow's appointment, the good stuff really outweighs the negative things.  I know she will be pleased.

Unfortunately, I can't stay and chat, but I'll be back tomorrow.



Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Snow, Snow


Just when we thought we were going to go unscathed by Mother Nature.  She once again surprised us, by bringing back winter for hopefully a last gasp.

It is snowing today, and the cypress trees in the backyard are laden with snow, which causes them to pitch forward.  Since we're going to have to pay to remove these trees, how lovely, I think, it would be if we lost a tree.  I'd only want to lose a tree, if it caused no damage to somebody's house.

Jeff is at work now, and the morning commute was crowded, with the girls trying to get upstairs at the same time he was!  I know that Jeff is happier working from home, and he is diligent in staying on task.  Jeff takes a brief lunch break, and that's when we watch The Price Is Right.  

I don't feel the need to turn the fireplace on, at the moment, but if and when I do, I love the "whoosh" sound the fireplace makes initially.  I talked to one of my therapists, discouraging her to come see me yesterday, because of the wintry mix.  She told me that they were running out of firewood.  I told her that when the boys were home, we had a real fireplace, which required a lot of work.  You have to go buy the firewood, then you have to stack it.  When you need firewood, you have to venture outside to get the wood, start and maintain a fire, and watch for flying embers.  We are so over that.  The downside of a gas fireplace is, there is no fire burning smell, which we always enjoyed.  You do have to pick your battles, and we thought it made good sense to take one chore out of the equation.  I'm glad we did.

After listening to the forecast, I called Ada, who cleans my house on Wednesday, and told her not to come.  There is absolutely no way that I'm going to ask someone to risk driving to my house to clean.  The house went several years without anybody helping me clean, and I think we can "suffer" missing a week of cleaning.

Last night, Jeff made us beef stew and it was yummy.  I could do without the mushrooms, but generally just push them to the side of the bowl!  He made enough stew for our lunch today, and likely dinner too.

The time is creeping ever forward to lunchtime,  I am a firm believer that, even if you stay home, you should shower and dress every day.  Keeping that in mind, I'm going to sign off.

Stay warm and stay dry if you live on the East Coast!


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Winter's Back?


A few days ago, we were experiencing spring-like weather.  Buds on trees were waking up, and grass war beginning to show signs of life.  We were all hopefully optimistic that we had come out of winter relatively unscathed.  

But, today, we're experiencing winter weather.  The weathermen call this a "wintry mix".  The day started out with snow, which has now turned to sleet and is supposed to turn to snow later in the day.  From my window, I can see the mulch around the tree in our circle, is turning whiter by the moment. A very good day to stay inside, to avoid slipping on the driveway, only to collect the mail, which most likely, is all junk.

The fireplace in the den is going strong, and both Bella and Daisy enjoy the fire.  Bella will go so far, as to put her head on the bricks in front of the fireplace.  When the fireplace is been on, for several hours, the den becomes too warm, in my opinion.  A too warm room, makes oneself to become sleepy.  Napping is good, but you don't get much done with your eyes closed!

Jeff and I have no place that we absolutely need to go.  So, just going out for heck sake, doesn't make much sense, at least in my humble opinion.  If we do get some measurable amount of snow, I don't know if the girls will enjoy it.  Daisy, in particular, like Sam before her, doesn't like to get her feet wet!

I hope wherever you are, that the sun is shining, and you're running around in "shorty" pants and sandals.  If you are, then I'm so jealous.


Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday Again!


Jeff and I just don't seem to have a lot of good luck.  When we buy a lottery ticket, we don't even win enough to cover the price of the ticket!  Since we basically feel unlucky, we've stopped buying lottery tickets.  And, yes I know, that if we don't buy any tickets, then for sure won't win.

The landscape people are supposed to come tomorrow and work on the backyard.  But, it looks as if winter is going to make a brief appearance tomorrow, which will probably require getting a new date.

Jeff is at the doctor's office this morning and he also is taking a furlough day.  So, when he comes home, he can gather up a blanket, the dogs (perhaps not in that order), recline his chair and nap.  Extra sleep is underrated!  Naps are one of the perks of being retired.

While Jeff and I are not Irish, he did cook corned beef and cabbage yesterday.  I don't like cooked cabbage, but the corned beef was super, duper tasty.  Perhaps a corned beef sandwich will be in order for lunch today.

My physical therapist is coming today, so I'll be given instructions on how best to take care of my back.  There are a number of things that I would like to work on today.  One: how to get up after I've fallen; and what I can do to getting out of bed easier.  Of course, the obvious answer to getting out of bed is - to just stay in bed all day!

Stacey (DIL) is having a birthday this week.  I try to never reveal any woman's age.  With the exception of my own - 68.  While my body is saggy and spotted, and I believe my face doesn't have too many wrinkles, and my hair is only marginally turning gray.  You would think with all the nonsense that Jeff and I have experienced in 40+ years together, that my hair would be gray or completely white.  Jeff now just shaves his head, but his beard has some gray hairs.

I've bought yet another pair of slippers.  Perhaps I should get a lock box for my shoes and slippers.  Oh, but if one of us could catch her in the act of chewing on a slipper, then a reprimand could be given.  But, after the fact, Bella wouldn't understand.  Unlike humans, dogs live in the moment.  So, showing Bella a chewed up item, wouldn't make any sense to her, unfortunately.

I'm having my head examined this week, and next week Jeff and I are going to see the ophthalmologist for eye exams.  I, am also wanting to know if my cataract has grown to the point where it makes sense to take it out.  At this point in time, I really can't see "jack", and have to get an magnifying glass to read most things.  A nuisance to be sure.  The problem with an eye exam, generally requires a new prescription for me.  My prescription is complicated and, you guessed it, costs big bucks.  While I would love to have new frames now and again, it's just something that I do each time my vision changes!

Well, my friends, I'm signing off, because certain household chores await. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Missed Saturday


Happy Sunday to all of my friends.  I didn't blog yesterday, because, well because I pretty much don't have an excuse.  I just didn't get it done.

Jeff and I did the WalMart/Costco run on Friday (felt like Saturday to me), and we bought corn beef to cook today.  We also bought cabbage, but I'm not thrilled about cooked cabbage.  Is there some kind of "law"/"reason", that mandates you have to serve cabbage with corn beef?

Yesterday morning, Scott et al, came to the house for a late breakfast.  Scott ate oatmeal, Elly waffles and Wendy eggs and toast (might have been a bagel, I'm not exactly sure).  We enjoyed our visit with them, and while they were here, Jeff had Scott, who is taller to replace the burned out fluorescent lights in the kitchen.  Scott also was able to get out and replace a light bulb in the fixture above the kitchen table.  I didn't actually realize how "dark" our kitchen had become.  Once the new fluorescent tubes were put in, the kitchen is so bright that I think you could actually do surgery in there!  (Happy, happy face).  Due to a cataract, I need a bright light to see better.  The lights in the kitchen, could now pass as a "SAD" light for me!  Wendy brought us some persimmon cookies, which are super yummy.  She also bought me a giant book of different puzzles, because she knows that I love crossword puzzles, and am seldom without one in my purse.

The afternoon, just sort of stumbled along.  Scott had recommended a show "Highway Through Hell", and we watched several episodes.  The show is basically about a tow truck company, who responds to the many, many crashes and/or jack-knifed trucks on a particular winding road in Canada.  Since there was a time when we did towing, the show is/was entertaining for us.  The main tow company, has really large and heavy trucks to help pull out vehicles in trouble, which appears to be a never ending job.

I'm lazily moving around today.  I will clean up the kitchen and do some laundry, and then I'll find a chair.  I'm reading a book called "A Thousand Women", which is about the Indians making a deal with the government in the late 1800's, to swap horses for women.  All of the women volunteered to go and live with the Indians, mainly because their present way of life, was unbearable.  Think insane asylum, bad marriages, etc.  Initially, the women have a difficult time adjusting to their new life, partly because of a language barrier on both sides.  But over time, the women swap their "white" clothes for Indian garb, and several of the women become pregnant, which was what the Indians wanted.  I'm so close to the end of the book, that all I want to do is finish!

Fingers crossed for Tuesday.  The work in the backyard is supposed to be that day.  But, the weathermen keep predicting wintry weather for that day.  Damn Mother Nature!  I had intended and will do so, when the work begins, either Tuesday or some other day, to take my coffee cup downstairs, and sit in our plastic Adirondack chair and watch the magic happen!  Once the six trees are taken down, the yard will look really bare.  All the trees and box woods, in the front yard are 30 years old, and have endured years of snow storms and windy weather.  The landscaper will take out all the box woods, and replace them with new ones.  Since we no longer have a male dog, who peed on one bush practically every day, it eventually turned yellow (ya think?) and died.  Unlike Sam and Maggie, who when we let them out in the front yard and would come back in the house, when we called.  If we let Bella and Daisy out in the front yard, they'd just go running off.  Eventually, the girls return home, but we worry that there is a real possibility of one of the girls being hit by a car.

The girls are now no longer considered puppies.  Both of them being born in 2016.  And yet, we still are having trouble with Bella stealing things!  My slippers seem to be a favorite of hers!

Enjoy your day.


Friday, March 16, 2018

It's a Winnie Poo Kind of Day!


It's Friday, but since all my days blend into each other, I actually had to check a calendar!  Welcome to retirement.  The sky is very blue, but the wind is whipping all around.  In our backyard, several smaller branches have come loose.  Bella, in particular, loves to chew on these branches, and that's fine, just don't bring them into the house.  You have to set limits sometimes.

The occupational therapist is coming today.  I'm not sure what she is going to do with me, but the rehab facility thought that I needed both the occupational and physical therapists to work with me.

Scott et al are coming to the house tomorrow for breakfast.  There are a number of things that Jeff can cook for them: eggs, waffles, oatmeal, etc.  Hard to say what the three of them will want to eat.

After therapy this afternoon, Jeff and I will do the Costco/WalMart run.  I'd like to take Bella with us, but I don't know if she would walk with me, while I'm in those stupid riding cars.  I will say this, she doesn't balk when Jeff puts the jacket on her.  When we went to the doctor's office earlier this week, I walked her to the car, and it was effortless on my part.  We're trying to expose her to different sounds as well as different people.  We, obviously, don't let anyone pet her, but she's so pretty, that people really do want to pet her.  We do ask them, politely of course, not to pet her, she's working, and when she's working, there is no playing.

Jeff made sweet 'n sour last night from scratch.  The one pot wonder was delicious, and will make a most enjoyable lunch today.  Yummy for my tummy!

In an act of an old woman, I painted my fingers red - really red.  I love the color, but more difficult to get off.  I hate chipped nail polish, so when that happens, I will either reapply or choose another color.  You can easily see how difficult my life is - to polish - or not to polish!  I have a very difficult life, as you can easily see!

I'm reading a very good book.  Trouble is, when I find a good book, then I'm rushing to do my chores, so that I can return to my chair and keep reading.  The story is about 100 women who, on their own accord, marry Indians, in exchange for horses to the government.  I am at the point, where these women realize that they will have to abandon not only their "city" clothes, but attitudes as well.  The Indians these women "marry" cause them no harm, but the Indian women - not so much.  Anyway, a good story.

I've also ordered, "The Grapes of Wrath" to read on my Kindle.  I believe this is one of the classics, and I'm anxious to finish my present book and then grab up my Kindle.  The nice part of the Kindle, is my ability to change the font size from regular to the Largest possible font. Of course, when I'm reading with this really large font, there aren't  many lines that can fit on the screen at one time.

I'm seeing an Ophthalmologist in two weeks.  I need my vision checked, but also need to know if my cataract has reached the taking out size.  People who have had their cataracts removed, say that their vision improved significantly.  I need that!  I have magnifying glasses all over the house, because I can no longer read the cooking directions on a box, and really can't read any information on a prescription bottle!  Just another thing that makes getting old - suck.

Also in a nod to age, I'm now wearing my glasses with the "old lady necklace" around my neck.  I was forever losing my glasses, because I would set them down somewhere, and then couldn't find them.  At least I was able to find on Amazon, a prettier necklace, than was available in stores.  I'm not particularly vain, but I knew that I didn't want to wear some kind of necklace that is rubber, or something similar to that.

Yesterday, I tried to give Bella more liberty in the house (leaving some of the gates down).  And, she repaid me by taking one slipper outside and destroying it.  I just wish if she's going to ruin something, ruin the pair. When I went in the backyard to retrieve the remnants of my slipper, I also found one Unicorn sock that I got as a  Christmas present.  Really Bella?  

When, we take Bella with us, we let Daisy have the run of the house.  She's too small to really get in trouble, unless she spends her alone time yapping outside.  I hope she's not doing that.

Cutting this short, because I have to tidy up the kitchen before the therapist arrives.

Happy Friday.




Thursday, March 15, 2018

Don't Trust The Box and Auctions


A long time ago, when Jeff and I were both you and a "bit" foolish, we went to an unclaimed storage unit sale.  We have subsequently, gotten older and are now more mature.

At the time, we bid on a box marked electronics, and needless to say the box had faulty advertising.  Electronics were not in the box.  If memory serves me right, the box had inside the grossest bring orange curtains I had and have every seen.

I like to watch the television show "Storage Wars".  Some of the units being bid on, contain mostly boxes, and some of those boxes are marked "crystal", etc.  A few of the regular bidders, are occasionally, taken in by the writing on boxes.  Almost all of the bidders have stores, or sell things on Ebay.  Clearly, at times, the buyers try and bid up the price, and then unceremoniously dump the unit on someone else.  It doesn't happen every episode, but occasionally a buyer will find expensive works of art, crystal, and other high end things, perfect for selling.

What I have noticed is that the buyers on a regular basis, are sucked into bidding, if they see anything that resembles a jewelry box and/or a locked box (cash inside perhaps?).  The locked boxes are, for the most part, empty as are the jewelry boxes.  I can't believe that someone would leave small valuables in a unit, and then simply walk away.  That just doesn't make sense.

The show has a few buyers, who throw boxes out of the unit, without any regard to what maybe inside.  Most of the time, the boxes do hold clothes, but a buyer can't really be sure until they open those boxes up.

In the past, also a long time ago, Jeff would go to a local auction house and bid on pieces of furniture. At least, with an auction, you can see and feel the items being sold.  So no pig in a poke kind of buying.

I have in the past, been a regular Ebay shopper, particularly when it comes to Murano glass pieces.  I've also found slightly used Birkenstocks, and I know some of you are turning up your noses at this kind of purchase.  New Birkenstocks are expensive, and to me, it makes sense to buy nearly new ones for a much discounted price.

When Benjamin was a baby, I found a woman somewhere in Texas, who was selling baby clothes.  Instead, of selling each piece of clothing one at a time, she was selling, a lot (term used for bulk selling and buying), and more times than not, I was the buyer. Benjamin wore Ralph Lauren outfits, as well as other high end clothing.  

If you are buying anything on Ebay, then you need to be a savvy buyer.  When I'm interested in something, I not only look at the price, cost of shipping, 30 day returns and probably most important, the seller's feedback.  As a buyer, my feedback score is 100, and I want sellers to also have high scores.

I, no longer, buy any Murano glass.  Would I if I was still working?  Definitely.  But today, I have to pick and choose what, if anything, to buy on Ebay.  I recently bought a Ralph Lauren sweater for myself for less than $10.00.  You certainly can't beat that price.

My suggestion to you is, if you have spare income, and love mystery boxes, then get out there and bid and/or buy.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Banned Children's Books


I like to read.  Now, that's not completely true, I love to read.  I generally avoid what I consider "heavy" books, books that require a lot of thinking.  I enjoy "pleasant" reads, where nothing really bad happens to anyone.  Oh, there maybe a murder, but it's a pleasant murder, if there's such a thing.  No gore, no blood, just a dead body shows up. and the murder is most likely, solved by a nosy neighbor.  Perfecto.

Today's paper has an article where the ALA (American Library Association), is considering the renaming of the Wilder Award.  Think "Little House on the Prairie").  Why, on earth would anyone even think of renaming the award?  Apparently, the ALA believes that Wilder's books reflect racism and anti-Native American sentiments.  Really?  I read Wilder's books, including my favorite "Little House on the Prairie.  Perhaps, I had blinders on when I read her books, because all I was reading, was a good story.  I also remember watching the television show, where Michael Langdon (sp) had a primary role.

So, after reading the nonsense in the paper, I decided to check out a few other children's books, and I was truly shocked by some of the books, that are now considered "banned" books.  Winners of this "high" honor include:

"Where is Waldo" because there is a topless beachgoer.
"Winnie the Poo" because talking animals are considered to be ungodly.
"Anne Frank" for sexual and homosexual content.
"Wizard of Oz" for ungodly influence for depicting women in strong leadership roles.
And last, as only an example of ridiculousness, is "Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary" for its definition of oral sex.

As an adult, I have read most of these, as well as other banned books, enjoying their stories. And, I've read some of these books to my sons and my grandson.  It could be, that I wasn't looking or thinking hard enough, to see that talking animals are ungodly.  This absolutely makes no sense to me.  As far as I'm concerned, "Winnie the Poo" for example, is just a story about a bear and his rabbit friend.  I actually like that animals talk, and if any of these stories, think "Wizard of Oz", have somehow got a hidden agenda, then fool be me.  Those in power of banning books, are truly looking to find "bad" things in books.  I read for pleasure, and spend no amount of my time, thinking about things, for example, that talking animals are ungodly.  I do believe those folks at the ALA, are taking their job a little too seriously.  These are books, for heaven's sake, and for the most part, children's books at that.  To be sure, I'm not going to go upstairs and start reading Benjamin's books, that he keeps here, to make sure that all of those books are "G" rated.

There is even a "banned books week".  Who even knew there was such a thing? Needless to say, yours truly will not even give a thought or a hoot to such a silly, my opinion only, week.

People, keep reading.  Books can take you anywhere, any time period, and/or any character.  Even though I read most books on my Kindle, every now and then, I'll pick up an actual book.  I still love the feel of a book, but poor eyesight, makes reading anything but large print books, a challenge.

Ban ignorance not books

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Unicorns, Rainbows and Life


Almost a year ago, my life changed, and not for the better.  For reasons unclear to me, as well to the many doctors I saw, I was pretty much unable to walk, stand, etc.  For an entire month, I lived in my recliner 24/7.  My life, at that point, felt like to me, to be pretty much over.  I was forced to accept my new reality, and the reality of it all, wasn't positive.

I spent a month last year in a rehab facility.  Through the efforts of the physical therapist, I was finally able to get up and down stairs, which was huge for me.  I was able, with the use of a walker, "walk" again.  When I came home last year, I managed then as I manage now, to be able to go up and down stairs.  It's a lengthy process, since I am still unable to put my left foot on a stair step, and then put my right foot on another stair step.  I can now sleep in the bed, shower, dress and am able to do a lot more things for myself.

So, where do unicorns and rainbows come into the picture?  My family and friends know that I want to be "cured", and then my life will be filled with unicorns and rainbows.  Sound silly when I write this, but that's my goal, and one I believe I will eventually meet.

According to the internet, which knows everything, the unicorn “is the fiercest animal, and it is said that it is impossible to capture one alive. It has the body of a horse, the head of a stag, the feet of an elephant, the tail of a boar, and a single black horn three feet long in the middle of its forehead. Its cry is a deep bellow. Oh I wish that unicorns were not the stuff of dreams and imaginations.  Do I believe that a unicorn is going to make an appearance in my world?  Nope. Just a goal that keeps me going.

And rainbows fill the sky after a storm.  Theory is, and that's all it is, is that at the end of a rainbow, is a pot of gold.  Maybe, that pot of gold in reality is a winning lottery ticket.  If, that's the case, then Jeff and I had better start (a) buying more tickets; and (b) actually have more than one number on said ticket.  Neither of those things have occurred yet, but who knows what the future holds for us.

A month or so ago, I had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon.  This doctor actually looked at me, while he was talking.  This was huge for me, because my interaction with surgeons in the past, displayed arrogance and a diagnosis of "I don't know what the hell is wrong with you", and suggested all manner of things, lose weight (ah, if it was that easy), exercise, which is kind of difficult if you can't even walk without a walker, etc.

Okay, I digressed there for a moment.  Back to the surgeon I now have.  Two weeks ago, I had spinal fusion surgery of two discs.  The doctor did find one (or maybe it was two, and the number isn't important), nerves that he "set free"!  Can I say hallelujah?  You bet I can and still do.

To comply with all things Medicare, I had to stay in the hospital for three nights, even though I was ready to go home the day after surgery.  Then, still following Medicare, had a week in the rehab facility.  I'm now home, and the therapists (physical and occupational) are scheduled to come to the house to work with me.  

Last summer, when I had therapists here at the house, I learned how to get up off a sofa, without assistance, for one thing.  I want the physical therapist this time to work on: balance, which I'm badly in need of; and how to pull myself up when I'm down on the floor.  Anything else, would be a bonus.

I see the surgeon today for a post-op visit, and I think he'll be very pleased with my progress.  I know I am.  Unlike the spinal fusion surgery I had in 1999, where I had to wear a back brace and the recovery was slow and painful, while this surgery hasn't left me in unbearable pain.  Before surgery, I was unable to unload and load the dishwasher without taking a break to sit and stretch my back.  Yesterday, I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, and cleaned the kitchen without sitting down.  After doing these things, I did need to stretch my back, before I could start another task.

When I do sit, I am pretty consistently moving the toes on my right foot, up and down.  I both knew and know that I wasn't going to get my unicorns and rainbows immediately after surgery.  My attitude is good and I just know, and I can't tell you how I know, is that in the future, my physical condition will make a breakthrough and my life will have unicorns and rainbows!  Please keep sending positive air waves in my direction.

To that end, Stacey and Benjamin brought me a really large unicorn balloon, who bobbles back and forth in the den.  I love it. I have a small purse that had both unicorns and rainbows printed on one side.  There's a small unicorn in the kitchen and another one that I've taped to the top of my monitor.

So on the day, when my right leg/foot becomes more normal, you will be able to hear me roar with gratefulness.  Who knows, maybe I'll be able to drive my car someday soon.

 Image result for unicorns and rainbows

Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday, Monday


It's Monday (duh), and the sky is gray.  Because of the lack of sun today, I have turned my SAD light on, to give me the much needed "sunshine" I need during the winter months.

I was feeling a bit guilty about watching the television show "RuPal's Drag Queen".  I'm not sure exactly why I feel guilty, but in the paper a few days ago, Nancy Pelosio (spelling), went in person to watch a drag queen show!  If she can go to a theater, and watch basically the same thing I'm watching, it's all good.  And, in case you're interested, I don't watch said show when Jeff is around.  It would drive him crazy and would rank up there with the cooking shows I watch!

The nurse from the rehab facility came yesterday.  I told her that I didn't need any nursing care, and she agreed.  I do need physical therapy to address balance issues.  The occupational therapist is coming this afternoon, and I'm pretty sure that visit will be a waste of time.

I read an article last week that said the number of women purchasing high heels, is going down.  This, particular news, was not new news to me.  I did, once upon a time, actually had heels in my closet.  They are now all gone.  For fancy occasions, like weddings, I have a very nice leather sandal with a thick, but small heel.  Do women look better in heels?  Most of the time, the answer is yes.  Legs look better when you're wearing heels.  But, is the discomfort that comes when wearing heels, worth it?  I say no.  Today, there are all kinds of beautiful flat or almost flat shoes for women.  And dressier sneakers are also becoming part of a woman's wardrobe.  As well they should be.

In my retired, and mostly reclusive world, I want comfort first, style second, or maybe even third, etc.  Elastic waist clothing was invented by someone, and I am grateful for the making of elastic.  At home, it really doesn't matter what I wear, but going out for any reason, I do try and make an attempt at "dressing up", while staying true to my favorite style of clothing.  I wore leggings (black, no pattern of course) on Saturday, with a lovely short tunic, and I believed that I looked fabulous.  My leggings, are of course, a size bigger than I actually need, but I abhor anything that clings to my backside!  It's not a particularly pretty sight.  We women, need to know what area of their body is an asset, and what area isn't.  What can I say about me?  Um, my eyes look nice!  Oh, to be sure, there are other areas of my body that don't look too bad, at least when I'm looking at myself.

Occupational therapist visits today.  These therapists concentrate on improving a person's ability to perform tasks in their daily living and working environments. They work with individuals who have conditions that are mentally, physically, developmentally, socially or emotionally disabling.  Well, you see, a search showed me what the therapist, visiting today, is supposed to do.  While I'm "mental" and somewhat handicapped (if that's the right word to describe my right leg), I'm getting the laundry done and cleaning the kitchen.  Ada comes on Wednesday, and she cleans the bathrooms (yeah), vacuums and dusts, and also cleans up the kitchen.  I'm not a demanding person, but when dust on tables builds up enough that you can actually "write" on, then dusting needs to be done.

Tomorrow, is my post-op visit with the surgeon.  I think he'll be surprised at the progress I've made since my surgery on the 27th.  I'm not ready to run a marathon (actually, never could), but I'm getting around in the house really well.

The morning is slipping away, and while I'd love to stay and chat, I really do have things that need doing.

Have a wonderful day.



Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sunday, And I'm All Confused, Among Other Things!


Yesterday, my very special friends, Angela and Sharon took me out to play for the day.  Sharon brought me an orchid plant, which I'm hoping I can keep alive, but my green thumb is very limited.  Angela, brought me a basket of yummy food treats, most of them chocolate.  I felt very blessed that my friends would come and spend time with me.  We went out and "did" lunch, and a mostly quiet restaurant where we sat and enjoyed a leisurely lunch.  In my world, no meal, other than breakfast, is complete without dessert, so I ordered Tres Leches Cake.  If you haven't eaten this cake, do yourself a favor and order, you will love it I promise.

Then my friends took me to Target for some cathartic shopping.  I don't get out much anymore, and when I do go out, I generally have to use that stupid power cart, which I hate with a capital "H".  I needed a birthday card for Stacey, but as long as I was in the store, I found other stuff to buy.  I did actually buy a card, so my goal for shopping was met!  After buying the card, we roamed and I drove through the store.  I hate the little cart, because I kept running into things and/or people.  And that obnoxious beep-beep sound the cart makes when you're backing up, makes me cringe.  I never feel so handicapped, as when I'm forced to drive the little cart.

Oh, I also needed to buy new shelf liners for the refrigerator.  I bought the rubbery kind, and it works very well to try and maintain the glass shelves.  So, you can plainly see that there was a reason to go to Target.  Umm, I may have bought other things besides those necessary things, but I had so much fun with my friends.  Both ladies work, so for them to take one of their precious weekend days to spend with me meant a great deal.

And, getting dressed for my outing, I put on my new, black leggings.  I bought them in a size larger than I need, so that said leggings didn't show as much all the dents and rolls of my body!  I topped the leggings with a new tunic gray shirt, and I thought I looked fabulous.  What the rest of the world saw, didn't and doesn't matter to me.  I believe if you believe you look good, that's all that's important.  This belief may be occurring because I'm 68 now, and frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn!

Today, the nurse from the rehab facility is coming to evaluate me for services that I need.  All I need and want is to get some of my balance back, and maybe more important, how to get off the floor, when I fall down.  Once I've fallen, I'm like a beached whale, flapping my arms and legs in a desperate attempt to get up. Unlike last year, I now have someone come in and clean the house once a week.  Deep cleaning?  Nope, just the regular stuff (bathrooms and kitchen), makes me very happy.

While I was at Target, I bought the book a "Wrinkle in Time".  I want to read this book and then give it to Benjamin, if he hasn't read it, before he and/or I go to see the movie.

Well, friends that's my news for the day.  Have an excellent Sunday, and remember to go around and set all your clocks.


Saturday, March 10, 2018

I'm Back!


Hey everybody, I'm back😃, so let the games begin. There are, obviously, no games, but just sounded cool to write it!

I went to rehab for one week, fussing the whole time.  They put me in a room with a bariatric (however you spell it) bed.  Now, I'll be the first to say I'm a "tad" overweight, but a special bed for me - nope, not happening.  The overall room, left me feeling like the red-headed stepchild at the family reunion.  No lamp, no recliner, a curtain cutting the room in two.  I was initially almost in tears over this hastily put together room.  Now, I did not actually "nag", but I told anybody that would listen about my complaints.  Want a regular bed, thank you very much, a lamp and a recliner.  Those things were eventually put in my room, but the room dividing curtain didn't come down until yesterday, the day I was leaving.  Oh well, the next habitant (boy I'm having a lot of trouble spelling today) of this special room will at least have the bare minims of comfort.

I did my week of therapy, because in order to keep everybody happy, I had to spend 3 nights in the hospital (over kill, because I was ready to go home after one day), then a week in rehab, so that I can receive home services, etc.  When you're dealing with Medicare, and you want them to pay for something, you must follow the dotted line!  For my younger readers, bear this in mind, when you get to that magical age.  And, when AARP starts sending you their monthly magazine, don't just toss it, they always have some useful stories to read.

Yesterday afternoon, I had a most excellent surprise.  Benjamin and Stacey came to visit (happy, happy faces).  They didn't know that I had been sprung from rehab, and I'm sorry that I didn't let them know.  When they walked in, they were carrying the largest unicorn balloon I have ever seen and a shamrock plant.  The unicorn is so pretty and I just love it.  When the air is gone, I think I will lightly tape it to my den window, because we don't open those blinds very often.  Western sun and all that.

My life just gets better and better.  I think 2018 is going to be a good year for the Bassetts.  I'm feeling so much better and really walking quite well.  When I'm sitting, I exercise the toes on my right foot up and down, and it's probably my imagination, but I think they curl under a bit more than they did last week.  And, again, that could be wishful thinking.

Oh, getting better and better.  My two girlfriends are coming today to take me to lunch and I'm looking forward to seeing them.  I'm sporting leggings (plain black color) in a size that allows the leggings to be roomier and a really lovely gray tunic top.  I agree with the folks that do wear leggings, they are very comfortable.  I, however, have no wish to put printed leggings on.  No storks, fish, flowers, etc., will ever be seen on these legs, unless and until I'm the size of Twiggy (again, the name Twiggy will not mean anything to you).

After suffering through bed head for a week, this morning's shower was fantastic.  My hair, which I cut quite short, is very cute.  At least I think so, and in the long run, my opinion is the only one that matters.

Getting mighty spunky in my old age.  People had better watch out!

I'm so happy that I'm home, because the yard work that is going to happen in the backyard hasn't been started.  I know that our neighbors will undergo a bit of a shock when they see how many trees are being cut down.  After cutting down various dead Leland Cypress trees, I will need the landscaper to put new trees in their place.  My goal has always been to block my view of the neighbor behind me, who's kitchen window is in line with mine.  We just never topped those trees, and let them get too tall and eventually fragile looking.

Oh, before I forget, Jeff bought a very nice red vest for Bella, with "in training" patches on both sides of the vest.  She doesn't fuss putting it on, and he brought her to the rehab facility several times, and she was as good as gold.  But, there's more work to be done with her.

I guess that's pretty much what's been happening here at the estate.  I'll be back to daily blogging, starting tomorrow.  Thanks for sticking around, I appreciate it.



Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...