Monday, March 26, 2018

American Idol


I've watched the last two shows of American Idol.  Once up a time, I watched the show religiously, but lost my passion for it when Simon Cowell was a judge.  He would make snarky comments about the performers, and I didn't think (wait, I knew) those comments were unnecessary.

For all the hundreds and hundreds who are vying for a chance to go to Hollywood, only a few are chosen.  Most of the singers, have a background story, and most of those stories are sad: homeless, sick mother, etc.  But, the only thing that really counts is their voice.  Is it good enough to get a golden ticket to Hollywood?

The show focuses mainly on those singers that are going forward.  Occasionally, the producers allow singers, who don't have a chance in hell, of getting through to Hollywood.  But, you do have to applaud their efforts.  It can't be easy to stand in front of the judges, cameras rolling, and belt out a song.  Yours truly, can't sing period, it's just not in my wheel house.

The exciting part of the auditions is knowing that one of those singers, is going to come out on top and likely go on to greatness.  It's too early in the game, to know which singer that's going to be.  But, it's an exciting journey for the performers as well as for me. 

Of the three judges, I am only familiar with one - Lionel Richey ( I don't thing I spelled that right).  I have heard of Katy Perry, but am not familiar with her songs.  Then, there is another judge, who I've never even heard of.  He's definitely from the south, and has a nice drawl to his voice.

Some of the singers, sing original songs written by themselves.  That is huge.  You're not only performing in front of the judges, but the American public as well.  You only get one chance, so if the singers screw up this opportunity, then a second chance seems unlikely for them.  Those singers that don't go to Hollywood, go back home and continue working as a cashier, waitress, as well other mundane jobs that pay the minimum wage.  There's a big part of me that wants everybody to go to Hollywood, but I know that's (a) not realistic; and (b) would only delay the pain of being sent home.  Once the golden ring is within your grasp, nobody wants to let go of their dream, and I understand that.

More auditions tonight.  I'm pretty sure that American Idol is not on Jeff's top ten list of shows to watch.  But, as always (unless it's a cooking show!), he's patient with the selection of shows we watch.

Oh, Unicorn Ice Cream update.  Jeff went to Target, that is selling this ice cream, but there wasn't any in the store, nor was there even an empty shelve space where that ice cream would have been.  I love that he tried.  My world won't end, if I don't get this ice cream, but I would definitely like to have a chance to eat some!


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